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Aspect Oriented Programming



A seminar report on

Aspect Oriente !ro"rammin"

S#$mitte $%

Jeevan Dongre 2SD04CS111 8 semester



Aspect Oriented Programming




Certified that the seminar work entitled Aspect Oriented Programming is a bonafide work presented by Jeevan Dongre bearing U ! !O " D#$C %%% in a partial f&lfillment for the award of degree of 'achelor of (ngineering in Comp&ter cience (ngineering of the )isvesvaraya *echnological University+ 'elga&m d&ring the year "##,-%#. *he seminar report

has been approved as it satisfies the academic re/&irements with respect to seminar work presented for the 'achelor of (ngineering Degree.

Sta++ in c,ar"e

H.O.D CSE Don"re. USN-&SD'0CS***



Aspect Oriented Programming

INDE1 N O 1 2 ! 4 ' ( ) 8 * 10 11 12 Introduction Histor Introducing concerns" cross#cutting concerns" Aspects $ AO Imp%ications o& cross#cutting concerns AOP Deve%opment Stages Anatom o& AOP %anguages AOP %anguage Imp%ementation Current% used AOP too%s +,amp%e Code o& AspectJ AOP -ene&its .Conc%usion /e&erences !a" e 0 0 0 2 3 4 ( ( *' *' ** **


Aspect Oriented Programming

*. Intro #ction
As g%o-a% digita%i0ation and the si0e o& app%ications e,pand at an e,ponentia% rate" so&t1are engineering comp%e,ities are a%so gro1ing. One &eature o& this comp%e,it is the repetition o& &unctiona%it such as securit " memor management" resource sharing" and error and &ai%ure hand%ing throughout an app%ication. 2o address this issue" so&t1are researchers are deve%oping methodo%ogies -ased on a ne1 programming e%ement3 the aspect. Aspect Oriented Programming is a mindset3 a ne1 programming methodo%og invo%ving the aspects.

&. Histor%
AOP as such has a num-er o& antecedents3 the 4isitor Design Pattern" C5OS 6OP" and others . AspectJ 8perhaps the most popu%ar genera%#purpose AOP pac9age: 1as created - ;regor <ic0a%es and co%%eagues at =ero, PA/C and made avai%a-%e in 2001. I>6?s research team emphasi0ed the continuit o& the practice o& modu%ari0ing concerns 1ith past programming practice" and o&&ered the more po1er&u% 8-ut %ess usa-%e: H per@J and Concern 6anipu%ation +nvironment" 1hich have not seen 1ide usage.

5. Intro #cin" concerns6 cross)c#ttin" concerns6 Aspects 7 AO!

2he part o& the so&t1are that is re%evant to a particu%ar concept" goa% or purpose.

Ae can vie1 a comp%e, so&t1are s stem as a com-ined imp%ementation o& mu%tip%e concerns. A t pica% s stem ma consist o& severa% 9inds o& concerns" inc%uding -usiness %ogic" per&ormance" data persistence" %ogging and de-ugging" authentication" securit " mu%tithread sa&et " error chec9ing" and so on. 2here are a%so deve%opment#process concerns" such as comprehensi-i%it " maintaina-i%it " tracea-i%it " and evo%ution ease. .


Aspect Oriented Programming

;raphica% i%%ustration o& a s stem as a set o& concerns imp%emented - various modu%es

Cross)c#ttin" concerns In this" the methods used &or di&&erent concerns intersect. Hence crosscutting concerns span over mu%tip%e imp%ementation modu%es. A%though crosscutting concerns span over man modu%es" current imp%ementtation techniBues tend to imp%ement these reB uirements concentrating main% imp%ementation on the coree modu%e# %eve%

