Tuney Coding 2

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Report Characteristics R1. What is the report ID number? R2. What was the first authors last name?

(First six letters; enter? [A question mark if you cant tell.) Page found ________________________ R3. What was the year of appearance of the report or publication? (Enter? If you cannot tell.) Page found Page 3 in header R.4 What type of report was it? 1= Journal article 2= Book or book chapter 3= Dissertation 4= MA Thesis 5= Private report 6=Government report (state, federal, or district) 7=Conference paper 8= Other (specify) ______________ ?= Cant tell R5. Was this a peer-reviewed document? 0= No 1= Yes ?= Cant tell R6. What type of organization produced this report? 1=University 2= Government entity (specify) ______________ 3= Contract research firm (specify) _________ 4=Other (specify)_________________________ ?= Cant tell R7. Was this research funded? 0=No 1=Yes ?= Cant tell R7a. If yes, who was the funder? 1. Federal Government (specify) _____________ 2. Private foundation (specify) 3. Other (specify) __________________ 0 1 A 4 0 2 2 3

n d r a d 5 6 7 8 9


4 Edna Clark Foundation

2 Edna Clark Foundation- requested the use of schools in the study that are associated/part of the Foundation.

Information about analytical writing intervention Complete these questions separately for each analytical writing intervention described in the study report. I1. What is the studys ID number? 002 I2. Which of the following characteristics was part of the analytical writing intervention? (place a 1 in each column that applies, 0 if not, ? if not reported.) a. b. c. d. Graphic organizers Pre-writing strategy Post-writing strategy Research strategy

Use of rubric before, during and after writing.

0 1 1 0 1 historical fiction essay 1 response to literature essay. 0 0 0 1 ? Essays were assigned approximately one month apart, with two 40-minute intervention sessions for the treatment group.

I3. What was the subject matter of the assignment? (Place a 1 in each column that applies, 0 otherwise.) a. b. c. d. Research Argumentative Reflective Analysis

I4. How long was the intervention administered? (Enter ? if not reported.)

I5. How much time was given to complete each stage of the intervention? ( Enter ? if not reported.) I6. Were the intervention assignments graded? 0= No 1= Yes ? = Cant tell I7. Was the intervention used in determining class grade? 0= No 1=Yes ? = Cant tell

Two 40-minute self assessment lessons (treatment group)

1 Page three discusses scoring procedures

I8. Was the intervention implemented the way described, or was there minor alterations due to time constraints, classroom management, student needs, content area? 0= Not implemented as specified What information? _________________________________________ 1= Implemented as specified What information? _________________________________________ ? = Nothing reported about the fidelity of Implementation I9. Was there evidence that the group receiving the intervention might also have experienced a changed expectancy, novelty, and/or disruption effect that the control group did not also experience? 0= No change in expectancy 1= Yes, change in expectancy ?= Nothing reported about change in expectancy I10. How was the control group treated? 0= No intervention was provided 1= Another activity was given (specify) _____________________________________________ ? = Not reported I11. Was the intervention and control group drawn from the same local pool? (students drawn from the same school building and attending the same grade are considered from the same local pool.) 0= No 1= Yes ? = Not reported I11a. If yes to I11, did students, parents, and/or teachers in either the intervention or control group know who was in which condition?

? Nothing specifically stated. Little is reported on procedures for control group.

1 Grouped/ counterbalanced by ASAT scores Control group favored higher ASAT scores [pg. 2]

0 Control was given the same writing assignment and rubric but did not receive treatment (two 40-minute sessions).

0 [pg. 2] two different schools utilized; school A, and school B

0= No 1= Yes ? = Not reported

? 1st author conducted the two 40-minute self assessment lessons.

Setting Characteristics S1. Were the participants: (Place a 1 in each column that applies, 0 if not, ? if not reported.) a. In the United States b. In a country other than the United States (specify country) ___________________________________________ S2. What state was the study conducted in? (Use postal codes.) S3. What type of community was the study conducted in? 1= Urban 2= Suburban 3= Rural 4= Cant tell 1 0 Southern California

1 1 0 0 School A: located in upper-middle class, professional suburban neighborhood with little ethnic diversity. Many non-white students bused in from other communities and placed in lower level courses. [ pg. 2] School B: located in a ethnically and linguistically diverse working class suburban working class area. Teachers collaborated a integrated curriculum combining history and language arts. [pg. 2]

S4. What type of school was the study conducted in? 1= Public school

2= Private school 3= Private school with religious affiliation (Specify religious group) _______________ ? = Cant tell S5. What classroom types were represented among the settings? (Place a 1 in each column that applies, 0 if not, ? if not reported.) a. b. c. d. Regular education Special educatin Other (specify) _________________________ No classroom types given 1 0 0 0

Participants and Sample Characteristics Complete these questions separately for each sample within a analytical writing intervention for which there is a separate outcome. P1. What is this samples ID number? 002 P2. Which of the following labels were applied to students in this sample? (Place a 1 in each column that applies, 0 if not, ? if not reported.) a. b. c. d. e. f. Gifted Average At Risk Underachieving/below grade level Possession a learning deficit Other (Specify) ________________________ 0 1 School B 0 1 School A 0 0

P3. What was the socioeconomic status (SES) of students in the sample? (Place a 1 in each column that applies, 0 if not, ? if not reported.) a. b. c. d. e. Low SES Low-middle SES Middle SES Middle-upper SES Upper SES 0 0 0 1 0 0


Only labeled as mixed

P4. What were the grade levels of students in the sample? (Place a 1 in each column that applies, 0 if not. Use options h through k only if not grade information was reported. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. 7 8 9 10 11 12 College Freshman Labeled as middle school Labeled as high school Labeled as college No grade level information given

1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Outcome Measure Complete these questions separately for each relevant outcome within each sample. O1. What is this outcomes ID number? 002 O2. What subject matter did this outcome measure? (Place a 1 in each column that applies, 0 if otherwise.) 0 a. Research 0 b. Argumentative 0 c. Reflective 1 d. Analysis 1 Essay e. Other (specify) 0 f. Not a subject matter test O3. What type of outcome measure is this? 1= On-Demand Writing prompt 2= Constructive Response 3= Another test measuring achievement (e.g., teacher developed, text book critical thinking assignment) 4= Class grades based up completion of intervention methods 5= Multiple types of student achievement measures 2

? = Cant tell O4. What evidence presented regarding whether the validity/reliability of this outcome measure reached an acceptable criterion? (Note: Place 1 in each column if acceptable, 0 if not, 9 if not reported. A statement indicating internal consistency was acceptable is sufficient, even if specific value was not reported. A citation to an external source is sufficient. ) a. Internal consistency b. Test-retest correlation c. Other (Specify) _______________________________ O5. In days, when was the outcome measure administered relative to the end of the analytical writing intervention? (Enter 0 if outcome measure was given on the last day of intervention study. Enter ? if unable to determine. )

1 0 0 [Pg. 3]

? [Pg. 2-3]

Coder and Coding Characteristics C1. What is your coder ID number? C2. On what date did you complete coding this study? C3. In minutes, how long did it take you to code this study? 002 01/30/2014 45 minutes

Notes (provide below any notes about the study or outcomes you had regarding your codes): Coding document still needs work!

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