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Internal Security Challenges Faced by Pakistan Speaker: Dr Mehdi Hasan

What is the biggest security challenge faced by Pakistan? Is it religiosity? Is iit extremism? Or is it intolerance? Is it the absence of writ of the state? Is it lack of education and awareness? Is it the struggle to maintain status quo? Dr Mehdi Hasan will be answering these questions and sharing insights on Internal Security Challenges Faced by Pakistan. He will be addressing the students and faculty of Department of Mass Communication. Dr. Mehdi Hasan is a renowned media historian, news commentator and analyst, freelance columnist with national dailies. He is currently the Dean of Media Mass and Communication Faculty in Beacon House National University. Dr. Hasan has done his PhD from Punjab University. He is the former news Bureau Chief, PPI and has also served as Vice Chairperson Punjab, Governing Council, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan.

For Details: Please visit our website: Or email us at: Follow us on Facebook: Or call us at: 99203801-08 ext# 319 Date: January 21st , 2014 Venue: IT Seminar Room Time: 11:00-12:00pm Entry Free

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