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thi kho st hc sinh lp 6 - mn ting Anh nm hc 2001 - 2002

kho st hc sinh lp 6 mn ting anh Nm hc 2001- 2002 h!i gian" #$ ph%t &. '() *c t+m ,-a./0 sa1 23 ho3n th3nh 43i h5i tho6i" 7$ *i8m9 Name: Harold Schimidt From: Germany Address: 36 Buxton Road, London, W ! "ele#hone num$er: % & 33'( 6' A)e: (

*nter+ie,er: What-s your name. Harold: ////my name is Harold Schimidt///////////////////!! *nter+ie,er: Ho,/do you s#ell your surname .////////////! Harold: *t-s S010H020*030"! *nter+ie,er: "han4 you! Where//are you 5rom .///////!! Harold: *-m 5rom//Germany/////////! *nter+ie,er: ////,hat is your///////////!address. Harold: /it is//36 Buxton Road, London, W //////////////////!! *nter+ie,er: ////,hat is your///////////tele#hone num$er. Harold: ////it is /% & 33'( 6'//////////////////! *nter+ie,er: And///ho, old are/////////////!!you. Harold: *-m//( years old////////// &&. '() *in /6ng *%ng c:a nh;ng *5ng t< sa1 23o ch= t.>ng *8 ho3n th3nh 4?c th@ 7$ *i8m9.

Stay, #lay, read, rain, eat, ,rite 3ear 6ane! We-re stayin) ,ith my )rand#arents in Bournemouth! We can-t )o out this mornin) $ecause it //is/rainin)///////!!*///am////// ,ritin)////////this letter and 2um //is/readin)//////////! a $oo4! 6im///////is// #layin)///////!!,ith my )rand#arents do)! "he do)///is

// eatin)////////////!! 6im-s soc4s7 See you soon 7 Lo+e "ina &&&. ABp Cp l6i t.Dt tE cc t< sa1 th3nh cF1 ho3n chGnh 7$ *i8m9. ! to 8 at 8 the 8 )o 8 they 8 restaurants 8 ,ee4end //"hey )o to the restaurants at ,ee4end! (! ,ant 8 a 8 you 8 do 8 thin4 8 .

3o you ,ant to drin4 . 3! li4e 8 don-t 8 letters 8 * 8 ,ritin)! * don9 t li4e ,ritin) letters! :! tennis 8 ,atch 8 #lay 8 ,e 8 "!; 8 ,e 8 and! //,e #lay tennis and ,atch "; <! are 8 2rs Burton 8 me 8 excuse 8 you 8 . excuse me are you mrs Burton &H. '() sBp Cp *I *6c 23o *%ng phJng c:a nK 7$ *i8m9 1u#$oad, sin4 , so5a , 5rid)e , sho,er , ,ardro$e , $ath , ,ash $asin , "!; , armchair , $ed , coo4er , ,ashin) machine , toilet , chest o5 dra,ers , co55ee ta$le , o+en , $oo4 case , tooth $rush , #illo, , 4ni5e! $edroom $athroom 4itchen li+in)room

-h%c cc con l3m 43i t>t L

2. thi kho st hc sinh lp 6 - mn ting Anh nm hc 200M N 200#

kho st ch+t l@Ung lp 6 OhJng PQ- R1Dn 4a *Snh .@!ng '-A Ping HT Nm hc" 200M-200# Ng3) thi" h!i gian l3m 43i" #$ ph%t

&.P6ch chFn *p n *%ng nh+t 23 2it l6i *p n *K 23o ch= t.>ng *8 ho3n th3nh cc cF1 sa1"7M *9 ! What do your students o5ten ///do/!a5ter school.= do8does8did> (! ?ur children/ha+e///dinner at 5i+e thirty!=has8ha+e8are> 3! 1ould you tell me/the// time, #lease!=a8the8that> :! 2y $rother/doesn-t//)et u# at six e+ery mornin)!=isn-t8doesn-t8don-t> <! Would you li4e/some//!!more tea.=any8 ha+e8some> 6! "om is )oin) to ride a $i4e// at/!the ,ee4end!=at8on8 in> &&. -hn cc *5ng t< cho sVn 23 cho /6ng *%ng c:a cc *5ng t< *K sao cho phW hUp 2i cc cF1 sa1.7$ *9 "o ,ear to come to $e to lea+e to dra, "o li+e to $orro, to co#y to hear to loo4

!What time does the next $us// lea+e//,#lease.

