1st Sem Syllabus

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MBA PartI (Semester-I) 1

%&% Ma!a'eme!t Pra ti es ( Or'a!i)atio!al Be*avior

Course Overview
The overall objective of this course is to familiarize the students with management concepts and behavioral processes in the organization.

Course Syllabus
Group I: Definition, Importance and Functions of Management, Evolution of Management Thoughts, Theories of Management, Managerial rocesses, Functions, s!ills " roles in organization, #ocial $esponsibilit% of &usiness, Definition, 'ature and Features( lanning, )rganization, *oncept of +uthorit% " $esponsibilit%. Group II: ,nderstanding and Managing Individual &ehavior, )rganizational &ehavior( its *oncepts, Features and Importance, *oncepts " Theories of ersonalit%, erception( *oncept and Models, $ole of erception in Managerial Decision Ma!ing, *oncepts of +ttitudes, -alues and &eliefs, Theories of .earning, its rinciples, $einforcement, Motivation and its theories. Group III: *ommunication( its rocess, networ! " t%pes, *ommunication &arriers, *ontrolling( its Functions, #teps and Essentials to ma!e Effective *ontrolling, .eadership Theories and .eadership #t%les in Management, ,nderstanding the *oncept of ower and olitics, )rganizational *hange and Development, *onflict Management, )rganization *ulture and Effectiveness, *oncept of /roup D%namics, #tress Management.

Re omme!"e" #e$ts
0oontz 1. and 2eihrich 1., Essentials of Management , Tata Mc/raw3 1ill ublishing *o. .td., 'ew Delhi, 45th Edition. .uthans F., Organizational Behaviour, Mc/raw31ill, 'ew 6or!, 47th Edition, 5778. $obbins #. ., Organizational Behaviour, rentice31all of India .td., 'ew Delhi, 45th Edition, 5779. #toner :., Management, rentice31all of India .td., 'ew Delhi, ;th Edition.

I!stru tio!s
The e<ternal paper will carr% 87 mar!s and would be of three hours duration. The =uestion paper will be divided into three groups, i.e., I, II, III. The =uestion paper will consist of nine =uestions, three from each group. *andidates will be re=uired to attempt five =uestions in all, selecting not more than two =uestions from each group The internal paper will carr% 87 mar!s and it will be distributed as follows( Two Mid3#emester Tests each carr%ing 47 mar!s Two +ssignments each carr%ing 47 mar!s *lass articipation and +ttendance to be of 47 mar!s

School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala

MBA PartI (Semester-I) 2

%&+ A Course Overview

ou!ti!' ,or Ma!a'eme!t

The course is designed to provide professional managers, not involved in accounting and finance, with an introduction to the concepts and issues in accounting and finance, Managers virtuall% need to ac=uire such !nowledge for application in their da%3to3da% managerial decision ma!ing.

Course Syllabus
Group I: &asics of +ccounting, *onceptual framewor!, nature and purpose of accounting, +ccounting concepts and their implications, +ccounting records and s%stems, ,nderstanding Financial #tatements, +nal%sis of Financial #tatements, $atio +nal%sis and *ash Flow +nal%sis. Group II: Introduction to cost +ccounting and Management +ccounting and their interrelationship with Financial +ccounting, Introduction to *ost &ehavior, *ost -olume $elationships, +bsorption and Marginal *osting, 'ew Developments in Management +ccounting( +ctivit%3&ased *osting, .ife3*%cle *osting, Target *osting and 0aizen *osting. Group III: +ccounting for lanning and *ontrol( &udgetar% *ontrol #%stem, &udget reparation, Master &udget, Fle<ible &udget, >ero based review, &ehavioral aspects of budgeting, #tandard *osting and variance anal%sis, $esponsibilit% +ccounting.

Re omme!"e" #e$ts
$obert +nthon%, David F. 1aw!ins and 0enneth +. Merchant, Accounting-Text and Cases, Tata Mc/raw31ill ublishing *o. .td., 'ew Delhi, 45 th Edition, 5779. *harles T. 1orngren, /eorge Foster and #ri!ant M. Datra, Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, rentice31all of India, 'ew Delhi, 45th Edition. *harles T. 1orngren, ntroduction to Management Accounting, rentice31all of India, 'ew Delhi, 45th Edition, 5779.

