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R.V.COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (Autonomous Institution affiliated to VTU) Depa tment of Inst umentation Te!

"nolo#$ VI semeste FIR%T TE%T (FA%T TRAC&)

Subject code: 07IT641 Time: 11:30AM 1:00 PM Note( Ans)e all t"e *uestions
1 a b 2 a b 3 a b 4 a b # a $i%e t&e de"c i'tio( o) t&e majo cate*o ie" i(%o+%ed i( t&e di"'+a," o) a( +, ai c a)t.&at t,'e o) di"'+a," i" "u**e"ted )o +o(* a(*e mea"u eme(t/ 0x'+ai( +, t&em0(ume ate t&e te mi(o+o*ie" u"ed i( ai "'eed a(d a+titude mea"u i(* +i("t ume(t"De)i(e a1 IAS b1 2AS c1 0AS3 d1 TAS e1 4563 )1 470 +.

Date: 18/07/2013 Max Ma !": #0

.&at a e 6ead u' di"'+a,"/ .it& a (ea dia* am3 me(tio( t&e im'o ta(ce +. o) 68D .it& t&e &e+' o) e+e%a(t dia* am de"c ibe t&e 9a"ic Six a(d 9a"ic T +* ou'i(* i( a( ai c a)t De"i*( a com'+ete "t uctu e o) a mac& mete :ai "'eed i(dicato 1 "&o;i(* +, mac& "'eed o) 0-6#M- me(tio( it" o'e atio( i( b ie) De"c ibe t&e a a(*eme(t u"ed i( t&e ai c a)t to a%oid t&e b+oc!i(* u' o) +, "tatic a(d 'itot ' obe" due to ici(* u' ;it& (ece""a , dia* am"0x'+ai( t&e ;o !i(* o) A+te (ate Static ' e""u e ","tem i( )ai+u e o) (o ma+ +, "tatic ' e""u e ","temDe)i(e 'itot ' e""u e/ 0x'+ai( t&e ' i(ci'+e i(%o+%ed i( t&e mea"u eme(t o) +, Ai "'eed i(dicato ;it& (ece""a , e<uatio("-

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