Aspect)oriente pro"rammin" 8AO!9 Is a ne1 techno%og &or separation o& crosscutting concerns into sing%e units ca%%ed aspects . 2he name Aspect Oriented Program ming 1as coined - Chris 6aeder o& =ero, Pa%eo A%to research Centre. Aspect Oriented Programming r evo%ves around the three &unctions Identi& concerns that cutt across c%ass @ o-Cect -oundaries Arite code 8an aspect: that encapsu%ates that concern De&ine a 1eave that speci&&ies ho1 the aspect 1i%% -e 1eaved into e,isting code


Aspect Oriented Programming

Aspects An aspect is a modu%ar unit o& crosscutting imp%ementation. It encapsu%ates -ehaviors that a&&ect mu%tip%e c%asses into reusa-%e modu%es. An aspect is a piece o& code that descri-es a recurring propert o& a program. App%ications can" have mu%tip%e aspects. Aspects provide crosscutting modu%arit . In other 1ords" programmers can use aspects to create so&t1are modu%es &or issues that cut across various parts o& an app%ication. Aspect modu%es do not stand on their o1nD the &unction on% as add#on code that deve%opers can 1eave into app%ications.

0. Imp:ications o+ cross)c#ttin" concerns

A%though crosscutting concerns span over man modu%es" current imp%ementation techniBues tend to imp%ement these reBuirements concentrating main% on the core modu%e# %eve% imp%ementation. 2he remaining reBuirements are tagged a%ong this main dominant dimension. 2his resu%ts in an a191ard reBuirements#to# imp%ementation map. S%mptoms A &e1 s mptoms can indicate a pro-%ematic imp%ementation o& crosscutting concerns using current methodo%ogies. 2hose s mptoms can -e -road% c%assi&ied into t1o categories3 Co e tan":in"6odu%es in a so&t1are s stem ma simu%taneous% interact 1ith severa% reBuirements. Eor e,amp%e" o&ten deve%opers simu%taneous% thin9 a-out -usiness %ogic" per&ormance" S nchroni0ation" %ogging and securit . Such a mu%titude o& reBuirements resu%ts in the simu%taneous presence o& e%ements &rom each concern?s imp%ementation" resu%ting in code tang%ing. Co e scatterin"Since crosscutting concerns" - de&inition" spread over man modu%es" re%ated imp%ementations a%so spread over a%% those modu%es. Eor e,amp%e" in a s stem using a data-ase" per&ormance concerns ma a&&ect a%% the modu%es accessing the data-ase. Imp:ications Com-ined" code tang%ing and code scattering a&&ect so&t1are design and deve%opments in man 1a s3


Aspect Oriented Programming

!oor tracea$i:it%Simu%taneous% imp%ementing severa% concerns o-scures the correspondence -et1een a concern and its imp%ementation" resu%ting in a poor mapping -et1een the t1o. Lo;er pro #cti/it%Simu%taneous imp%ementation o& mu%tip%e concerns shi&ts the deve%oper?s &ocus &rom the main concern to the periphera% concerns" %eading to %o1er productivit . Less co e re#seSince" under these circumstances" a modu%e imp%ements mu%tip%e concerns" other s stems reBuiring simi%ar &unctiona%it ma not -e a-%e to readi% use the modu%e" &urther %o1ering productivit . !oor co e <#a:it%Code tang%ing produces code 1ith hidden pro-%ems. 6oreover" - targeting too man concerns at once" one or more o& those concerns 1i%% not receive enough attention. More i++ic#:t e/o:#tionA %imited vie1 and constrained resources o&ten produce a design that addresses on% current concerns. Addressing &uture reBuirements o&ten reBuires re1or9ing the imp%ementation. Since the imp%ementation is not modu%ari0ed" that means touching man modu%es" modi& ing each su-s stem &or such changes can %ead to inconsistencies. It a%so reBuires considera-%e testing e&&ort to ensure that such imp%ementation changes have not caused -ugs 2hese are the imp%ications o& cross cutting concerns. 2he s mptoms o& cross concerns %i9e code scattering and code tang%ing negative% a&&ects the code e&&icienc " and sca%a-i%it .

