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Section 1 Taming the City

1. Describe the conditions of early cities and compare the conditions with the emergence of the Industrial
2. Describe the living conditions for the poor in the cities of the Industrial Revolution.
3. Who was Edwin Chadwick and what is his contribution to this history?
4. Who was Jeremy Bentham and what is his contribution to this history?
5. What is the miasmatic theory?
6. Who is Louis Pasteur and what is his contribution to this history?
7. Who is Robert Koch and what is his contribution to this history?
8. Who is Joseph Lister and what is his contribution to this history?
9. Who is Georges Haussman and what is his contribution to this history?
10.How were cities redesigned to benefit citizens?
11.How were governments involved in the development of cities?
Section 2: Rich and Poor and Those in Between
12. How would you characterize the standard of living for average Europeans in the second half of the
13. With whom did the upper middle class tend to merge with as the century progressed?
14. Who was the labor aristocracy?
15. How would you characterize the labor aristocracys moral code?
16. Who did white collar employees identify withwhich social class?
17. Identify occupations that are considered professional.
18. What common aspects united the middle classes?
19. Which country has the greatest economic inequality prior to WWI?
Section 3: The Changing Family
20. Why is there a decline in illegitimacy rates after 1850?
21. What types of jobs were husbands and wives able to get where they could work together after 1850?
22. What differences existed b/w feminists inspired by socialism and middle-class feminists?
23. What positive aspect was created with the rigid separation of men and women in society?
24. Why was there a reduction in the size of the European family?
25. What was Freuds general thesis?
Section 4: Science and Thought of the 19th Century
26. Where did theoretical science find practical applicationswhat fields?
27. What are the consequences of the triumph of science and technology?
28. Comte and the positivist method?
29. Darwins theory of evolution?
30. Realist writers what did they attempt to do?
31. Sister Carrie?
32. The World of Yesterday?
33. Emile Zola?
34. Michael Faraday?
35. Feodor Dostoevski?
36. Dmitri Mendeleev?
37. The Human Comedy?
Chapter 24 Questions
Test Feb 14
Second lndusLrlal 8evoluuon
ubllc PealLh MovemenL
Ldwln Chadwlck
sanlLary ldea"
Ceorges von Paussmann
n de slecle
8elle Lpoque"
Louls asLeur, germ Lheory
!oseph LlsLer
umlLrl Mendeleev
Mlchael laraday, elecLromagneusm
AugusL ComLe
Charles uarwln, !" $%& !'()(" *+ ,-&.(&/
1homas Puxley
PeberL Spencer, Soclal uarwlnlsm
Slgmund lreud
Marle Curle
LrnesL 8uLherford
Max lanck
AlberL LlnsLeln
Lheory of relauvlLy
0&'12 3*45'12
Ponore de 8alzac
CusLave llauberL
1homas Pardy
Lmlle Zola
Ceorge LlloL
Leo 1olsLoy
Penrlk lbsen
CusLav CourbeL
lrancols MllleL, 6%& 78&5"&'/
Ponore uaumler, 6%('9:;85// ;5''(5)&
Ldgar uegas
Ldouard ManeL, <& =>?&1"&' /1' 8@%&'A& B!8C2-(5
Claude MoneL, D2-'&//(*" ,1"'(/&
lerre-AugusLe 8enolr, <& E*18(" 9& 85 758&F&
vlncenL van Cogh, ,$5''C 3()%$
aul Cauguln
aul Cezanne
Penrl Mausse, 8&/ +514&/
ablo lcasso, <&/ E5952*/&88& 9@G4()"*"
Wasslly kandlnsky
l8C Cuesuons
1. Compare and conLrasL Lhe rsL" and second" lndusLrlal revoluuons.
2. Analyze ways ln whlch urbanlzauon lmpacLed Luropean socleLy ln Lhe 19
3. Pow dld Lhe lndusLrlal revoluuon and urbanlzauon lmpacL Lurope's soclal sLrucLure.
4. Analyze Lhe forces LhaL caused Lhe famlly Lo change ln Lhe 19
3. Pow dld sclenuc advances ln Lhe laLe-19
cenLury challenge Lhe ways Luropeans vlewed Lhe world?
6. Analyze how 8eallsm, lmpresslonlsm and osL-lmpresslonlsm reecLed Luropean socleLy ln Lhe laLe-19
early 20
Chapter 24 Questions
Test Feb 14

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