I!stru tio!s
The e<ternal paper will carr% 87 mar!s and would be of three hours duration. The =uestion paper will be divided into three groups, i.e., I, II, III. The =uestion paper will consist of nine =uestions, three from each group. *andidates will be re=uired to attempt five =uestions in all, selecting not more than two =uestions from each group The internal paper will carr% 87 mar!s and it will be distributed as follows( Two Mid3#emester Tests each carr%ing 47 mar!s Two +ssignments each carr%ing 47 mar!s *lass articipation and +ttendance to be of 47 mar!s

School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala

MBA PartI (Semester-I) 3

%&- Busi!ess .!viro!me!t Course Overview

,pon the satisfactor% completion of this course the students will be able to( anal%ze different t%pes of legal, political, economical s%stems influencing business? have introductor% !nowledge of Indian legal concepts? and see how these concepts appl% in &usiness Environment.

Course Syllabus
Group I: *oncept of business environment( techni=ues for environment anal%sis, Elements of environment( internal and e<ternal, #ocietal environment( business and societ%, social responsibilit% of business, olitical and government environment, Demographic environment, Technological environment, Economic Environment( t%pes of economies, Economic policies3Industrial polic%, Fiscal polic%, Monetar% polic%, privatization and disinvestment, liberalization and globalization. Group II: 2T) and Intellectual ropert% $ights, *ompetition +ct35775, Information Technolog% +ct35777, FEM+35777, Mone% and *apital Mar!ets, Introduction to Financial Institutions, Foreign Trade( E >s, E),s, T s and #E>s, #ecurit% E<change &oard of India @#E&IA( )bjectives, owers and Functions, *onsumer rotection +ct, 4BC;3$ights and $emedies, '/)s( T%pes and $ole In romoting *onsumer +wareness. Group III: .egal Environment( 'ature of *ompan%, T%pes of *ompanies, Formation of *ompan%, Memorandum of +ssociation, +rticle of +ssociation, Doctrines of ,ltra -ires, Meetings, Functioning of &oard of Directors, Management Frauds, 2inding up, *ontract +ct( Introduction, T%pes of *ontracts, Essentials of a -alid *ontract, #ale of /oods +ct( Introduction, Essentials of a *ontract of #ale, rinciple of *aveat Emptor I#) B777 and I#) 4D777, /lobal )utsourcing, ublic, rivate and *o3)perative #ectors of Indian econom%.

Re omme!"e" #e$ts
:ustin aul, Business Environment, Tata Mc/raw31ill ublishing *ompan% .td., 'ew Delhi, 5nd Edition. Francis *herunilam, Business Environment, 1imala%a ublishing 1ouse, Mumbai, 5779. 0. +swathappa, Essentials of Business Environment , 1imala%a ublishing 1ouse, Delhi, 47th Edition, 577C.

I!stru tio!s
The e<ternal paper will carr% 87 mar!s and would be of three hours duration. The =uestion paper will be divided into three groups, i.e., I, II, III. The =uestion paper will consist of nine =uestions, three from each group. *andidates will be re=uired to attempt five =uestions in all, selecting not more than two =uestions from each group The internal paper will carr% 87 mar!s and it will be distributed as follows( Two Mid3#emester Tests each carr%ing 47 mar!s Two +ssignments each carr%ing 47 mar!s *lass articipation and +ttendance to be of 47 mar!s

School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala

MBA PartI (Semester-I) 4

%&/ Ma!a'erial . o!omi s

Course Overview
The main objective of this course is to understand the use of the tools of economic anal%sis in classif%ing problems, in organizing and evaluating information and in comparing alternative course of action.

Course Syllabus
Group I: Managerial EconomistEs $ole and $esponsibilities. Demand Theor% and +nal%sis including Determinants of Demand. Demand Elasticities 3 rice, Income, *ross and +dvertising? their use in Managerial Decision Ma!ing. ,tilit% +nal%sis Marginal ,tilit% +nal%sis, Demand Forecasting( Methods and their application. Mar!et Mechanism( Interaction of Demand and #uppl% Forces. roduction +nal%sis( &asic *oncept and production function. Group II: *ost +nal%sis( *ost *oncepts and Determinants of *ost. $evenue *oncepts. ricing under different mar!et structures( erfect *ompetition, Monopol%, )ligopl% and Monopolistic Mar!et #tructure. Group III: $ole of Macro Economics for managerial Decision Ma!ing. Different Economic #%stems, *oncept of 'ational Income( /D ,/' ,/D @at Mar!et priceA Investment multiplier, *oncept of Inflation, &usiness c%cles.