=. AO! e/e:opmenta: sta"esAOP imp%ements individua% concerns in a %oose% coup%ed &ashion" and com-ine these imp%ementations to &orm the &ina% s stem. Indeed" AOP creates s stems using %oose% coup%ed" modu%ari0ed imp%ementations o& crosscutting concerns. AOP invo%ves three distinct deve%opment steps3 Aspect#a: ecomposition- Decompose the reBuirements to identi& crosscutting and common concerns. Separate modu%e#%eve% concerns &rom crosscutting s stem# %eve% concerns. Concern imp:ementation- Imp%ement each concern separate% .


Aspect Oriented Programming

Aspect#a: recomposition- In this step" an aspect integrator speci&ies recom position ru%es creating modu%ari0ation units ## aspects. 2he recomposition process" a%so 9no1 n as 1eaving or integrating, uses this in&ormation to compose the &ina% s stem.

2. Anatom% o+ AO! :an"#a"es

An AOP imp%ementation consis ts o& t1o parts3 a %anguage speci&ication and an imp%ementation. 2he %anguage speci&ication descri-es %anguage constructs and s nta,. 2he %anguage imp%ementation veri&ies the code?s correctness according to the %anguage s peci&ication and converts it into a &orm that the target machine can e,ecute. T,e AO! :an"#a"e speci+ication At a higher %eve%" an AOP %angu age speci&ies t1o components3 Imp:ementation o+ concerns- 6apping an individua% reBuirement into code so tha t a compi%er can trans%ate it into e,ecuta-%e code. Since imp%ementation o& concerns ta9es the &orm o&

speci& ing procedures" it can -e used 1ith traditiona% %anguages %i9e C" CFF" or Java 1ith AOP. >ea/in" r#:es speci+ication- 2his speci&ies ho1 to compose independent% imp%emented

concerns to &orm the &ina% s ste m. Eor this purpose" an imp%ementation needs to use or create a %anguage &or speci& ing ru%es &o r composing di&&erent imp%ementation pieces to &orm the &ina% s stem. 2he %anguage &or speci& ing 1eaving ru%es can -e an e,tension o& th e imp%ementation %anguage.


Aspect Oriented Programming

3. AO! :an"#a"e Imp:ementation

AOP %anguage compi%ers per&orm t1o %ogica% steps3 Com-ine the individua% concerns Convert the resu%ting in&ormation into e,ecuta-%e code An AOP imp%ementatio n can imp%ement the 1eaver in various 1a s" inc%uding source#to# source trans%ation. Here the source code is pre#processed &or individua% aspects to produce 1eaved source code. 2he AOP compi%er then &eeds this converted code to the -ase %anguage compi%er to produce &ina% e,ecuta-%e code.

4. C#rrent:% #se AO! too:s

AO! too:sAspectJ is one o& the high% avai%a-%e AOP %anguages. AspectJ is a genera%#purpose AO e,tension to Java" deve%oped - =ero, Pa%o A%to /esearch Center. Another AOP %anguage is H per@J" 1hich supports mu%tidimensiona% separation o& concerns. AspectC and AspectCFF are other AOP too%s. ?asic Lan"#a"e Constr#cts in Aspect. AspectJ is a %inguistic#-ased AOP %anguage. It is de&ined - a set o& %anguage constructs3 a Coin point" pointcuts" advice" introduction and aspects. A Coin point is a 1e%%#de&ined point in the &%o1 o& a program. Point cuts" se%ect particu%ar Coin points - &i%tering out a su-set o& a%% Coin points" -ased on de&ined criteria. Point cuts are used in the de&inition o& advice. An advice in AspectJ is used to de&ine additiona% code that shou%d -e e,ecuted at Coin points. An introduction in AspectJ introduces ne1 mem-ers to c%asses and there&ore changes inheritance re%ationship -et1een c%asses. Gn%i9e advices" introduction ta9es e&&ect at the compi%ation time. Introduction is a use&u% construct 1hen 1e 1ant to add ne1 concern to some e,isting c%asses" et 1e 1ant to have c%ear separation o& these crosscutting concerns. In AspectJ" an aspect is dec%ared - a 9e 1ord Haspect Hand is de&ined in terms o& point cuts" advice" and introductions. On% aspects ma inc%ude advice.


