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Rajalakshmi Engineering College Lesson Plan Date of Compilation: 27.04.2011 Faculty Name: Mrs. M.

Umamaguesvari Su ject Name: Mechanics of fluids Class: !"E ci#il eng" $ jecti#e:
The student is introduced to the definition and properties of fluid. Principles of fluid statics, kinematics and dynamics are dealt with subsequently. The application of similitude and model study are covered subsequently. After undergoing this course, the student would have learnt fluid properties and application to real situations of fluid flow.

Faculty Code: CV07 Su ject Code:

%e&t !ooks:
1. Kumar, K. ., !"ngineering #luid $echanics%, "urasia Publishing &ouse 'P( td., )ew *elhi, 1++,. -. .arde, /.0. and $ira1gaoker, A..., !"ngineering #luid $echanics%, )em 2hand 3ros., /oorkee 4. /a1put, /.K., !A te5t book of #luid $echanics% , 6.2hand and 2o.,)ew *elhi 7 -889 :. #o5, /obert, ;. and $acdonald, Alan,T., !<ntroduction to #luid $echanics%, 0ohn ;iley = 6ons, 1++, ,. $odi, P.). = 6eth, 6.$ &ydraulics = fluid $echanics, 6tandard book house , )ew *elhi > -88,.

Reference !ooks:
1. 6treeter, ?ictor, . and ;ylie, 3en1amin "., !#luid $echanics%, $c.raw>&ill td., 1++@. -. ". 0ohn #innemore and 0oseph 3. #ranAini, !#luid $echanics with "ngineering Applications%, $c.raw>&ill <nternational "dition, -881. 4. Pernard $essay, !$echanics of #luids% 9

Staff Incharge





Lesson Plan %opic

UNIT I DEFINITIONS AND FLUID PROPERTIES #luid and fluid mechanics ,definition, *imensions and units #luid properties 2ontinuum 2oncept of system and control volume UNIT II FLUID STATICS & KINEMATICS PascalBs aw and &ydrostatic equation #orces on plane and curved surfaces 3uoyancy, $eta centre. Pressure measurement , #luid mass under relative equilibrium #luid Kinematics 6tream, streak and path lines, 2lassification of flows 2ontinuity equation 'one, two and three dimensional forms(, 6tream and potential functions, flow nets ?elocity measurement 'Pilot tube, current meter, &ot wire and hot film anemometer, float technique, aser *oppler velocimetry(


%e&t( Ref" !ook

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"uler and 3ernoulliBs equations, Application of 3ernoulliBs equation *ischarge measurement aminar flows through pipes and between plates 7 &agen Poiseuille equation


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Turbulent flow 7 *arcy>;eisbach formula 7 $oody diagram 7 $omentum Principle



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*efinition of boundary layer Thickness and classification *isplacement and momentum Thickness *evelopment of laminar and turbulent flows in circular pipes $a1or and minor losses Cf flow in pipes Pipes in series and in parallel 7 Pipe network UNIT V SIMILITUDE AND MODEL STUDY *imensional Analysis 7 /ayleighBs method, 3uckinghamBs Pi>theorem 6imilitude and models 6cale effect and distorted models.

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