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Taylor Y.

Ainslie | |

Academic Information:

University of Southern California Master of Education in Postsecondary Administration and Student Affairs Cumulative GPA: 3.821 University of California, Irvine Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy Minor in Educational Studies Cumulative GPA: 3.904; magna cum laude

May 2014

June 2012

UC Irvine Humanities Counseling Office Academic Counselor December 2013-current Provide advisement to students including transfer students, re-entry students, secondbaccalaureate students, students on probation, and graduating seniors regarding degree requirements and progress, academic success, etc. Process and evaluate change of major requests in adherence to school policies Track student statuses regarding probation, academic contract, and transfer/IGETC credit Peer Academic Advisor March 2011-June 2012 Advised hundreds of undergraduate humanities students in individual and group advising sessions on school requirements, policies, degree progress, and career objectives Participated in the bi-weekly Academic Advisory Committee responsible for addressing student concerns and updating various departments on policy changes Facilitated in freshman and transfer orientation sessions: presented on navigating registration websites, university and school requirements, and course selection USC Rossier School of Education Ed.D Program Office February 2013-current Graduate Educational Assistant Organize and assist with events, such as the mentoring program receptions, online training sessions, Summer Conference, Commencement, and Orientation Create comprehensive materials for the Pre-Orientation Blackboard site regarding essential USC information, campus resources, and Ed.D Program information Develop assessment tools and handbooks to improve the mentoring programs effectiveness and implement data-driven changes to the mentoring program Perform various administrative duties involving confidential student data and tracking systems UC Irvine Comprehensive Review January 2012-current Application Reader Participate in extensive norming process that informs regards about the admissions process, what is valued in admissions, and how to accurately and fairly score applications Review and evaluate freshman and transfer applications

Taylor Y. Ainslie | |

USC Rossier School of Education Global Executive Ed.D Program Office May-August 2013 Graduate Assistant Collect, organize, and update course materials for faculty on the ARES library database Plan and assist with Orientation, on-campus accommodations, and activities for students from diverse countries and cultural backgrounds

Fieldwork and Volunteering:

Increasing Access via Mentoring Program August 2012-current Mentor Advise and support four low-income high school seniors on their college applications and transition into college life Maintain broad knowledge base of current trends in college admissions, financial aid, and freshman-year concerns USC Ronald Tutor Campus Center Operations Office May-December 2013 Intern Create and employ an assessment tool to evaluate the university-wide event-planning process Analyze data and design an infographic to present data results to supervisors Develop a handbook for student-employees in the central office of the Tutor Campus Center

Professional Development and Affiliations

Member of the Association of College Unions International (ACUI) Member of the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) Volunteer/Attendee NACADA Region IX Conference: Lights, Camera, Advise!

2013-current 2013-current 2013


Chancellors Award of Distinction 2012 Prestigious honor for graduating seniors demonstrating exceptional leadership, service, and research for the UCI community Member of Phi Beta Kappa 2012 $10,000 Ursinus College Achievement Award 2008

Skills and Certifications:

Student Affairs Assessment Certificate Fluent in survey development (Qualtrics and Survey Monkey) Understanding of assessment values, concepts, and best practices Digital Native Mastery of Microsoft Suite (Excel, Access, Word, Publisher, PowerPoint, etc.) Strong knowledge of Google applications Fluency in social media (Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, TypePad, etc.) Experience with website development Knowledge of presentation tools (Prezi and VoiceThread) Student Database Systems (Student Information System [SIS], StudentAccess, DegreeWorks) experience Event Management Systems (EMS) experience

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