"Time To Talk" Day Talk - A - Thon Thursday 6 February 2014 9am - 5.00pm Basildon Library 5pm - 9.00pm Basildon Centre

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Time to Talk Day

Talk a Thon
Thursday 6th February 2014
9am - 5.00pm Basildon Library
5pm 9.00pm Basildon Centre
Basildon & South Essex Disability Equality Forum are taking part in a
nationwide Campaign to get people talking about mental health, and you
can too.
Time to Change are aiming to have a million conversations on the 6th
February so why not join us for a chat and a free cup of tea or coffee
You can also sign a pledge on our wall, everyone will receive a
Conversation Badge and a Time to Change Tea Bag
Talk a Thon in Partnership with


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