Creative Commons U.S

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Creative Commons U.S.


Copyright Week: Five Reasons Fair Use Best Practices Are Changing the World
Copyright Week is the perfect occasion to celebrate fair use, certainly the most dynamic and arguably the most important doctrine in copyright law. The last 15 or 20 years have seen a remarkable series of developments that make fair use, now more than ever, the most vital protection of the public interest in the Copyright Act. For Copyright Week, we wanted to highlight a part of the fair use landscape that, perhaps more than any other, puts fair use in the hands of practitioners who need it most: the Fair Use Best Practices movement.
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CC in Action in the US
Around the nation, n umerous people and communities are working to expand the commons and the public domain. Check CC-U.S. pages on Open Education; Open Research; and Open Culture. To see the latest news from around the country, check out our Blog. To share your own experience with the use of CC or promote you CC-licensed projects, Contact Us.

Creative Commons licenses help creators retain copyright while allowing others to copy, distribute, and make some uses of their work, at least noncommercially. The CC License choser provides an easy way for creators to define the terms on which others may use their work. CHOOSE A LICENSE

Search the Commons

Creative Commons estimates that there are over 350 million works worldwide licensed under CC licenses. There are millions of additional works in the public domain. The main Creative Commons site hosts a tool that searches Creative Commons and public domain works. SEARCH THE COMMONS.

Except w here otherw ise noted, this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. This w ebsite does not provide legal advice. Use of this w ebsite does not form any type of legal relationship betw een CC-U.S. and users.

Creative Commons-U.S. and Creative Commons Corporation are independent and separate entities. Neither is a partner, agent or employee of the other. Neither party shall have the authority to make any statements, representations or commitments of any kind, or to take any action w hich shall be binding on the other party, except as may be authorized in w riting.

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