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TECHNICAL REPORT STANDARD TITLE PAGE T.Rapect ie, T Governmont Retasalon Nor TR FHWA/TX-90+365-3F jens Catalog No TTille ond Sable 5 Raper Ba STRENGTH AND DUCTILITY OF A THREE-SPAN EXTERNALLY eaustrEl22 POST-TENSIONED SEGMENTAL BOX GIRDER BRIDGE MODEL ee iene 7 hath T. Posforming Organisation Report R. J, G, MacGregor, M. E. Kreger, and J. £. Breen Research Report 365-3F ¥, Paitarming Orpen Wane a Alone 18 Woa Unt Re 1 Center for Transportation Research ‘The University of Texas at Austin TH. Conrach ot Gront Re, Austin, Texas 78712-1075 Research Study 3-5-85/8-365 TS. Type of Ropar ond Po 12. Span covered Texas State Department of Highways and Public Pinal Transportation; Transportation Planning Division P. 0, Box 5051 Ta Sponsoring Asoney Code Austin, Texas 78763-5051 TS. Supplementary Ne Study conducted in cooperation with the U. S, Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. Research Study Title: "Evaluation of Strength and Ductility of Precast Segmental Box Girder Construction with External Tendons" Te Absit ‘This report is the third and final report in a series outlining 8 major study of the behavior of post- tensioned concrete box girder bridges with post- tensioniag tendons external to the concrete section. It sum- marizes the design, construction, testing and interpretation of very comprehensive three-span externally- post-tensioned box girder bridge model. The model was constructed from precast segments using the span- by-span construction procedure. Careful measurements were made during construction to document the actual stresses and prestress losses occurring. One span of the model had dry joints while the other two spans had epoxy joints. Loading was applied at design service load levels, design factored load levels, and ultimate load cycles for both maximum flexure and maximum sheat loading configurations. Careful observations were made of deformations, tendon stress changes, joint openings and reaction changes. Companion analysis was performed to assist in development of the model and in the interpretation of the test dat ‘The model bridge was very stiff at service load conditions and exhibited linear behavior to loads higher than the factored design load. The cracking load for epoxy-jointed spans was approximately twice the load required to decompress the flexural tension fiber and begin to open a previously cracked joint. This suggests that epoxied joiats can provide a reasonable factor of safety against joint opening and that this same factor of safety can be provided in dry-jointed spans only by applying additional prestress force. Both the dry and epoxy- jointed spans displayed considerable ductility during flexural strength tests. V7 Key Words Ta, Drewibatien retoment strength, ductility, concrete box No restrictions. This document is girder bridge, segmental, tendons, available to the public through the post-tensioning, precast, stresses, National Technical Information Service, prestress, load levels, joints, cracks | Springfield, Virginia 22161, TW. Seewsity Clsail Cl le I Somoriy Close Ts Wo. ol Pages| 23, Price Unclassified Unclassified 324 Form DOT F 1700.7 STRENGTH AND DUCTILITY OF A THREE-SPAN EXTERNALLY POST-TENSIONED SEGMENTAL BOX GIRDER BRIDGE MODEL R.J.G. MacGregor, M.E. Kreger and J.E. Breen Research Report No. 365-3F Research Project 3-5-85/8-365 “Evaluation of Strength and Ductility of Precast Segmental Box Girder Construction with External Tendons” Conducted for ‘Texas State Department of Highway and Public Transportation In Cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration by CENTER FOR TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BUREAU OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN January 1989 The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors, who are responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect, the official views or policies of the Federal Highway Administration. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation. ‘There was no invention or discovery conceived or first actually reduced to practice in the course of or under this contract, including any art, method, process, machine, manufacture, design or compecition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, ot any variety of plant which is or may be patentable under the patent laws of the United States of America or any foreign country.

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