6! 1an you/loo4/!a5ter the children toni)ht.

(! She can-t//hear//you, *-m a5raid! She-s B! 2y $rother//is li+in)/,ith a French dea5@ 5amily no,! 3! * thin4 Aeter is )oin) to $e an artist! He//dra,s//so ,ell! :!What colour/are///your ne, shoes. '! Shall */,ear/!!my $lue dress or red dress to the #arty. &! "hey/$orro,/!!many $oo4s 5rom the li$rary yesterday a5ternoon!

<! Would you li4e to/come///to my #arty %! Anna al,ays/co#ies// the ,ay * dess! on Friday.

&&&. Xt cF1 hYi cho cc cF1 t. l!i sa17$*9 !2ary )ot u# at &!3% last Sunday! //,hat time did 2ary )et u# last Sunday . /////////////////////!! (! She-t )oin) to #lay tennis a5ter school! /,hat is she )oin) to do a5ter school/./////////////////////!!

3!6ames ,ants to $e a doctor! //,hat does 6ames ,ant to $e ./////////////////////! : *t ,as sunny any ,indy= in Ha Noi yesterday>! //ho, ,as the ,eather yesterday ./////////////////////! <!"he station. Go ahead, then turn le5t at the tra55ic li)hts,*t is on the ri)ht! /Cxcuse me ! could you tell me the ,ay to the station/////////////. ///////// &H. QEa 2 3o cc t< gUi Z sa1 *8 2it th3nh cF1 ho3n chGnh.7M *9 !Why8 not8you8come8 #arty8last ni)ht. //,hy didn9t you come to my #arty last ni)ht . ///////////////////////!! (! "oday8 6ohn8not8class8 he8sic4! today, 6ohn isn9t in his class $ecause he is sic4/////////////////////////! 3! Because8 5oot$all8 excitin)8 attracti+e8 s#ort8 lot8 #eo#le //a lot o5 #eo#le li4e 5oot$all $eacause it is an excitin) and attracti+e s#ort /////////////////////// ;!Cm hDy +iEt mFt GoHn +In cJ nFi dun) lo)ic Kt nhLt & cMu tron) GJ cJ sN dOn) cPc tQ, cOm tQ cho sRn dSTi GMy!= :G>

Summer $each hotel $eauti5ul ,eather the a5ternoon sou+enirs

-h%c cc con l3m 43i t>t L

M. thi kho st hc sinh lp 6 - mn ting Anh nm hc 2006 N 200[

\ ]&^_ `A ]'ab Ac Hdb efO 6 _n ki8m t.a" ing Anh *. Pi2g thg co..gct ho.m oh thg 2g.4s an/ .gi.itg thg iholg sgntgnsgs. 72m9 7-ho /6ng *%ng c:a *5ng t< ngoXc 23 2it l6i c cF1 *K sang c5t 4jn9. ! UUShe is #layin) chess ,ith her 5riend at themoment! She o5ten #lays chess ,hen she ha+es 5ree timeUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU (! UShe does aero$ics e+ery mornin). 3! UHo, o5ten Hoa )oin) to see a mo+ie :! UUU2ary )oin) to ha+e her summer +acation next month! <! UUWe don9t li4e to #lay +ideo )amesUU 6! UUUULet-s listen to some music on the radio!UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

! She =#lay> chess ,ith her 5riend at themoment! She o5ten =#lay> chess ,hen she =ha+e> 5ree time! (! She =do> aero$ics e+ery mornin). 3! Ho, o5ten Hoa =)o> to see a mo+ie. :! 2ary =ha+e> her summer +acation next month! <! We =not li4e> to #lay +ideo )ames! 6! Let-s =listen> to some music on the radio!

