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Unit 5: Animal Kingdom & The Human Body Vocabulary Kingdom Animalia Complex multi!

!cellular eu"aryotic heterotrophic organi#m#$ Most can mo%e and reproduce #exually$ Vertebrate animal# &' a #"ull and a bac"bone (include#: mammal# bird# reptile# amphibian# and )i#h* +n%ertebrate animal# &' ,- bac"bone +nnate beha%ior a beha%ior that i# in)luenced by gene# and i# ,-T learned (&hale# ha%e the +,,AT. ability to #&im human# to &al"/$* 0earned beha%ior a beha%ior that ha# been learned )rom experience or ob#er%ation (1ou are born &ith the ability to #pea" but the language ((2pani#h 3rench .ngli#h** you #pea" i# learned. Bilateral #ymmetry a body plan in &' the t&o hal%e# are mirror image#$ .xample: 4adial #ymmetry a body plan in &' the part# are arranged in a circle around a central point$ .xample: A#ymmetrical a body plan &' ,- #ymmetry$ .xample: .xo#"eleton external #"eleton (out#ide/* .ndo#"eleton internal #"eleton (in#ide/* 5etamorpho#i# the proce## in &' an animal change# )orm# a# it de%elop# )rom an embryo'lar%a to an adult .xothermic (a"a: ectothermic* C-06 B0--6.6 an animal &ho#e body temperature change# &ith the -UT2+6. temperature$ .ndothermic 7A45 B0--6.6$ An animal &' body temperature remain# TH. 2A5. no matter &hat the out#ide temperature i#$ Homeo#ta#i# the maintenance o) a #table internal en%ironment (example#: &arm blooded the amount o) #ugar in your blood the amount o) &ater in your body/$* Adaptation# a characteri#tic that help# an organi#m #ur%i%e in it# en%ironment (gira))e8# long nec"* .%olution the proce## by &' population# accumulate inherited CHA,9.2 -V.4 T+5.$ 5utation a change in the order o) the ba#e# in an organi#m8# 6,A ,atural #election the proce## by &' organi#m# &' )a%orable trait# #ur%i%e and reproduce at a higher rate than organi#m# &'o the )a%orable trait (peppered moth# & indu#trial re%olution example*$ 2electi%e breeding the breeding o) organi#m# that ha%e a certain de#ired trait

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