Re omme!"e" #e$ts
Edwin Mansfield, 2. &ruce +llen, 'eil +. Dohert%, 0eith 2eigelt, Managerial Economics: Theor!, Application and Cases, 2. 2. 'orton " *o. Inc., 8th Edition. David &egg, #tanle% Fisher, $udigeer Dovrbusch, Economics, Mc/raw31ill &oo! *ompan% .imited @,.0.A. 2.2. 1a%nes, -... Mote and #. aul, Managerial Economics: Anal!sis and Cases, Feffers and #imons vt. .td., &omba%. Michael &a%s? Mote, aul and /upta, Managerial Economics: Concepts and Cases, Tata Mc/raw31ill ublishing *ompan% .imited, 'ew Delhi, FD th Edition. :oel Dean, Managerial Economics, rentice31all of India vt. .td., 'ew Delhi, 4BBC. $avindra 1. Dhola!ia, Microeconomics for Management "tudents, )<ford ,niversit% ress, Delhi, 5779.

I!stru tio!s
The e<ternal paper will carr% 87 mar!s and would be of three hours duration. The =uestion paper will be divided into three groups, i.e., I, II, III. The =uestion paper will consist of nine =uestions, three from each group. *andidates will be re=uired to attempt five =uestions in all, selecting not more than two =uestions from each group The internal paper will carr% 87 mar!s and it will be distributed as follows( Two Mid3#emester Tests each carr%ing 47 mar!s Two +ssignments each carr%ing 47 mar!s *lass articipation and +ttendance to be of 47 mar!s

School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala

MBA PartI (Semester-I) 5

%&3 Ma!a'eme!t S ie! e Course Overview

)bjective of the course is to have a general understanding of mathematical sciences and learn how to appl% this !nowledge in areas relevant to business and finance so that the% can prove to be compact, consistent and powerful tools especiall% in the fields of Economics, *ommerce and Industr%. These =uantitative methods not onl% guarantee a deeper insight into the subject but will also lead towards e<act and anal%tical solutions to problems treated. This course is the foundation for business core courses, showing the students how to appl% the language of mathematics to business.

Course Syllabus
Group I: 0i,,ere!tial Cal ulus( *oncepts, +lgebra of differentiation, *hain rule, arametric, .ogarithmic differentiation, Implicit and E<plicit differentiation, artial differentiation, Theor% of Ma<ima and Minima, &usiness +pplications. Matri es ( 0etermi!a!ts( *oncepts of Matrices, T%pes, +djoint and Inverse of a Matri<? *oncepts of Determinants, #olutions of simultaneous linear e=uations of 5 and F variables using Matri< Inverse Techni=ue and *ramerEs $ule, &usiness applications. Group II: 1i!ear Pro'rammi!'( *oncepts, Formulation of . models, #olution of . Models using /raphical techni=ues and #imple< Method. #ra!sportatio! Problems( *oncepts and solutions? )ptimalit% Tests G M)DI Method " #tepping #tone techni=ue. Game t*eory( *oncepts, #olutions of 53person games, ure " Mi<ed strateg% games, )dds method, Dominance Method, #ub /ames method, E=ual /ains Method, /raphical #olution. Group III: Assi'!me!ts Problems( *oncepts and solutions, unbalanced problems. Se2ue! i!'( *oncepts, #olutions of processing HnE jobs through G H4E, H5E, HFE and HmE machines, rocessing H5E jobs through HmE machines. .leme!tary Repla eme!t problems( *oncepts and solutions G $eplacement of items that deteriorate with time @with " without change in mone% valueA and items that brea!s down suddenl%.

Re omme!"e" #e$ts
&aruah, #rinath, Basic Mathematics and its Application in Economics, Macmillan India .td, 5nd Ed.1illier, Fredric! #. and .ieberman, /erald :., Operations #esearch, Tata Mc/raw 1ill, 577;, Cth Ed #aha, #uranjan, $ractical Business Mathematics and "tatistics, Tata Mc/raw 1ill, 4BBB.#warup, 0., /upta, . 0. and Mohan, M., Operations #esearch, #ultan *hand " #ons, 577;.

I!stru tio!s
The e<ternal paper will carr% 87 mar!s and would be of three hours duration. The =uestion paper will be divided into three groups, i.e., I, II, III. The =uestion paper will consist of nine =uestions, three from each group. *andidates will be re=uired to attempt five =uestions in all, selecting not more than two =uestions from each group The internal paper will carr% 87 mar!s and it will be distributed as follows( Two Mid3#emester Tests each carr%ing 47 mar!s Two +ssignments each carr%ing 47 mar!s *lass articipation and +ttendance to be of 47 mar!s
School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala

MBA PartI (Semester-I) 6

%&4 (a) Computer 7u!"ame!tals (MS O,,i e) Course Overview

To introduce students to the use of computer based application pac!ages for documentation preparation and ma!ing reports, preparation of =uestionnaires, slide presentation for business, tables and graphs.