&&. _ath ong R1gstion in col1mn A iith a s1ita4lg ansig. in col1mn k. 72.$m9. 7'() ghlp m5t cF1 hYi m c5t A 2i 1 cF1 t. l!i m c5t k nh@ 2n /o 0-g9. A %! What is Hoa doin) no,. ! Which s#ors do you #lay. (! Ho, o5ten does Lan )o Vo))in). 3! Who is Lan #layin) $adminton ,ith. :! What do they do in their 5ree time. <! *s there any ,ater in the )lass. B a! Wes, there is $! Her sister c! "hey )o 5ishin)! d! * s,im and #lay soccer! e! She is s4i##in)! 5! C+ery day!

&&&. O1t thg io.//s gi2gn 4gloi in o./g.. 71.$m9 7 ABp Cp cc t< cho sVn th3nh cF1 ho3n chGnh9. ! am8 *8 )oin)8 to8 a8 match8 tele+ision8 on8 toni)ht8 soccer8

UUUUU* am )oin) to a soccer match on tele+ision toni)ht UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU (! s,immin)8 it8 ,hen8 is8 Ba8 hot8 )oes8 UUUUUUUUBa )oes s,immin) ,hen it is hot 3! aren-t8 a##les8 on8 ta$le8 there8 any8 the8 UUUUUUthere aren9t any a##les on the ta$lesUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UU &H. p.itg R1gstions ho. thg 1n/g.ling/ io./s. 71q$m9 7Hit cF1 hYi cho t< g6ch chFn9 ! *t is o5ten rainy in the 5all! UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU (! She is readin) a #icture $oo4 in her room! UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 3! * $rush my teeth t,ice a day! UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU H. `ga/ an/ thgn tick 7 2 9 in thg t.1g o. halsg col1mn. 72.$m9 7c 23 *nh /+1 7 29 cF1 t. l!i *%ng 23o c5t .1g 23 sai 23o c5t ralsg9. Hoa is a student! She li+es near her school! She ,al4s to school e+ery day! Her 5ather is a $usinesman! He o5ten )oes to Hanoi! He tra+els $y #lane! Her mother is a nurse! She ,or4s in a hos#ital! *t is 5ar 5rom her house! She )oes to ,or4 $y motor$i4e! Hoa-$rother is a student, too! He )oes to school $y $i4e! "rue False UUUUUUUUtrueUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUU5alseUUUUUUU UUUUUUUU5asleUUUUUU

%! Hoa-s $rother sudents at a school! (! Hoa doesn-t )o to school on 5oot! 3! Hoa-s 5ather ne+er 5lies to Hanoi! :! Hoa-s $rother cycles to school! <! Hoa-s house isn-t 5ar 5rom school!


#. thi kho st hc sinh lp 6 - mn ting Anh nm hc 200s N 200t

\ '& ]'ab Ac

'u efO 6

7Nv_ 'w- 200s-200t9 1/ Match A with B: (Em hy tm p n ph hp bng cch ghp ct A v i ct B! A ! a $ottle o5 (! a $ox o5 3! a tu$e o5 :! t,o 4ilos o5 <! a $ar o5 k a! chocolate $! soda c! tooth #aste d! rice e! tissue

"/ #h$$%& th& b&t% an%w&': (Em hy ch(n p n )ng nh*t! ! (! 3! :! <! She (like/ likes/ liking) carrots! He (is/ are/ be) my 5riend! 2rs Lan (is walking/ walks/ to walk) to school no,! He (do/ does/ doing) his home,or4 e+eryday! * (love/ loving/ loves) #icture $oo4s!

