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Jovani Garcia 3rd period APUSH

Great Railroad Strike of 1877 - Workers went on strike in respond in wage cuts

James Garfield assassinated 1881 - Was president for 6 months and 15 days and he was kill

Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 -banned anyone from china to the U.S

Chief Joseph Surrenders 1877 -led troops to America and later on the road he then surrender because he didnt want to fight no more

Booker T. Washington found Tuskegee institute 1881 -he open the Tuskegee institute, trying to educated all blacks

Pendelton Civil Service Act 1883 -protected the government jobs

Haymarket Square Riot 1886 -it hurt the labor movement and decline of memberships

Dawes Severalty Act1877 -wanted all native Americans to become farmers and landowners

Gospel Of Wealth 1889 -to Act as wealthy for Americans to pretend to help wealthy

American Federal of Labor 1886 - Didnt accept immigrants, women's

Jane Addams Founded Hull House 1877

- Housed all new European immigrants

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