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Extempore / Group Discussion is one of the process in shortlisting the candidates in the B-schools.

For preparation here I posted few Topics most probably one can expect in Interview. As it goes, you could be asked to extemporize on any issue/idea. However, these topics mentioned here have appeared in the past at b-schools across the country. * Newspaper reading as a habit * Before criticising anyone, put yourself into their shoes * Bungee jumping * Fear of the unexpected * Booming Bihar * Childhood * Most memorable moment * Funniest moment * Population explosion * Flyovers * Sachin Tendulkar * MBA education is a waste of money * Inflation, Good or Bad? * Saina Nehwal the next youth icon * Trip to favourite holiday place * The man who laughs last laughs best * Tough conditions dont last, tough men do * Favourite company * Favourite serial * Favourite actor * Your idol * Favourite business personality * Is it possible to implement one child policy? * Foreign channels are a threat to our culture * If you become invisible * Pepsi and Coca-Cola should be banned * Favourite sportsperson * Favourite food * Kashmir issue can it be solved * Privatization of universities * Advantages of vegetarianism * Women grow fatter after marriage * Most beautiful girl I have seen * Haste makes waste * Cycle the best mode of transport among youth * Morning walk versus evening walk * Beauties have no brains * Laugh & the world laughs with you, cry & you cry alone * Mobiles should be banned in colleges * What are the winning ways of success * Mobile tech: boon on bane * Positive attitude * Does fashion influence Indian culture? * Women are the weaker sex * Women are better managers * Pride & prejudice spoil relationship * Eve-teasing * Your dream partner * China, the next world power * Walking versus jogging * IT jobs on the rise * Internet as a device for marriage * My reading habits * SRK versus Aamir * Kareena or Ash - whos better?

* Parents are demanding on their children * Globalization * Co-education * Dress codes in college * Catching Osama * Ways to a healthier brain * Ends justify means * Moods are a necessary evil * Should India pursue dialogue with Pakistan? * TV commercials should be banned * Unemployment What are the remedies? * Real learning takes place through experience * Brain drain * Love is essential for peace of mind * Unconventional Hindi movies * What I did during my last vacation * Earth my planet * Education liberalized * Twos company, threes crowd * Global village

Table Topicsmaster
Toastmaster | Public Speaking | Impromptu Speech | Ice Breaking ( first) Speech| Evaluation

The extemporaneous educator With Table Topics, the Topicsmaster gives members who arent assigned a speaking role the opportunity to speak during the meeting. The Topicsmaster challenges each member with a subject, and the speaker responds with a one- to two-minute impromptu talk. Some people underestimate the Topicsmaster roles importance. Not only does it provide you with an opportunity to practice planning, preparation, organization, time management and facilitation skills; your preparation and topic selection help train members to quickly organize and express their thoughts in an impromptu setting.

Preparation is the key to leading a successful Table Topics session:

Several days before the meeting, check with the Toastmaster to find out if a theme meeting is scheduled. If so, prepare topics reflecting that theme. Confirm who the prepared speakers, evaluators and general evaluator will be so you can call on other members at the meeting to respond first. You can call on program participants (speakers last) at the end of the topics session if time allows. Select subjects and questions that allow speakers to offer opinions. Dont make the questions too long or complicated and make sure they dont require specialized knowledge. Phrase questions so the speakers clearly understand what you want them to talk about.

Remember, too, that your job is to give others a chance to speak, so keep your own comments short. Table Topics usually begins after the prepared speech presentations, but there are variations from club to club. Ask the Toastmaster or vice president education if youre unsure of when your portion of the meeting begins. When the Toastmaster introduces you, walk to the lectern and assume control of the meeting:

Briefly state the purpose of Table Topics and mention any theme. If your club has a word of the day, encourage speakers to use that word in their response. Be certain everyone understands the maximum time they have for their response and how the timing device works (if the timer hasnt already done so).

Then begin the program:

Give each speaker a different topic or question and call on speakers at random. Avoid going around the room in the order in which people are sitting. Dont ask two people the same thing unless you specify that each must give opposing viewpoints. State the question briefly then call on a respondent. You may wish to invite visitors and guests to participate after they have seen one or two members responses. But let visitors know they are free to decline if they feel uncomfortable.

Watch your total time. You may need to adjust the number of questions so your segment ends on time. Even if your portion started late, try to end on time to avoid the total meeting running overtime. If your club presents a best Table Topics speaker award:

Ask the timer at the end of the Table Topics session to report those eligible for the award. Though the times vary among clubs, generally a participant is disqualified for stopping 15 seconds prior to the allowed time or speaking 15 seconds beyond the allowed limit. Ask members to vote for best Table Topics speaker and pass their votes to the sergeant at arms or vote counter.

If your club has a Table Topics evaluator, ask for his or her report and then return control of the meeting to the Toastmaster.

Table topics- Impromptu speeches -Public speakingSample Topics

Discuss the most memorable event in your life. If you could be any animal other than human, what would you be? Defend your choice. Describe your worst experience. Would you rather be deaf or mute? Discuss your feelings about marriage. Is knowledge more important than wisdom?If you could meet a world leader, who would it be and why? If you could change one event in history,what would it be and why? If you could change one event in your life, what would it be and why? If you could change your first name, what would you change it to and why? What TV or movie character is most like you and why? What word best describes your personality and why? If you could visit one city in the world, where would it be and why? How would your life be different if you had been born the opposite gender? If you were President of the United States, what would be the first thing you would change and why?

What animal is most like you and why? What would you do with one million dollars? Would you rather have health, wealth, or fame and why? Who in your family are you most like and how? Who is your hero and why?

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