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The ol`man river, sung by Paul Robeson , a dock worker of Africa. At the banks of Mississippi river the song was sung.The dock workers are expressing their condition with that of a the river in the showboat.the dock workers were in very bad conditions .According to them, despite of many hurdles and difficulties the river nver gets tired.As the river have to hit by pebbles and stones, same as the condition of the dock workers, they are hit by pain and grief as they are hit by rackets and when they want to relieve themselves by drinking then they were put into jails. According to them they have to face many difficulties in life and if they had done something wrong then they had to pay for that also. But the river is different from them they do not have to pay for any wrong deed. And the dock workers have have to face this crisis until they are dead.These African Americans have to face the racial discrimination which had ruined their life completely.The song bestly describes the condition of dock workers.

The hindi version of the song is Ganga Behti Ho Kyon In assamese the version is dedicated to Brahmaputra river The song was first sung in America in 1927 and was dedicated and compared with the Mississippe river.

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