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2. Fear of the Lord Prov.

1:7 It is expressed in the following ways: - Love for God - Conduct, Life and Habits - Communication - Word Levels - Honor and Reverence for the things that pertain to God CHARACTER OF A LEADER (Psalm 119:11) - Xter is who one is - Integrity is the symphony of the public life and a private life - Honesty is saying and doing things as they are - A Leader shud have a life based on the Word; He's not a hypocrite - A Leader is not a liar - A Leader is dependable - A Leader works on their xter daily - A Leader is holy (thoughts, acts) - A Leader shud be attractive to the people - A Leader is humble and not proud - A Leader knows his place - A Leader is submissive - A Leader has a teachable heart ; A leader shud knw smethng abt evrythng, nt ev rythng abt smethng, so therz room for learning - A Leader respects: Authority, Anointing, People, Leaders - A Leader is kind - A Leader has the Fruit of the Spirit AMBITIONS OF A LEADER - a man shud always pursue his ambitions, but when ambition pushes the man too m uch, it kills him - A Leader shud be a realistic dreamer - A leader is a goal getter; achiever - A Leader is content with wher they are, coz they are moving - A Leader is not stagnant; he's dangerous to the people he leads - A Leader shud go through process - A Leader shud not think of himself too highly - A Leader shud not be too ambitious - A Leader shud not desire wat they are not willing to create room for - A Leader sees a system, not as a stumbling block, but as a stepping stone KNOWLEDGEABLE - A Leader who's ignorant says study is wearisome to the flesh (1 Thes4:11; 2Tim 2:15) - Leadership without information perishes - A Leader without info is dangerous - A Leader without an appetite for info is dangerous - A Leader without sufficient study, is active in wrong things - A Leader without info is a shame - A Leader without info cannot do business - A good Leader shud study - A good Leader is adequately informed - A good Leader is a good Reader; Exposed - A Leader is moulded by information - A good Leader is a good appropriator of information - As long as you have information and you dont do anything about it, you are use less

- How far you will go in yo calling, will be determined by the amount of revelat ion and information you have gathered and appropriated. Calling is no excuse for ignorance Information is not equal to anointing Spirituality is no excuse for ignorance Successful ministers are musters of information Experts in anything have more information in that area of expertise Its not what you do that makes you prominent, its what you know It is yo understanding that makes you outstanding

LEADERS OF DISCERNMENT - A Leader shud be able to DISCERN: -Atiitude, -Motive, -Sincerity, -Spirits People are complicated Never take people at face value Loyalty is earned People are different; Everyone is unique in their own right Love everyone, but dont take them for granted

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