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1. I have not failed. Ive just found 10,000 ways that wont work .- Thomas Edison 2.

The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.

Vidal Sassoon Richard Jim

3. !usiness opportunities are like buses, theres always another one comin".

4. #ormal education will make you a livin"$ self-education will make you a fortune.

5. %n entrepreneur tends to bite off a little more than he can chew hopin" hell &uickly

learn how to chew it. Roy Ash

6. The most valuable thin" you can make is a mistake

you cant learn anythin" from bein"

perfect .- Adam Osborne

7. % man must be bi" enou"h to admit his mistakes, smart enou"h to profit from them,

and stron" enou"h to correct them. John C. Maxwell

8. 'ur business in life is not to "et ahead of others, but to "et ahead of ourselves. - E.

Joseph Cossman
9. (o"ic will "et you from % to !. Ima"ination will take you everywhere.

Albert Einstein

10. )ou cant ask customers what they want and then try to "ive that to them. !y the time

you "et it built, theyll want somethin" new. Ste e Jobs

11. (ive out of your ima"ination instead of out of your memory.

!ort"ne Coo#ie Maya An$elo" %eter !.

12. *uccess is likin" yourself, likin" what you do, and likin" how you do it.

13. The most important thin" in communication is to hear what isnt bein" said.

14. If everythin" seems under control, youre just not "oin" fast enou"h.

Mario Andretti

15. If what you are doin" is not movin" you towards your "oals, then its movin" you away

from your "oals. Brian Tracy

16. The entrepreneur builds an enterprise$ the technician builds a job. 17. %s lon" as youre "oin" to be thinkin" anyway, think bi".

Michael 'erber

&onald Tr"mp

18. +ont make friends who are comfortable to be with. ,ake friends who will force you to

lever yourself up. Thomas J. (atson

19. The link between my e-perience as an entrepreneur and that of a politician is all in one

word. freedom. Sil io Berl"sconi

20. *uccess is walkin" from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm. 21. % mans worth is no "reater than the worth of his ambitions. 22. If you cannot do "reat thin"s, do small thin"s in a "reat way.

(inston Ch"rchill

Marc"s A"reli"s Antonin"s )apoleon *ill Bill

23. I dont know the key to success, but the key to failure is tryin" to please everybody.


24. In order to succeed, your desire for success should be "reater than your fear of failure.

Bill Cosby
25. Tell everyone what you want to do and someone will want to help you do it.

(. Clement

26. *uccess is not in what you have, but who you are.

Bo Bennet Je++rey 'itomer

27. #ailure is not about insecurity. Its about lack of e-ecution.

28. /omin" to"ether is a be"innin"$ keepin" to"ether is pro"ress$ workin" to"ether is

success. *enry !ord

29. 0reat achievement is usually born of "reat sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness.

- )apoleon *ill
30. 1e"ardless of who you are or what you have been, you can be what you want to be.


Clement Stone
31. !etter understated than overstated. (et people be surprised that it was more than you

promised and easier than you said. Jim Rohn

32. Try not to be a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. 33. The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Albert Einstein

%eter &r"c#er

34. )ou can do anythin" you wish to do, have anythin" you wish to have, be anythin" you

wish to be. Robert Collier

35. % leader is one who knows the way, "oes the way, and shows the way. 37. 2ntrepreneurship is the last refu"e of the trouble makin" individual.

John C. Maxwell Bo Bennett

36. #or every "ood reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth.

)atalie Cli++ord (inston Ch"rchill

38. *uccess is walkin" from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm. 39. I do not believe a man can ever leave his business. 3e ou"ht to think of it by day and

dream of it by ni"ht. *enry !ord

40. )ou were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and

e-pect to win. ,i$ ,i$lar

41. 2very choice you make has an end result.

,i$ ,i$lar Jim Rohn Mar# Twain

42. +iscipline is the brid"e between "oals and accomplishment. 43. %ction speaks louder than words but not nearly as often.

44. *uccessful people are always lookin" for opportunities to help others. 4nsuccessful

people are askin", 5hats in it for me6 Brian Tracy

45. % "oal is a dream with a deadline.

)apoleon *ill %eter &r"c#er )apoleon *ill

46. 2ntrepreneurship is neither a science nor an art. It is a practice. 47. Tell the world what you intend to do, but first show it.

48. The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.

Ralph )ader

49. 2ffective communication is 708 what you know and 908 how you feel about what you

know. Jim Rohn

50. %ct enthusiastic and you will be enthusiastic.