+/ #h$$%& th& w$', which ha% th& ,i--&'&nt p'$n$.nciati$n: (Em hy ch(n t/ m0 ph1n g2ch ch3n c4 pht 3m 5hc %$ v i cc t/ t'$ng cng mt h0ng! ! a! there $! near c! en)ineer d! here (! a! $lac4 $! )arden c! hal5 d! $ananas 3! a! tea $! $ean c! #eas d! $read :! a! color $! loXen c! mother d! $ottle <! a! a##le $! ca#ital c! man d! ,ater 6/ #h$$%& th& b&t% an%w&': (Em hy ch(n p n )ng nh*t! 6! Who-s this. a! *t-s a nurse $! *t-s Aeter c! *t-s an eraser B! Lan and * ////// ne, students! a! am $! is c! are &! Lan is tall, /////!!!* am not! a! $ut $! or c! and '! Are these chair ne,/////!!old.

a! $ut $! or c! and (%! Are there many cloc4s////!!the ,all. a! on $! at c! in ( ! * ha+e luch /////!! a! in $! on c! at ((! "am is not 5at! He is/////! a! thin $! tall c! old (3//////does 2ai )et u# e+ery mornin). a! What time $! Where c! What (:! Which sound $elon)s to8 iX8 sound. a! houses $! #encils c! #ar4s (<! 2inh li+es //////the city //////!!his 5amily a! on8 ,ith $! in8 to c! in8 ,ith (6! "he #olice station is next ///!!!!!!!!!!your house. a! o5 $! to c! ,ith (B! What is to the ri)ht ///// your house. a! in $! o5 c! must (&! Wou////!!!sto#! "hat si)n says YSto#7Z! a! can $! must not c! must ('! She is a doctor! She ,or4s in a //////!!! a! dru)store $! hos#ital c! $a4ery 3%! What does he do ,hen he ////!!!! 5ree time. a! ha+e $! has c! ha+in) 7/ #$''&ct th& .n,&'8in&, mi%ta5&%: (Em ha9 %:a 82i nh;ng 8<i %ai =c g2ch ch3n! * = >is Lan! *-m t,el+e =(>year old! *n my 5ree time * o5en =3>reads $oo4s! * ha+e a $rother and a sister! 2y $rother is ten years old! He =:>dont li4e $oo4s! He o5en =<>go s,immin) in =6>her 5ree time! And my sister doesn-t li4e $oo4s, either! She =B>like #layin) outside ,ith her 5riends! We o5ten =&>does our home,or4 to)ether! !3% a!m e+eryday!

>/ ?'it& ab$.t 1@ %&nt&nc&% ab$.t y$.' %ch$$8 an, y$.' c8a%% an, .%& th& w$', b&8$w: (Em hy viAt mt $2n vBn ngCn 5h$Dng 1@ c3. tD ngEi t'=Fng v0 8 p h(c cGa &mH t'$ng 4 c4 %: ,Ing nh;ng t/ %a.!

School, $uildin), many students, 5loors, tachers, my class, ta$les, chairs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

$. thi kho st thx 23o lp 6 - mn ting Anh nm hc 200M N 200#

thi kho st thx 23o lp 6 Nm hc 200M N 200# 1. ym h() ghlp m5t cF1 hYi m c5t A 2i cF1 t. l!i thnch hUp m c5t k" 72.$*9 (! What-s your name. a! "here are t,enty0six! 3! Ho, are you. $! "hat is 2r! 1uon)! :! Ho, old are you. c! 2y name-s Lan! <! Hou, do you s#ell your name. d! Wes, that-s my teacher! 6! Where do you li+e. e! *-m 5ine, than4 you! B! What-s that. 5! *-m a doctor! &! Ho, many students are there in your class. )! * li+e in the city! '! What do you do. h! "hat-s an eraser! %! Who-s that. i! N0H0[0N0G, Nhun)! ! *s that your teacher. V! *-m ele+en years old! (! ym h() chn m5t t< m phzn in nghijng cK cch pht Fm khc so 2i nh;ng t< cJn l6i mm=i /Jng sa1" 72.$*> ;K dO:

! St$$l $! r$$mc! a5tern$$n d! d$$r "r\ l]i: d! d$$r ! (! 3! :! <! 6! A! small $! 5ace c! )rade d! late A! $r&a45ast $!t&acher c! r&adyd! h&a+y A! time $! 5ine c! 5i+e d! city A! en)in&&r$! )r&&tin) c!t&&th d! str&&t A! chair $! school c! couch d! children ym h() /Wng t< gUi Z *Xt cF1 hYi 2i t< ,'oi ohtgn0 23 t. l!i. 72.$*>

