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FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT PLAN Jenette Noe Robin Gilbert Assessment

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STANDARDS and LEARING TARGETS Students will be able to (SWBAT) 1. Knowledge: identify and name twenty different watercolor techniques. 2. Knowledge: understand and explain in detail the steps taken to create each of the twenty watercolor techniques. 3. Skill: paint twenty different watercolor techniques correctly following the steps for each technique. 4. Product/Skill: paint a minimum of twenty different circles demonstrating the different watercolor techniques, assembling their best products into collections demonstrating proficiency. 5. Product: paint a technique tree using different watercolor techniques and a color scheme. 6. Product/Knowledge: create reference flip-books on twenty watercolor techniques, including examples, names, definitions, and instructions. 7. Product: create a classroom reference chart for the twenty different watercolor techniques, including examples of strong and weak work. High School Standards for Visual Arts Proposed standards aligned with CCSS, 2013 draft Creating: Anchor: Initiate making works of art and design by experimenting, imagining and identifying content. VACR1A HS: Individually or collaboratively formulate new creative problems based on students existing artwork. VACR2A HS: Choose from a range of materials and methods of traditional and contemporary artistic practices to plan the making of meaningful works of art and design. Presenting: Anchor: Select and analyze their artwork and the work of others when deciding what artwork to present. VAP1A: Analyze, select and curate artifacts and/or artworks for presentation and preservation. VAP1B: Prepare, critique, and present a collection of work for a designated audience or purpose. Responding: Anchor: Use criteria when responding to art. VAR2A: Establish relevant criteria in order to evaluate a work of art or collection of works.

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SUMMARY of UNIT Watercolor is arguably of the most challenging artistic mediums. To master the medium you must first master its core techniques. I have broken watercolors down into approximately twenty different techniques that form the foundation of all watercolor painting. Mastery of these twenty basic techniques begins a natural progression towards mastery of watercolors in general. Following an introductory unit on color theory, my students will begin learning the names of these different techniques, what they look like, and the steps to creating them. These techniques* are: 1. solid wash 2. wax resist 3. wet on wet wash 4. graded (or gradient) wash 5. wet on dry marks 6. drybrush 7. linear 8. scumble 9. stipple 10. sea sponge 11. spatter 12. masking tape 13. Frisket 14. iced tea 15. plastic wrap 16. string 17. salt 18. rubbing alcohol 19. drops 20. water and paper towel lift

*not listed in order of importance ASSESSMENTS SUMMARY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Pre-test (formative) Student technique circles practice sheets (x5) (formative) On practice sheets, exemplar technique circles (summative) Reference flip-books (formative) Collaborative classroom reference chart strong and weak examples (formative) Technique Tree (summative) Short response writing prompt (formative) Matching-game (formative) Post-test (summative)

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UNIT STEPS: Pre-test (formative)


At the beginning of the unit students will take a pre-test. This test will consist of identifying visual examples of the twenty different watercolor techniques and correctly matching them with their corresponding names from a word bank. The results from this test will serve formatively to provide the teacher with a baseline of students prior knowledge. The pre-test results will also be compared to post-test results upon completion of the unit. This comparison will be used summatively to measure student progress and the success of the unit. The comparison will also be used formatively by the teacher to modify and improve future instruction. See attachment for pre/post test. Demonstration/lecture by teacher The teacher will do a series of demonstrations and lectures to show how each technique is created, as well as common mistakes to watch out for. Four techniques will be demonstrated at a time, and will be repeated as necessary. Following these demonstrations students will begin their practice of the techniques and the teacher will monitor progress and intervene as necessary. In addition to the demonstrations by the teacher, packets of written instructions for the techniques will be available in the classroom. Student practice (formative)
SWBAT 1, 2, 3, 4

Students will use circle stencils to draw outlines in pencil for their techniques on prestretched watercolor paper. Each worksheet will begin with sixteen circles drawn in a 4x4 pattern. To cover the twenty techniques there will be four techniques per worksheet and five worksheets total. Under the third and fourth circle in each row will be a line for the teachers signature. It will look something like this:

