2nd Skill Tree

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Dark Knight (Blade Master) [X1] Lvl 8/ Dark Blast = Hits everyone around you with blind for

2 se s ! "2 H# to $ain H% [X2] Lvl &/ Life lea h 2 = 'teals ( H# and heals ( ! " ) H# to $ain h# [X2] Lvl 1*/ %oison 2 = Deals "2 Da$a+e for 1* se s !" , H# to $ain h# [X1] Lvl 11/ Dark wave = -ree.es ene$ies for , se s /$ust be used to flee0 [X1] Lvl 12/ Bea$ = deals 1 da$a+e to all 1ne$ies in view! "2 H# to $ain H# Lvl 1(/ 2ble to han+e to Dark 'oldier! " 2 h# to $ain h# Rogue (Assassin)

8 Hp

[X2] lvl 8/ '#are 3han+e = %ays the ene$y to flee /doesn4t work on boss4s0 !") H# on $ain H# [X2] Lvl &/ 'tab 2 = Hits the ene$y with ( Da$a+e! "2 H# on $ain H# [X1] Lvl 1*/ 5e6 = 2llows you to do a dire t hit to the soul losin+ half health /Dosent work on Boss4s0 Lvl 11/ !"2 h# on $ain h# [X1] Lvl 12/ 'udden 'lash = 2llows you to hit the $onster 2 ti$es /$ust be loaked to use0 ! "2 H# to $ain H# Lvl 1(/ 2ble to han+e to 7hief! "( h# to $ain h# Samurai Soldier (Samurai) [X2] Lvl 8/ Holy 'a$urai 'lash = deals 2 da$a+e but ( da$a+e to undead [X1] Lvl &/ 2nd 'a$urai4s 7rust = 8ive "2 h# to o$rade /unable to use on self0 [X1] Lvl 1*/ "( H# to $ain H% [X2] Lvl 11/ 3hina4s Heal 9 heals yourself by 2 h#! "2 h# to $ain h# Lvl 12/ "8 h# to $ain h# Lvl 1(/ 2ble to :ob han e to 'a$urai 8eneral Holy Druid (Druid) [X2] Lvl 8/ ;ea hin+ Hands = Heals all #layers in ran+e with 2 H# [X2] Lvl &/ -ree.in+ Heal = heals #arty 1* H# but free.es the$ for , se s [X1] Lvl 1*/ 'hinin+ wind = Heals ( H# to #arty !") H# to $ain H% [X2] Lvl 11/ <ass bubble = Deals ( da$a+e to surroundin+ #layers and ene$y4s ! " ( H# to $ain h# [X2] Lvl 12/ -ly = #ushes ene$y ba k /sto#s when o$es in onta t with solid ob:e t0 ! ", H% to $ain h# Lvl 1(/ 2ble to han+e to <onk! "1 h# to $ain h# Battle Mage (Cleric) [X2] Lvl 8/ Hu+e ;o k -all = 'tuns the ene$y for 2 se !"( H% to $ain h# [X2] Lvl &/ -ree.in+ =ind = -ree.es the ene$y in #la e for 2 se [X1] Lvl 1*/ 'hinin+ ross = Deals 1 da$a+e to all ene$ies in ran+e! "( h# to $ain h#

[X1] Lvl 11/ 'now 'lide = >no kin+ all ene$y4s ba k ( ste#s free.in+ the ene$y for 2 se 4s ! "2H# to $ain h# [X1] Lvl 12/ 7e k7on = Heals #arty with , h#! "2 h# to $ain h# Lvl 1(/ 2ble to han+e to Druid >ni+ht Di ine Holy Healer (Di ine Healer) [X2] lvl 8/ %rey 9 %reys healin+ #arty for , h# / ount to 1*0 ! " ? h# to $ain h# Lvl &/ ") H% to $ain H% [X1] Lvl 1*/ 2nd ;estoration 9 Heals o$rade over ti$e +ainin+ 2 H% over 1* se s / ount to 1*0 [X1] Lvl 11/ Holy heal 9 Heals ( H# and ures all ne+ative statuses / ount to 1,0 [X1] Lvl 12/ 7e kton 9 Heals #arty by ) H# / ount to 1*0 ! "( H# to $ain H% Lvl 1(/ 2ble to han+e to 8lorious Healer

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