513 Letter To VADM DeRenzi 012714 FINAL

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Piotect 0ui Befenueis | 11u Naiylanu Ave NE, Suite SuS, Washington, B.C. 2uuu2 | www.piotectouiuefenueis.


}anuaiy 27, 2u14

vice Aumiial Nanette BeRenzi
}uue Auvocate ueneial, 0.S. Navy
12uu Navy Pentagon
Washington, B.C. 2uSSu-12uu

Beai vABN BeRenzi,

We aie appealing to you uiiectly to iequest youi peisonal attention to an uigent mattei of gieat
impoitance to victims of militaiy sexual assaultthe piotection of victims' piivilegeu
communications with theii theiapists.

We agiee with you that victim iesponse is ciitical, anu that is why we aie ueeply conceineu with
militaiy couits' tieatment of NRE S1Sspecifically, the way in which the "constitutionally
iequiieu" exception is unlawfully being useu by militaiy juuges to effectively eliminate the piivilege
in its entiiety.

We aie wiiting to ask that you to take action on behalf of suivivois anu, shoulu CCA ueny
Niushipman L.C.'s petition, oiuei the CAAF to ieview C0L Baniel Baugheity's oiuei in !"#" %"
&'()*'+,-. /0)*1- 2-34 iequiiing uisclosuie of hei psychotheiapy iecoius.

In the attacheu lettei to the Piesiuent we have incluueu a full explanation of what we believe must
be uone to ensuie the militaiy justice system keeps the piomise maue to victims of militaiy sexual
assault. It is unfaii anu ciuel to violate the piivilege that the victim in this case, like many otheis,
ielieu upon as she sought to heal fiom a tiaumatic assault. It is unfaii anu ciuel to all victims of
sexual assault to piomise them piivacy with NRE S1S, anu then to betiay them by not following
thiough on that piomise.

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Nancy Paiiish
Piesiuent, Piotect 0ui Befenueis

Encloseu: }anuaiy 27, 2u14 Lettei to the Piesiuent Re: N.R.E. S1S

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