Course Syllabus
Group I: *reating a new document with templates " 2izard, 2ord basics, 2or!ing with fonts, aragraph Formatting, Indents, line space, *haracter #pace, age Formatting, Footnotes, Endnotes, age 'umbering, age #et3,p, rinting Documents 1eader and Footer, &ullets and 'umbering, Tabs, #%mbols, Finding and $eplacing Te<t, #pell *hec! and /rammar *hec!, *onsulting Thesaurus, Inserting images and objects, ,sing 2ords Drawing Features, Inserting Tables G @+dding, deleting, modif%ing rows and columns 3 merging " splitting cellsA, ,sing formulas in tables, *onverting te<t to table and vice3versa, , Mail Merge tool. Group II: Managing 2or!boo!s, 2or!ing with 2or!sheets, *ell $eferencing@+bsolute references, Mi<ed referencesA, $anges, ,sing Formulas and Functions? Formulas that Ma!e Decisions @1ow the if function wor!sA Formatting 2or!sheets, rinting 2or!sheets, *reating and Editing /raphic )bjects and *harts, #orting Data, Filtering etc., +nal%zing Data ,sing ivot Tables, erforming 2hat3If +nal%sis, Issuing #cenario Manager. Group III: *reating new resentations ,sing +uto *ontent 2izard, ,sing Template, +dding, Editing, Deleting, *op%ing, #lides, +ppl%ing #lide Design, +dding graphics, graphs, organization charts, *reating custom animations, #pecial Effects To *reate Transition #lides, +dding #ounds To #lides, ,sing +ction &uttons, *reating #lide #hows, $ehearsing #lide Timings.

Re omme!"e" #e$ts
#a<ena #., M" Office %p for Ever!one, -i!as ublishing 1ouse, 'ew Delhi, 5779. *oleman ., M&as 'uide to Microsoft Office %p , 'ew +ge International @ A .imited, 'ew Delhi, 5778. 'elson #tephen .., Office %p: The Complete #eference , Tata Mc/raw31ill ublishing *o. .td., 'ew Delhi, 5774. #agman #., Microsoft Office %p for (indo)s , earson Education, 'ew Delhi, 577;.

I!stru tio!s
The evaluation will be as follows( Evaluation of practical will be done jointl% b% the e<ternal and internal e<perts and will be from 87 mar!s. %&4 (b) 5or6s*op o! .$e utive Commu!i atio!

I!stru tio!s
The evaluation will be done internall% and will be from 87 mar!s.

School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala

MBA PartI (Semester-I) 7

%&8 Semi!ar o! Busi!ess .!viro!me!t ( Ma!a'eme!t Course Syllabus

Group I: Environmental Management( Fundamentals3#ustainable Development, Implications of human population growth, .imits to growth? Environment and &usiness #chools? Energ% Management( Fundamentals3Fossil Fuels use, Energ% production and trade, Energ% &alance? Ecos%stem *oncepts( &asic *oncepts and their application in &usiness, Industrial Ecolog% and $ec%cling Industr%. Group II: Environmental Management #%stem( EM# #tandards, I#) 4D777. Environmental +uditing. *learanceI ermissions for establishing industr%? Environmental Management and valuation( Environmental +ccounting, Economics3 Environmental Ta<es #hifts, /reen Funding, *orporate Mergers, Environmental Ethics? Environmental Management Trade " Environmental Management, Debt and Environment, /+TTI2T) rovisions? Environmental .aws( +cts, atents, I $#, $ole of '/)s, I. Group III: ollution " 2aste Management 3 +ir, 2ater, .and ollution, Trade in 2astes? 2ater, Forest " &iodiversit% Management( 2ater $esources, Dams and their role? Forest products and Trade. $ole of &iodiversit% in International Trade? +pproaches to *orporate Ethics? &io3ethics.

Re omme!"e" #e$ts
,beroi, '. 0., Environmental Management, E<cel &oo!s, 'ew Delhi, 5777. ande%, /.'., Environmental Management, -i!as ublishing 1ouse, 'ew Delhi, 4BB9. /upta, '. Dass, Environmental Accounting, 2heeler ublishing, 'ew Delhi, 4BB9.

I!stru tio!s
The evaluation will be as follows( Ma<imum Mar!s( 477 Internal +ssessment( 477

School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala

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