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Non Profit Making Organization

Working Notes: (w-1) calculation of Accumulated Funds: A. Funds = Assets - Liabilities OR Trial Balance OR Statement of Affairs (w-2) calculation of purchases: Creditors a/c
$ Bank Bal c/d xxx xxx xxx Bal b/d Purchases $ Xxx xxx Xxx

(w-3) calculation of subscription: Subscription a/c

Arrears b/d I&E Refund Advance c/d $ xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx Advance b/d Bank Sub. W. Off Arrears c/d $ xxx xxx xxx xxx Xxx Xxx

Arrears b/d

Advance b/d

Bar Trading Account

$ Sales Cost Of Goods Sold: Opening Inventory (Stock) (refreshments) + Purchases (see W-2) - closing Inventory (Stock) (refreshments) GROSS PROFIT less: Bar Expenses Profit from BAR Xxx Xxx (xxx) (xxx) xxx (xxx) xxxx $ xxx

Income & Expenditure Account For the year ended 31 Dec. 2010
Incomes: Subscription (see W-3) Profit from bar Profit from quiz (Income Exp.) Entrance fee Expenses: Ground mans wages Cleaning Depreciation of premises Surplus / deficit $ Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxx Xxx (xxx) xxx $


Statement of Financial Position As at 31 Dec. 2010

Non-Current (Fixed) Assets: Premises Fixtures Current Assets: Closing Inventory (Stock) Subscription in Arrears Prepaid Bank Cash Current Liabilities: Creditors Subscription in advance Owings *Bank overdraft WORKING CAPITAL Long - Term Liabilities: Special purpose Gift Loan Total Assets (capital employed) Financed By: Accumulated Funds (see W -1) + Surplus xxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxx (xxx) xxxxx xxx xxx xxx xxx (xxx) xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx Cost $ xxx xxx Depn $ (xxx) (xxx) NBV $ xx xx xxx

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