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Jovani Garcia 1/21/14 3rd Period The Growth of American Industry

1. What is the best description of a robber baron? An American industrial or financial magnates of the 19th century became wealthy by unethical means, such as questionable stockmarket operations and exploitation of labor 2. Explain the goal of the Sherman Antitrust Act. Banned any formations that would restrict trade 3. What was the response of the U.S. government to the 1894 Pullman Strike? Troops were brought in by the excuse that the workers were interfering with the mail 4. Which author is given credit for coining the term Gilded Age? Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner 5. How would you define a monopoly? Control of the supply 6. Explain how Andrew Carnegie applied the practice of vertical integration? For great profit in the steel business, controlling everything 7. Give an example of horizontal integration. Tata steel and Corus 8. Illustrate the difference between the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor (AFL)?

Knights of labor recruited women and immigrants and American federal didnt 9. What event(s) led to the Haymarket Square riot? What was the outcome? Workers supporting the strikers and causing the knights to lose 10. The inventions of Thomas Edison are: movie camera, electrical power distributions

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