Derivation of The Lens Equation

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One Possible Derivation of the lens equation:

1 1 1 = + f do di

di - f

An analysis of the similar triangles in the picture tells us the following: 1) tan =
hi ho ho 2) tan = 3) tan = di f do

) tan =

hi di f

!ombining equations 1 an" 2 gives us equation #$ combining 3 an" #)

ho h = i do di

gives us %:



ho hi = f di f

&earranging equation %$ solving for hi $ gives us: ')

ho (d i f ) = hi f

(ubstituting the left si"e of equation ' for hi in equation # gives us: ))
ho h (d f ) = o i do fd i

Divi"ing both si"es of equation ) by ho eliminates that variable giving us: (d f ) 1 = i *) do fd i

+,pan"ing the right si"e of equation * gives us: 1-)

d 1 f = i do fd i fd i

!ancelling appropriate variables gives us: 11) d = f d o i One last rearrangement an" we are "one.
1 1 1 = + f do di 1 1 1

f Positive for converging lenses and mirrors. Negative for diverging lenses and mirrors. so Object distance is always positive. si Positive if the forward ray traces intersect to create the image. Negative if generated by back ray traces. ho Object is always positive so the object height is positive. hi !f the image is "pright the image height is positive. !f the image is inverted the image height is negative. m Pl"gging in a positive image height into the form"la res"lts in positive magnification. Pl"gging in a negative image height res"lts in negative magnification. #emember negative m does not mean the image is smaller. !t means the image is "pside down. $.%& is a smaller image and "pright while '(.$& is a larger image b"t it is inverted. Real) * real image is formed by real rays -- positive ray traces. Positive ray traces are where the light goes so this image can be projected on a screen. Virtual) * virt"al image is formed by back ray traces. !t appears on the opposite side of the lens or mirror from the lights path. +o it cannot be projected on a screen.

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