Submitted: Three (One For Personal, One For Department, One For Internal Guide)

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Tech ISemeste The project report should be submitted in A! size. Number of copies to be submitted : Three (One for personal, One for department, One for Internal Guide). The certificate should consists of names and roll numbers of all batch members for the above three copies. P"#e $ T%#in& $ F' m"t( paper ( ! size) should be used for the preparation of the project report. T"pin# should be done on one side of the paper $ith character font in si)e *+ ,Tit-e *.$ S/0 Tit-e *!1 of Times Ne2 R'm"n. The la"out should provide a mar#in of ! cm on the left, 3 cm on the top and bottom and + cm on the ri#ht. i.e. %eft mar#in space ! cm top and bottom mar#in space & cm 'i#ht mar#in space ( cm )resh para#raph should commence after 4i5e s#"ces. One "n6 h"-4 -ine spacin# shall be provided throu#ht the report. The pa#e numbers should be indicated at the bottom*middle of the each pa#e. +hould not underline the headin#,subheadin#s and should not put colons ( : ) in headin#s or subheadin#s. -hapter name should be bold and centered.

The dissertation shall be properl" spiral bindined. The front cover should indicate in suitable embossed letter the follo$in#: (+ee the sample format of front cover)

Fi st #"&e Top: Title Name and 'oll No. C'--e&e Em0-em .ottom: /epartment of -omputer +cience and 0n#ineerin# 1ahatma Gandhi Institute of Technolo#" ( ffiliated to 2a$aharlal Nehru Technolo#ical 3niversit") 4"derabad

5ear: (66!

Sec'n6 P"&e Title 1ini 7roject report submitted in partial fulfilment of the re8uirement for the a$ard of the /e#ree of ..Tech ." Name of the -andidate 'oll No.

The second pa#e should contain the follo$in# (+ee the sample format )

/epartment of -omputer +cience and 0n#ineerin# 1ahatma Gandhi Institute of Technolo#" ( ffiliated to 2a$aharlal Nehru Technolo#ical 3niversit") 4"derabad

Third Page
The third pa#e should contain a certificate si#ned b" the #uide(s) in the follo$in# format and should be on the colle#e letter head. (+ee the sample format )

-ertificate This is to certif" that the project report entitled 9999 bein# subitted b" 1r,1rs99.. in partial fulfillment for the a$ard of the /e#ree of .achelor of Technolo#" in -+0 to the 2a$arlal Nehru Technolo#ical 3niversit" is a record of bonafied $or: carried out b" him under m" #uidance and supervision. The results embodied in this project report have not been submitted to an" other 3niversit" or Institute for the a$ard of an" /e#ree or /iploma. (4ead of the /epartment) Guide Name /esi#nation

Fourth Page
The fourth pa#e ma" include the -ertificate #iven b" Or#anization or -ompan" $here "ou have done "our project. -olle#e certificate should precede this certificate.

Fifth Page
The fifth pa#e ma" include the c:no$led#ement

Sixth Page
The si;th pa#e should contain an abstract of the 7roject report. The candidate ma" emphasise here his contributions.

Seventh and Eighth Page

In this pa#e, a table of contents, list of tables, list of fi#ues, and photo#raphs and notation must be provided.

Im#' t"nt N'te( ll the above pa#es are to be numbered in 'oman numerals of lo$er case. 0;. i,ii,iii,iv,9 The document pa#es must be numbered usin# numbers i.e. <,(,&99

Arrangement of Chapters
The follo$in# is su##ested format for arran#in# the project report matter into various chapters: <. Introduction This chapter must describe introduction about "our project (<*= 7a#es). (. &. !. +oft$are and 4ard$are re8uirements (< 7a#e). %iterature +urve",'evie$ of %iterature(<*& 7a#es). +oft$are 'e8uirement nal"sis((*= 7a#es) !.< /efine the problem !.( /efine the modules and their functionalities

=. +oft$are /esi#n (!*> 7a#es) The desi#n part must include the follo$in# items 31% dia#rams. This 31% dia#rams must include the follo$in# -lass /ia#rams Interaction dia#rams*+e8uence and -ollaboration dia#rams Object /ia#rams 3secase dia#rams /atabase /esi#n )or database projects, the report must include the follo$in# items. o 0*' /ia#rams

