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Enlightening Facts About Dengue Fever

What is Dengue Fever?

Dengue fever is an infectious disease transmitted by the bite of a

female mosquito called Aedes Aegypti. Recent findings revealed that this
type of mosquito thrives only in clear water, plants or puddles of rain water.

This disease is marked by severe headache, eyes, muscles and joints

pains, catarrhal symptoms and sometimes skin eruptions. This disease comes
on suddenly after incubation period of from three to six days, then decreased
somewhat, only to increase again on the fourth or fifth day at which time
rashes may appear.

At the onset of the fever, it is similar to any normal fever, however, it

does not go into a convulsive temperature. On the third day, the patient
would already be feeling nauseatic vomiting, diarrhea, inflammation on the
thighs, hardening of the stomach and even skin rashes also appear.

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