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Name: Oscar Alfaro Date: 1-21-2014 Period: 3rd The Growth of American Industry

1. What is the best description of a robber baron? An industrialist, or a derogatory term used to describe wealthy 19 th Century American Businessmen. 2. Explain the goal of the Sherman Antitrust Act. Meant to prohibit business activities that the federal government considered anticompetitive. 3. What was the response of the U.S. government to the 1894 Pullman Strike? Federal troops were sent intervene and stop the boycott. 4. Which author is given credit for coining the term Gilded Age? Mark Twain 5. How would you define a monopoly? A situation in which a single company or group owns all or nearly all of the market for a type of product or service. 6. Explain how Andrew Carnegie applied the practice of vertical integration? Carnagie applied vertical integration by owning mills were steel was made, the mines were the ore was mined, and the coal mines that supplied coal to cook the iron ore. And even the railroads that moved the and transported the coal and the steel ore! 7. Give an example of horizontal integration. When a business merges with another business that sells a similar product in order to appeal to the consumers. Such as Zenith and Sony merging together. 8. What event(s) led to the Haymarket Square riot? What was the outcome? People were unhappy that they did not have 8 hour workdays so as a result, a bomb was thrown at police officials killing atleast 8 people that day. 9. The inventions of Thomas Edison are: The Lightbulb and the Phonograph.

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