February 2 Outline BSG

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BULLETIN OUTLINE Chain Reaction: Have You Got What It Takes? Philippians 3:2-9 02.02.

14 Tom Oyler, Lead Pastor It is a crucial question. It is a clear question. It is a personal question. LOOKING BACK Chain Reaction: Have You Got What It Takes?

Philippians 3:2-9

We have just heard the most fervent outpouring of devotion to Christ that is recorded in Scripture. (Jones) It does not have the tone of being ginned up, contrived, or casual. The words describe reality for the apostle Paul. While our personalities will lead us to process and express our faith differently, here is a reality that belongs to everyone who truly understands what it takes to be accepted by God. Thinking it Through

God sends no one away empty handed except those who are full of themselves.
~D. L. Moody ~Unknown

Plastic people crack easily. Truth is always narrow, but error goes off in all directions.
~Paul Johnson

Working it Out 1. How crucial has this issue been to you up to this point in your life? How so?

2. How does Pauls story affect your own?

3. Do you have what it takes to be accepted by God? Explain.

LOOKING AHEAD Chain Reaction: Where Its At

Philippians 3:10-11

All human beings search for something or someone that defines their reason for existence. It seems to be life long, and there are many miss steps and disappointments along the way. Some give up, some live in inner turmoil, others just get numbor exhausted. Is there any place, anyone, or anything that is really where its at? It took him awhile, but Paul knew he had come to know where its at. There was nothing else that compared-not even close. Looking It Up 1. Try to summarize what Paul was saying in 3:3-9 in your own words in just a few lines.

2. Write out vs. 10-11 word for word below.

3. If you were to put a label on this regarding what these words were for Paul, what might it be? (i.e. Hisor His)

4. How does verse 10 relate to and expand his spiritual journey as stated in v. 9?

5. According to v. 10, for Paul, what was his life all about? Reflect on what this might mean and look like in a persons life?

6. What is his ultimate drive or direction in life? (v. 11)

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