Each row of circles will represent the learning process for a different technique. Students will write the name of the specific technique at the beginning of each row (label). The first

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and second circles of each row will be for students to practice the technique, following the steps demonstrated by the teacher. These circles allow for experimentation and play as the students familiarize themselves with the technique at hand. Signature required, quick conference for strengths/weaknesses (formative)
SWBAT 3, 4

The third circle of each row will be for the student to demonstrate proficiency. Before the student can move on he or she must get the teachers signature under the evidence of proficiency. This allows the teacher to provide formative feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of the students work. If the student did not demonstrate proficiency by the third circle, the teachers will conference with the student, giving feedback and further demonstrations if necessary. After questions from the student and suggestions for improvement from the teacher, the student must try again to demonstrate proficiency in the fourth circle. Self-assessment, exemplar circles, and grading (formative and summative)

After a student has practiced all four techniques, demonstrated proficiency, and gotten a teachers approval signature for that particular worksheet, the student shall review his or her work. Students will be asked to self-assess their technique circles and select which circle of each row demonstrates mastery of each technique. Those circles will be marked before turning in the practice worksheet. The teacher will then grade completed worksheets. Each worksheet will be worth 20 points, for a total of 100 points for all five. Per worksheet, each technique will be worth five points, and will be graded on a scale of 1-5, one being poor understanding, 3 partial understanding, and 5 being proficient. Each technique should have 3-4 products representing student understanding of the skill targets. The scope of practice should allow the teacher to determine if the student demonstrated proficiency for each technique. Students create reference flip-books (formative)

After students have completed all five practice worksheets (and all twenty techniques), the teacher will grade the technique circles and return the worksheets to their respective owners. At this point the students will create flip-books of the techniques, to use for reference the rest of the year. Students will cut up their practice worksheets, selecting their best technique circles to paste into their flip-books. On the outside flaps of the flip-books will be the names of the different techniques. On the inside of the flip-books will be the exemplar technique circles. On the inside flaps of the flip-books the students will write instructions for each of the different techniques. The inside flaps also provide writing space for tips and tricks to avoid common mistakes. As students create their flip-books they are going through processes of metacognition. They review the techniques and the processes, reinforcing their knowledge. At the same time

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they are self-critiquing their circles, selecting their best work for the flip-books while avoiding circles that did not demonstrate proficiency. This activity acts as a formative assessment because it promotes review of the techniques and results in a product that will be a tool for learning the rest of the term. Students collaborate to create classroom technique reference chart (formative)

At this point students will have thoroughly cut into their practice worksheets. But theyre not done yet. The remaining technique circles will be used to create a classroom reference chart for strong and weak examples of the twenty techniques. This is a collaborative activity that will serve a formative purpose. With the teachers guidance, the students will establish criteria for what strong and weak examples of each of the techniques looks like. Students will be asked to cut out and pool their remaining technique circles. These circles will be sorted and examples fitting the student-generated criteria will be selected and pasted into columns for strong and weak technique circles. Again, this activity promotes metacognition about the techniques names and steps, challenges students to critique the quality of their work and others, and further reinforces visual recognition of the different techniques. The chart the students create serves as a formative tool for the entire classroom. Technique Tree (summative)

By this point students should be thoroughly familiar with the different techniques and the steps to creating them. Students will be asked to create a painting (product) of a tree using their knowledge of the techniques. The trunk of the tree and the spaces between the branches must be painted in using a variety of the techniques learned. Students will be challenged to unify their painting with an intentional color scheme. They must be able to explain and defend their choices for the color scheme. The Technique Trees will be graded by a rubric and entered into the grade book. See attached rubric.

