Objective: Unit Topics

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Course Code Course Name Course Type Prere uisites Objective Credit (%aluation

: 3061 : Marketing of Services and Rural Marketing : Specialisation (Marketing) : None : T!e course !as "een designed to make students com#orta"le $it! t!e concepts o# Ser%ice marketing and rural marketing and t!eir practical implication in "usiness& : 3 (3 ' 0 ' 0) : Internal assessment: )0 marks (* Sessional (+aminations ' 10 marks eac! totaling *0 marks, -ttendance . marks, Class Participation ' 1. marks)/ End Semester Examination: 60 marks

Unit 1 *

Topics Nature o# Ser%ices, 0oods and Ser%ices Marketing, Marketing C!allenges in Ser%ice 1usiness, T!e Ser%ice Consumer 1e!a%iour, Ser%ice Management Trinity 2uality 3ssues and 2uality Model, 4eco%ery Management and 4elations!ip Marketing& Nature, Potential and C!aracteristics o# 4ural Markets in 3ndia, Socio5Cultural, (conomic and ot!er en%ironmental 6actors e##ecting 4ural Marketing& -ttitudes and 1e!a%iour o# t!e 4ural Consumers and 6armers& Marketing o# Consumer 7ura"les and Non5dura"le goods and Ser%ices in t!e 4ural Markets $it! special re#erence to product planning, Media Planning, Planning o# 7istri"ution C!annels and 8rgani9ing Personal Selling in 4ural Markets in 3ndia, Marketing o# -gricultural inputs and outputs/ 8rganisation and #unctions o# 4ural Marketing in 3ndia&

Suggested Readings: :eit!mal, 1itner: Ser%ices Marketing, 3ntegrating Ser%ices Marketing -cross t!e 6irm, Tata Mc0ra$ ;ill -pte: Ser%ices Marketing, 8+#ord Pu"lis!ing 1!attac!ar<ee C : Ser%ices Marketing, (+cel "ooks Nargundkar 4a<endra : Ser%ices Marketing, Tata Mc0ra$ ;ill Mat!ur =& C: 4ural Marketing5 Te+t and Cases, (+cel "ooks S!anker 4: Ser%ices Marketing5 t!e 3ndian perspecti%e, (+cel "ooks Ne$ton M&P& Payne, -&: T!e (ssence o# Ser%ices Marketing, P;3 >erma,;&>&: Marketing o# Ser%ices, 0lo"al 1usiness Press , Ne$ 7el!i 7esai, >asnat: 4ural 7e%elopment, ;imalaya, 1om"ay 4udra -s!ok: 3ndian -gricultural (conomics5 Myt!s and 4ealities, -llied Srini%asan 4: Ser%ices Marketing5 T!e 3ndian conte+t, P;3

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