C Hlorophyll: Pho To Syn The Sis

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Biology, Biochemistry . the complex process by which carbon dioxide, water, and certain inorganic salts are converted intocarbohydrates b y green plants, algae, and certain bacteria, using energy from the sun and c hlorophyll.

[foh-tuh-sin-thuh-sis] Show IPA

[pruh-doo-ser, -dyoo-] Show IPA noun

1. a person who produces. 2. Economics . a person who creates economic value, or produces goods and ser vices. 3. a person responsible for the financial and administrative aspects of a stage, f ilm, television, or radioproduction; the person who exercises general supervi sion of a production and is responsible chiefly forraising money, hiring techni cians and artists, etc., required to stage a play, make a motion picture, orth e like. Compare director ( def 3 ) . 4. British Theater . (formerly) a director of theatrical productions; stage director. 5. an apparatus for making producer gas.
[kuh n-soo-mer] Show IPA noun

1. a person or thing that consumes. 2. Economics . a person or organization that uses a commodity or service. 3. Ecology . an organism, usually an animal, that feeds on plants or other anima ls.
[dee-kuh m-poh-zer] Show IPA noun

1. a person or thing that decomposes. 2. Ecology . an organism, usually a bacterium or fungus, that breaks down the c ells of dead plants andanimals into simpler substances.
cellular respiration

Physiology .

the oxidation of organic compounds that occurs within cells, producing energ y for cellular processes.

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