Short response writing prompt (formative)


After completing their technique trees paintings, students will be asked to complete a short response essay. The prompt: Reflect on the challenges you faced as you painted your Technique Tree. Pick two difficulties you encountered and explain the steps you took to

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address them. Then set at least two goals for how you will correct or prevent the problems and improve your future work. This prompt asks students to self-assess and set goals for their own learning. It makes students thinking tangible. This allows students to reflect on the creation process and informs the teacher of ways to support the students with their current work and future goals. The writing prompt acts as a formative assessment that is useful to both the students and the teacher. Due to the personal and self-reflective nature of the prompt, it will not be given a grade, though the teacher will review the responses. Matching game (formative)

Students will have had multiple opportunities to experience and identify the twenty watercolor techniques, but now they will prepare for the final post-test of their knowledge. As a review students will get into small groups and play a matching game with the techniques. Each technique will have two cards: one card with the name of the technique and one card with an example technique circle. There will be forty cards total. For the game students shuffle the cards and arrange them face-down in a grid. Students take turns flipping over two cards at a time, trying to match the technique name with its example circle. This activity tests students knowledge of the technique names and their ability to visually recognize the techniques. Post-test, matching (summative)

At the conclusion of the unit students will take the same test they did at the beginning of the year, this time as a post-test. Scores will be compared against the pre-test scores. Results will provide a measurement of student growth. These scores, paired with the other summative grade entered into the grade book will inform the teacher and administration of whether the unit was successful.

MATERIALS Art Making: Wooden boards, watercolor tape, watercolor paper, watercolors, paintbrushes, water, jars, pencils, colored pencils, tape, glue, posterboard Assessments: Pre-test, post-test, Technique Circles rubric, lined paper ADAPTATIONS/ACCOMMODATIONS Special needs: Some students with limited motor skills may need assistance in preparing their practice sheets with the circles, lines, and labels.

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LEP students may experience some difficulties during the short-response writing prompt. They may use an English/Spanish dictionary. Alternatively, if a students English writing skills are deemed too low, he or she may do a verbal response to the prompt with the teacher or a TA.

Advanced: Students demonstrating advanced watercolor skills may choose to do something other than a tree for the Technique Tree painting. They may select a different design, so long as it has a stained glass appearance with many different areas divided by lines. Students with prior experience in watercolors may do fewer practice circles on the techniques sheet. Advanced students may be given the option to demonstrate proficiency and get a signature on the second circle of each row.

CONVERTING TO THE GRADEBOOK Summative grades will be calculated for the technique circle worksheets, the technique tree assignment, and the knowledge post-test. A rubric will be used to calculate scores for the first two summative assessments, and these will be entered into the grade book. Rather than convert the points into percentages, the rubrics will be scored according to the guidelines in our textbook (page 348). Practice Sheets (x5): 20 points each Each technique = 5 points Scale of 1-5 1 point = no understanding 2 point = some understanding 3 points = partial understanding 4 points = near-proficient, minor errors 5 points = proficient Technique Tree: 100 points total Scale of 1-5 25 points = participation 25 points = complexity 25 points = control of the medium 25 points = overall neatness
If the students pattern of ratings is: At least 50% of the ratings are 4, and not more than 5% are lower than 3 75% of the ratings are 3 or better, and no more than 5% are lower than 2 40% of the ratings are 2 or better, and no more than 5% are lower than 2 40% of the ratings are 2 or better and no more than 50% are lower than 2 More than 50% of the ratings are lower than 2 The logical grade is: A B C D F The logical percentage is: 95% 85% 75% 65% 50%

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The post-test will be scored against an answer key before being entered into the grade book. The Post-Test will be worth 100 points. REVISION & IMPROVEMENT As part of my classroom grading policy, students dissatisfied with their grades may revise or re-do their work to reach the desired level of quality and final score. When this is the case the improved artwork is submitted for assessment and the final grade is adjusted in the grade book. FEEDBACK A goal of my teaching practice is to provide frequent, detailed, and quality feedback to my students. This is primarily achieved through daily interactions, but is also included in rubrics with sections for personalized feedback. Quality feedback is an essential aspect of art education, and if given properly serves formatively for learning. This unit was designed to provide frequent feedback to the students at multiple stages of the learning process.

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