;K dO: Ly8 )o Vo))in)8 e+ery mornin)! ! (! 3! :! <! 6! B! s. Ho, o5ten does Ly )o Vo))in). She )oes Vo))in) e+ery mornin)! 2iss Nhun)8 )o to the mo+ie8 once a ,ee4! 1hildren8 #lay +ideo )ames8 t,ice a ,ee4! ;iet8 listen to music8 once a day! 2r! and 2rs! Ba8 )o cam#in)8 once a year! Family8 ha+e a #icnic8 5our times a year! ym h() /Wng t< gUi Z m *z1 cF1 th? hai 2it l6i cF1 th? nh+t sao cho ngh{a khng *|i" 7$*9 '! 2y sister ,al4s to the su#ermar4et! 2y sister )oes/////////////////////////// ! "here are many 5lo,ers in our )arden! ?ur )arden////////////////////////////! ! 3oes your 5ather cycle to ,or4. 3oes your 5ather )et////////////////////////!! ! "he )arden is $ehind Nam-s classroom! Nam-s chassroom /////////////////////////! ! "om dri+es to ,or4 e+ery mornin)! "om tra+els//////////////////////////// 1. ym h() cho /6ng *%ng c:a *5ng t< ngoXc *8 ho3n th3nh nh;ng cF1 sa1. QWng th!i hi}n t6i th@!ng hoXc hi}n t6i tip /i~n. 72.$*9 (! "ran) usually =listen>////!! to the theacher in the class, $ut she =not listen> ///////no,! She =loo4>//////out o5 the ,indo,! 3! Where-s your 5ather. :! He =$e>////!in the $athroom! He =$rush>////!!his teeth! He =$rush> /////his teeth in the mornin) and e+enin)! ! Wour children =)o>//////!to school $y $us today.

(! "here =$e> //////are many 5lo,ers in our )arden! 3! C+ery day 2r! Hun) =not dri+e> doesn-t dri+e to ,or4! He =tra+el> ////!$y taxi! #. _=i /Jng *o6n 2n sa1 cK m5t l=i saiq gm h() tSm 23 ch;a l6i cho *%ng. 71*9 ;iet li4es cam#! He o5ten )oes cam#in) in the mountains! %! 1am#in) near his uncle-s house! He usually )o ,ith his 5riends ! //// and sometimes ,ith his uncle or him $rother! When they (////! )o cam#in), he and his 5riends al,ays ,ear stron) $oots 3////!! and ,arm cloth! "hey also ta4e 5ood, ,ater and a cam#in) :////!! sto+e! "hey usually )o cam#in) o+erni)ht! 1. ym h() *in m5t t< 23o m=i ch= t.>ng *8 ho3n th3nh 43i h5i tho6i sa1" 7#*9 *nter+ie,er: Good mornin), 2r! 2inh! 3o you = >/////in to,n. 2r! 2inh: Wes, * li+e in=(>//////!! a#artment! *nter+ie,er: *s =3>///!! a su#ermar4et near the a#artment near the =:>////! ! 2r! 2inh: Wes, there-s also a $an4, a clinic =<>////// and a hotel! *nter+ie,er: Are there any =6>//// near it. 2r! 2inh: Wes, there =B> //////!! t,o $oo4stores, a toystore, a $a4ery and a dru)store! *nter+ie,er: *s it =&>/// here. 2r! 2inh: Wes, ='>////!!+ery noisy! *nter+ie,er: = %>////!do you do, 2r 2inh. 2r! 2inh: *= >///// an en)ineer!

*nter+ie,er: Where do you = (>//////!!. 2r! 2inh: * ,or4 in a $i) 5actory near the country! *nter+ie,er: = 3>////// do you = :>//////!! to ,or4. 2r! 2inh: * tra+el = <>/////!$y car! *nter+ie,er: "han4 you +ery much!

