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Fukushima February 3, 2014

Dates to Remember February 5: Open House for All Grades 5-7 pm February 6, 20, 27: TerraNova practice 3:15 4: ! February 12: "alentine#s $a% &ele'ration February 12: (arl% )elease $a% February 13-14: No *c+ool February 15: ,at+er$au-+ter $ance February 18: .arent !eetin- at /:3 pm

s w e N y l k e e W

We$re learning about % Language Arts re

Reading: TerraNova Test Prep Reading Comprehension, Sentence Structure, Writing Strategies, and Editing Skills. Black istor! Cereal Bo" Pro#ect

Vocabulary: comprehension, opposite, conclusion, s!non!m

"at#: TerraNova Test Prep Num%er and Num%er Relations, Computation and Numerical Estimation, -peration Concepts, (easurement, 8eometr! and Spatial Sense, 9ata ,nal!sis, Statistics, and Pro%a%ilit!, Patterns, 'unctions, and ,lge%ra.

Spelling: Students $ill %ring home Spelling Word &ists on 'rida!. (onda! $e $ill have a pretest and Religion 'rida! the posttest. Spelling &ist )* :The Paschal (!ster! :Saint o/ the (onth< -ur &ad! o/ Grammar/Writing: +sing a, an, and &ourdes ='east 9a!< 'e%ruar! 44th> the, comparing $ith ,d#ectives, 'e%ruar! Character Word ,dver%s, Cursive Writing -pinions Patience Science:

:::We $ill continue to use the /ollo$ing $e%sites /or e"tra practice $$$.0;&.com


Grade News ! Reminders.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have. 706-722-9964

The /irst TerraNova test practice $as sent home this $eekend. Please also students to $ork on it independentl! and send it %ack to school Special points of (onda!. interest: Please continue to send in Bo" tops. Briefly highlight your 0ce Cream $ill %e sold on 'rida!s /or 1.23 to 14.33 point of interest here. Cand! grams are %eing sold (onda!, 'e%ruar! * 'e%ruar! 5 /or 14 Please do not hesitate Briefly highlight your We $ill %e starting our Black istor! (onth Pro#ects and our Science to contact me with any questions or point of interest here. 'air Pro#ects. Watch /or details to come home. concerns that you may have. TerraNova a/ter school test practice $ill %egin onhighlight Thursda!, 'e%ruar! Briefly your Email: th point of interest here. 6 a/ter school until 7pm. Please %e on time to pick up !our student.
Briefly highlight your point of interest here.

Call/Text: 7 !"#$%"# #$

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