&ale Carne$ie )apoleon *ill Con+"ci"s )apoleon *ill

51. %ll achievements, all earned riches, have their be"innin" in an idea. 52. 2ffort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to &uit. 53. The superior man is modest in his speech, but e-ceeds in his actions.

54. 'ne doesnt discover new lands without consentin" to lose si"ht of the shore for a very

lon" time. Andre 'ide

55. +ont just read the easy stuff. )ou may be entertained by it, but you will never "row from

it. - Jim Rohn

56. If you always do what youve always done, youll always "et what youve always "ot:

Alan Scott
57. ;ision without action is daydreamin" and action without vision is a ni"htmare. 58. *uccess is "ettin" what you want. 3appiness is wantin" what you "et.


&ale Carne$ie

59. 5ithout continual "rowth and pro"ress, such words as improvement, achievement, and

success have no meanin". Ben-amin !ran#lin

60. If you want to reach a "oal, you must <see the reachin" in your own mind before you

actually arrive at your "oal. ,i$ ,i$lar

61. The few who do are the envy of the many who only watch. 62. %n ounce of action is worth a ton of theory. 63. There is only one success

Jim Rohn Christopher

Ralph (aldo Emerson

to be able to spend your life in your own way. (alt &isney

64. The way to "et started is to &uit talkin" and be"in doin". 65. Id say its been my bi""est problem all my life.. its money. It takes a lot of money to

make these dreams come true. (alt &isney

66. Try, try, try, and keep on tryin" is the rule that must be followed to become an e-pert in

anythin". (. Clement Stone

67. !i" pay and little responsibility are circumstances seldom found to"ether. 68. 0ivin" is better than receivin" because "ivin" starts the receivin" process. 69. )our most unhappy customers are your "reatest source of learnin".

)apoleon *ill Jim Rohn

Bill 'ates

70. If you do build a "reat e-perience, customers tell each other about that. 5ord of mouth

is very powerful. Je++ Be.os

71. ,any "reat ideas "o une-ecuted, and many "reat e-ecutioners are without ideas. 'ne

without the other is worthless. Tim Blixseth

72. Ive always worked very, very hard, and the harder I worked, the luckier I "ot. - Alan Bond 73. ,ake your product easier to buy than your competition, or you will find your customers

buyin" from them, not you. Mar# C"ban

74. +oubt, of whatever kind, can be ended by action alone.

Thomas Carlyle John /ennon

75. )ou wont "et anythin" unless you have the vision to ima"ine it.

76. Ideas can be life-chan"in". *ometimes all you need to open the door is just one more

"ood idea. Jim Rohn

77. If everythin" seems under control, youre just not "oin" fast enou"h. 78. If you are really thankful, what do you do6 )ou share.

Mario Andretti

(. Clement Stone

79. /omin" to"ether is a be"innin". =eepin" to"ether is pro"ress. 5orkin" to"ether is

success *enry !ord

80. *uccess is the ma-imum utili>ation of the ability that you have 82. *uccess is how hi"h you bounce after you hit bottom.

,i$ ,i$lar Colin R. &a is

81. The road to success and the road to failure are almost e-actly the same.

'eneral 'eor$e %atton

83. If you are "oin" to ask yourself life-chan"in" &uestions, be sure to do somethin" with the

answers. Bo Bennett
84. In the modern world of business, it is useless to be a creative, ori"inal thinker unless you

can also sell what you create. &a id O$il y

85. ?ositive thinkin" will let you do everythin" better than ne"ative thinkin" will.

,i$ ,i$lar

86. In the realm of ideas everythin" depends on enthusiasm. In the real world all rests on

perseverance. Johann (ol+$an$ on 'oethe

87. 0ratitude is not only the "reatest of virtues, but the parent of all others. 88. !i" pay and little responsibility are circumstances seldom found to"ether.

Cicero )apoleon *ill

89. The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.

Ben-amin &israeli
90. ,other love is the fuel that enables a normal human bein" to do the impossible.

Marion C. 'arretty
91. Ive learned that mistakes can often be as "ood a teacher as success. 92. )ou take on the responsibility for makin" your dream a reality.

Jac# (elch Michael

/es Brown

93. I can accept failure, everyone fails at somethin". !ut I cant accept not tryin".

94. #ace reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it to be.

Jac# (elch

95. If you dont have a competitive advanta"e, dont compete.

Jac# (elch James Cash ,i$

96. %s a rule, we find what we look for$ we achieve what we "et ready for.

97. ,oney wont make you happy@ but everybody wants to find out for themselves.

98. It is always the start that re&uires the "reatest effort.

James Cash %enney Jim

99. If you are not willin" to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.


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