Aspect Oriented Programming

(. E@amp:e co e +or an Aspect ;ritten in Aspect.

aspect PublicErrorLogging {Log log = new Log( ! pointcut public"alls ( #calls(public $ co%&'ero'&printers&$&$(&& ! a(ter( t)rowing (Error e # public*nter(ace( {log&write(e !+

2his code segment sho1s one 1a in 1hich aspect#oriented programming %ets deve%opers 1rite an aspect" a recurring so&t1are issue" once and have it appear 1herever needed. 2he segment ins tructs a%% pu-%ic methods o& the com.,ero,.printers so&t1are to %og their errors. 2he &ourth %ine indicates that the aspect app%ies to ca%%s to an methods. pu-%ic method in the com.,ero,.printers pac9age. It instructs the AOP compi%er to 1eave the aspect into a%% pu-%ic

*'.AO! $ene+its
AOP he%ps overcome the a&orementioned pro-%ems caused - code tang%ing and code scattering. 2hese are the speci&ic -ene&its AOP o&&er3 Mo #:ariAe imp:ementation o+ crossc#ttin" concernsAOP addresses each concern separate% 1ith minima% coup%ing" resu%ting in modu%ari0ed imp%ementations even in the presence o& crosscutting concerns. Such an imp%ementation produces a s stem 1ith %ess dup%icated code. Since each concern?s imp%ementation is separate" it a%so he%ps reduce code c%utter. Eurther" modu%ari0ed imp%ementation a%so resu%ts in a s stem that is easier to understand and maintain. Easier)to)e/o:/e s%stemsSince the aspected modu%es can -e una1are o& crosscutting concerns" it?s eas to add ne1er &unctiona%it - creating ne1 aspects. Eurther" 1hen ne1 modu%es are added to a s stem" the e,isting aspects crosscut them" he%ping create a coherent evo%ution. Late $in in" o+ esi"n ecisionsAith AOP" an architect can de%a ma9ing design decisions &or &uture reBuirements" since it can -e imp%emented as separate aspects.


Aspect Oriented Programming

more co e re#se>ecause AOP imp%ements each aspect as a separate modu%e" each individua% modu%e is more %oose% coup%ed. In genera%" a %oose% coup%ed imp%ementation" 1hich can -e o-tained - using AOP" represents the 9e to higher code reuse.

AOP introduces a ne1 st %e o& decomposition and is a promising 1a o& separating crosscutting concerns that are usua%% hard to do in o-Cect#oriented programming. AOP is particu%ar% use&u% in separating concerns that are uni#directiona% and have 1e%%#de&ined e&&ect" such as de-ugging and tracing concerns. Ho1ever" the current AOP techno%og is sti%% in research stage. Current% " three AOP research areas are important3 +ase o& use. 2echniBues on ho1 to understand a s stem in term o& aspects shou%d -e 1e%% documented. ;uide%ines and design princip%es" such as G65 &or AOP" AOP design patterns" must a%so -e esta-%ished. 2he he%p reduce the cost &or so&t1are engineers to
adapt to this ne1 paradigm.

Studies and e,periment that prove the use&u%ness o& AOP - measura-%e -ene&its. 2his encourages the computer industr giants and in&%uentia% committees to endorse the
techno%og .

Deve%opment too%s &or discovering aspects" restructuring e,isting codes" recutting" etc. AOP techno%og 1i%% on% -e adapted - the so&t1are industr .
2hose three &actors are signi&icant to determine 1hether i& the so&t1are industr 1i%%

eventua%% adapt AOP techno%og .

111.parc.,ero,.com@cs%@proCects@aop@ perspace@H perJ@H perJ.htm

)ttp#--en&wi.ipe/ia&org-wi.i-0spect1oriente/1progra%%i ng

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