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PAPER - I (Marks - l00)

1. The Pre-Islamic Arabic Literature. 1. The Quran, its language, contents an st!le" its in#luence on the subse$uent literature. %. Quranic semantics an et!molog! &ith s'ecial re#erence to lhn Man(oor)s Lisan al) Arab an *aghib al-As#ahani)s Mu#ra at #i +harib al-Quran. ,. Literar! -is#oi! an I.iterar! criticism-literar! mo.ements. classical backgou n , socio-cultural in#luences an mo ern tren s. /rigin an e.elo'ment o# mo ern literar! genres, inclu ing rama,, short stor!, essa!. 0. 1ontribution o# Arabs in the #iel s o# science. 'hiloso'h! an lin guistics &ith s'ecial re#erence to the .ie&s o# the lhn 2hal un, al biruni. al-3ahi(. Ibn Maska&aih, lhn Ma4a, al-2asai an 5eba&aih 6. A short intro uction to Pakistani Arabic literature in the #iel s o# 'rose an 'oetr!. 7. The contem'orar! Arabic literature in 8g!'t, Lebanon an Ira$ &ith s'ecial em'hasis on the literature o# al-Mah4er an its out stan ing re' such as 3abran 2haliI 3abran, Ilia Abu Me hi, Mckhail 9aeema. an timer Abu *isha. %. A short 8ssa! in Arabic. PAPER-II (Marks - 100)

This 'a'er &ill re$uire #irst-han rea ing o# the te:ts 'rescribe an &ill be esigne to test the can i ates critical abilit!. Poetry 1. 1. Imarul Qais " -is Maulla$ah "- ;Qi#aa 9abki mim <akraa -abibin =a Man(ili; (1om'lete). %. <ohair >in Abi 5ulma -is Maulla$ah ;A Min ?mme Au#aa @imnatun lam takalami; (1om'lete). ,. -assan >in Thhit .) The #ollo&ing #i.e Qasai #rom his @ai&an " Arom Qasi ah 9o. I to Qasi ah 9o. IB an the Qasi ah "-- Lillahi @arru 2aaba 9a amtuhum. 0. Labee " A#)ati i!aru Mahalluha =a Ma$ammuha Mahmu Timur" 5tor! " ;Ammi Muta&alli; (Arom ") 6. Tau#i$ Al--akim " @ramas " 5irrul Muntahiraa; #rom his book ;Masra-hi!aatu Tu #i$al -aki rn). 7. @r. *ana M. 9. 8hsan 8lahie " 9a#ais al-A ab, CP.?.>.A. (-ons) 1ourseD. E. @r. 3alal al-A ha&at ari others ;3arikh-ul-A ba -il-A rabi-il--a ith; F. @r. Taha -ussain " -a ith al-A raba)a G. Isa an-9a)uri " A ab al-mah4er 10. +eorge 5ai ah " A abuna &al- ? aba#i A ab al-Mah4er 11. @r. @e >oer" The -istor! o# Philoso'h! in Islam NOTE: 1an i ates &ill he re$uire to ans&er some $uestions carr!ing not less than

%6H marks in Arabic also. >ack to to'

Suggested Readings

1. The 1ontribution o# In ia to the Arabic Literature"

@r. <ubai Ahme

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