?. -odin# ,-ode Templates (&*= pa#es) -onsist of codin# or code outline for various files 0;plain each class $ith functionalit" and methods $ith input and output parameters. )or /atabase projects, the report consistin# of o Tables @ e;plainin# all fields and their data t"pes o +tored procedures (7%,+A%) B. Testin# (<*& 7a#es) Carious test cases (t$o or three) for blac: bo; and $hite bo; testin# >. Output +creens ((*= 7a#es) +hould include all user interfaces and output screens. D. 'eferences,.iblio#raph" (< 7a#e) <6. ppendices (if an"). The project report should be : 1in (= pa#es to 1a; !6 pa#es A "n&ement '4 P" "& "#h in " Ch"#te ( 0ach para#raph in a chapter should be properl" numbered for e;ample, (.<, (.( etc., $here first di#it represents the -hapter Number and second di#it the para#rahph number. There is no need to indicate the number for the first para#raph in a chapter. +ub*para#raphs, if an" indicated as <.<.<, <.<.( etc. i.e. first di#it representin# the chapter, the second representin# the para#raph and third representin# the sub* para#raph. D'n7t /n6e -ine the he"6in&s ' s/0he"6in&s ' si6e he"6in&. Instead use the bold letters.

Photographs/Figures and Tables

The fi#ures, photo#raphs and tables occurin# in a chapter ma" be seriall" numbered as )i#. <.<, <.( etc., $here the first di#it represents the chapter, the second di#it represents )i#ure number. The photo#raphs ma" be represented as 7hoto <.<, <.( etc., the first di#it representin# chapter and the second di#it represents 7hoto#raph number. The tables ma" be represented as Table <.<, <.( etc., the first di#it representin# chapter and the second di#it represents table number.

The #raph should clear"l" indicate the points, $hich are used for dra$in# the curve or curves. ll the letters in the #raphs should be $ritten $ith stencils.

Bi0-i'& "#h% ' Re4e ences( The follo$in# format ma" be used for $ritin# the .iblio#raph",'eferences.

uthor Name, Title of the boo: or paper, 7ublisher name, "ear. 0#: .err", 2ason, 2onathan )oose, and Tad 2ones. Up from the Cradle of Jazz: New Orleans Music Since World War II. thens: 3 of Geor#ia 7, <D>?. ( n article in a journal) .ooth, Ea"ne -. FGenneth .ur:eHs Ea" of Gno$in#.F -ritical In8uir" < (<DB!): <*((. Ein:s, 'obin E. FThe +inister Oriental Thriller: )iction and the sian +cene.F 2ournal of 7opular -ulture <D.( (<D>=): !D*?<. The 0i0-i'& "#h% -ist sh'/-6 0e m"6e st ict-% in "-#h"0etic"- ' 6e '4 the n"me '4 the "/th' s.

+ample format of +econd pa#e


7roject report submitted in partial fulfilment of the re8uirement for the a$ard of the /e#ree of B.Tech
." 5our Name 5our number

De#" tment '4 C'm#/te Science "n6 En&inee in& ,*9 SI:E1 M"h"tm" G"n6hi Instit/te '4 Techn'-'&% ,A44i-i"te6 t' JNT Uni5e sit%$ H%6e "0"61 G"n6i#et$ H%6e "0"6;<=

+ample format of certificate pa#e(Third 7a#e) 'n c'--e&e Lette ;he"6

Ce ti4ic"te

This is to certif" that the project report entitled 5O3' 7'O20-T TIT%0 bein# subitted b" 1r,1rs 5our Name in partial fulfillment for the a$ard of the /e#ree of .achelor of Technolo#" in -omputer +cience and 0n#ineerin# to the 2a$arlal Nehru Technolo#ical 3niversit" is a record of bonafied $or: carried out b" him under m" #uidance and supervision. The results embodied in this project report have not been submitted to an" other 3niversit" or Institute for the a$ard of an" /e#ree or /iploma.

( 4ead of /epartment -+0

(5our Guide Name) /esi#nation

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