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Dera Saccha Sauda Crises – The Game the Media Played

by Jagmohan Singh Khurmi

Once again our media has done what Mr. Shourie famously called “Fabrications on the
way to Funeral”. This time it was when a self-styled 'baba' Gurmeet Singh, who like many other
birds on same branch, plays the over-familiar “secularist” fiddle by adding “Ram-Rahim” to his
name. But as if that was not enough, taking yet another step in his childish campaign to
strengthen the multi-culturist secular fiber of our society by adding yet one more cognomen to
his already much popularist name, “insaan” i.e. human. The divine ceremony also involved
consumption of some sort of “holy drink” : closely resembling the Amrit Ceremony of baptism
started by Guru Gobind Singh, and His Holiness further added fuel to fire by wearing an
unusually exotic and suggestive costume that reminds the Tenth Guru. The ceremony was,
like all the other adventures of Dera Saccha Sauda, a much advertised event ( deraists later
denied that they did so, but the event was promoted nevertheless ).

The outcome was exactly what the Dera wanted : the “fundamentalist” Sikhs were in the
streets demanding legal action against the Dera ( any one pretending to be a Sikh guru is
explicitly forbidden by the orders of Guru Gobind Singh himself. This rule is followed so
carefully that we never see anyone playing the part of a Sikh guru in a film or documentary
etc ). But since legal action against the dera was unlikely in spite of Sikh pressure, owing to the
strength of vote bank the dera holds ( not to mention the worldly wealth it has ), the protesters
turned to expressing their resentment by burning effigy of Gurmeet Singh at several places,
finally giving the chance to Gurmeet Singh & Co. to show its strength with the vast danda-
carrying mobs of premies, literally meaning “lovers” ( that’s what the dera-devotees like to call
themselves ! ), crying bloody murder on the streets in many towns of Punjab, Haryana and

By now an important item, the issue got adequate media-attention as can be expected,
but all the news channels followed a mischievously determined strategy : they never tried to
explore the hurt the Sikhs had received by this act of Gurmeet Singh. The media maintained a
smooth face while proving that all this was a ‘misunderstanding’ and then repeatedly played
the footage of sword-carrying Sikhs running about excitedly, but seldom explained why they
were doing this ! This is what created a false impression of the Sikh alarmism and over-
reaction, turning the world opinion against the ‘fundamentalist Sikhs’, crying for blue blood of a
‘secular’ babaji who ‘loves all religion’ by trying to bring all faiths together!

Media, as we can expect, never gave any importance to the fact that Gurmeet never
said even one word to restrain his premies while it was what society so badly needed, and only
at the end did bare formality, but by then the premies were exhausted anyway.

Anyone familiar with history knows that Sikh community has been the worst victim and
later, the greatest enemy of Islamic imperialism. There is an unending list of blood-curdling
third-degree executions and rape of Sikh women and children by almost all muslim rulers
which stands out to be a very big problem for the typical ‘secularist’ historian, for it is almost
impossible to be white-washed by any sophisticated device invented by our ‘peaceful’ Marxists
like Romila Thapar and Irfan Habib etc.

Even centuries before the khalsa panth came into being, Guru Nanak Dev ji, the first
Sikh guru, after witnessing the horror-shows created by Islamic hordes on their adventure into
India wrote the following lines :

“Khurasan khasmana kiya Hindustanu daraiya

Aapae dosu na deyi karta jamu kari mughlu chadhaiya
Aiti maar payi karlande tain ko dardu na ayiya
Karta tu sabhna ka soi
Je sakta sakte kayu mare taa mani rosu na hoyi
Sakta sihu maare paye vagaye khasme sa pursai
Ratan vigadi vigoye kuttin muiya saar na koyi...”
What these lines mean in English is :–

“Having lifted Islam to the head, You have engulfed Hindustan in dread....Such cruelties have they
inflicted, and yet Your mercy remains unmoved....Should the strong attack the strong the heart does not
burn. But when the strong crush the helpless, surely the One who was to protect them has to be called
to account.... O’ Lord, these dogs have destroyed this diamond-like Hindustan, (so great is their terror
that) no one asks after those who have been killed, and yet You do not pay heed...”

Further the Guru writes :

“Ikna vakhat khuvai ahi ikhan pooja jayi

Chadke vindu hindvandiyan kiyu tike kathi nayi
Ramu na kabhu chetiyo hundi kahndi na mile khudai...”

“Hindus have been forbidden to pray at the time of the Muslim's namaz, Hindu society has
been left without a bath, without a tilak. Even those who have never uttered “Ram”, even
they can get no respite by shouting “Khuda, Khuda”.... The few who have survived Babar's
jails wail.... The desolation which has come over the land.... The entire races which have
been exterminated, which have been humiliated...”

There is a history of Sikh-like cults born in and around Punjab after independence
whose one primary aim seemed to curb out the martial tradition inbuilt in the Sikh religion i.e.
khalsa panth, we have the luke-warm attempts of the once–important Radha-swami sect and
the nirankaris who made up saat-sitaaras to mock the panj-piarras of the panth. There were
desperate attempts by Pakistan to separate the Sikhs from the nation, which failed when their
Khalistan, a card-game built purely with propaganda sank without a trace.

One worse disaster India can expect at this critical moment is a terrifying flashback to
the Bhindrawala brand of Sikhism, a dangerous but probable option for a people longing for
‘purity’ in the highly confused ideological orgy generated by the left-leaning media.

Not so long ago when Punjab was afire, Naipaul was surprised by the Sikh militants with
a new ‘history’ they had recently learned at the feet of their Pakistani masters : Punjab was
more a part of Middle East than India ! The sword with which Guru Godind Singh stirred the
amrit actually belonged to Ali ( a close associate of Mohammed ) ! The anti-national powers
behind the movement were of course aware of the attitude of India’s public-relation system’s
severe limitations when it comes to clarifying the confusions, out of their morbid fear of being
branded anti-islamic. And the congress and their marxist roommates at last ‘discovered’ yet
another minority, aside from ‘poor’ muslims, that could be legally qualified as a victim of
Hindutava !

Goes without saying that for any Muslim terrorist, be it Jamaat-e-islami or Taliban or
whatever, the ultimate aim is nothing less than islamnisation of the Indian subcontinent. Don’t
be fooled if Ahmed bhai or Tariq mian in your neighborhood does not agree clearly to it. The
trademark effort of our pseudo-historians to put all religions, snatam-dharmas born on our very
Indian soul : Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism and Budhism, who cannot fight among themselves
despite all efforts of vested interests inside and outside ( there were no direct riots between
Sikh and hindus throughout the Punjab militancy, all confrontations were between Sikh youths
pothered by Pakistani propaganda and Indian armed forces, among them most deadly being
Punjab Police, which is 99 % composed of jat Sikhs ). Even the anti-Sikh riots in Delhi (if they
could be called riots ) was a courtesy by congress and not ‘hindus’ , as the ‘secularist’ lobby
would have liked, for hindu ‘fundamentalists’ like BJP played a heroic role to save Sikhs ! -
even Khushwant Singh admits that. Exactly such ‘riots’ against brahmins also took place in
1948 after Gandhi was shot dead by Godse (a brahmin caste ). Today if the present Congress
PM Manmohan Singh gets killed by a Sikh we can expect the same ferocity of anti-Sikh
violence in Delhi !

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