6. thi kho st thx 23o lp 6 - mn ting Anh 729

\ '& ]'ab Ac

'u 'w- A&N' efO 6 N _N &NP AN'

&. -hoosg thg co..gct ansig. " 7#/9 ! UUUUUUUUUUU is near he stadium. A! Where B! When 1!What (! UUUUUUUUUUU $rothers does she ha+e. A! Ho, many B! Which 1! What 3! N)a UUUUUUU her lunch in the 5actory! A! #lays B! ,or4s 1! eats :! WeUUUUUUUUUUU in a small house near the #ar4! A! li+e B! ha+e 1! )o <! 2y 5ather is a doctor! HeUUUUUUUUUU in a hos#ital A! li+es B! ,or4s 1! eats 6! We ha+e dinner in a smallUUUUUUUUUUUU A! museum B! $oo4store 1! restaurant B! "hey #lay soccer in a UUUUUUUUUUUUUU near their house! A! stadium B! hos#ital 1! restaurant &! Nhun) li+es in the country! Her house is in a smallUUUUUUUUUUUU A! +illi)e B! mo+ie theatre 1! 5actory &&. `ga/ an/ i.itg .1g 7 9 o. ralsg 7r9 ho. thg sgntgncgs 4gloi. 7#/9 "here are 5our seasons in a year! "hey are: s#rin), summer, 5all and ,inter! *n s#rin), the ,eather is usually ,arm! Sometimes, it is cold, $ut not +ery cold! "here are many 5lo,ers in s#rin)! A5ter s#rin) comes summer! *n summer, the days are lon) and the ni)hts are short! We o5ten )o to the seaside in summe! Fall is the season o5 5ruits! We can enVoy di55erent 4ind o5 5ruits, es#ecially in tro#ical countries li4e ;ietnam! *n ,inter, it9s usually +ery cold! "he days are short and the ni)ht are lon)! a! "here are 5our season in a year UU"UU

$! "he ,eather is o5ten ,arm in summer! UUUUUU c! *n s#rin), the days are lon) and the ni)hts are short! UUUUUUUUUU d! Autumn is the seasons o5 5ruits!UUUUUUUU e! We o5ten )o to the seaside in ,inter!UUUUUUUUU 5! *t9s o5ten +ery cold in ,inter!UUUUUUUU &&&. ym ha) sap Cgp nh1ng t1 sa1 thanh ca1 co nghia. 72q$ /9 ! small 8 thin 8 sister 8 ,hite 8 and 8 his 8 li#s 8 teeth 8 has! (! li5ter 8 hea+y 8 so 8 is 8 and 8 he 8 a 8 stron) 8 ,ei)ht 8 +ery 8 he9s! 3! Woun)9s 8 round 8 2rs! 8 or 8 is 8 o+al 8 5ace . :! arms 8 5in)ers 8 the 8 are 8 ten 8 t,o 8 in 8 $ody 8 and 8 there! <! hair 8 5ace 8 eyes 8 has 8 a 8 round 8 short 8 $lue 8 $lac4 8 2r!Ai4e 8 and! &H. -omplgtg this /ialog1g" 72q$9 ;iet : Hello, Nam! Nam: Hi, ;iet ;iet : = > !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on +acation this summer. Nam: "o Ho 1hi 2inh city! ;iet : =(> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5ly there. Nam: No, *9m not! *9m )oin) $y train! ;iet : =3>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Nam: At my aunt9s house! ;iet : =:>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Nam: For six days! 5rom Friday to Wednesday! ;iet : And =<> :!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Nam: Well, *9m )oin) to 3am Sen Water Aar4, Ben "hanh 2ar4et and )o si)htseein)! H. Pi2g thg co..gct ho.m oh thg 2g.4s `gi.itg thg iholg sgntgncgs 72/9 ! "here =$e> a lot o5 5lo,ers in the )arden! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(! 6ane =,atch> tele+ition at B A!2 e+ery e+enin)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3! "hey =#lay> +olley$all at the moment.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :! 2y 5ather =has> a ne, car! <! Ho, you o5ten =)o> to school. 0 * =,al4> 6! What time Aeter =)et u#> yesterday. B! He =)et u#> at B!%% H&. _atch ong R1gstion in col1mn A iith an/ s1ita4lg ansig. in col1mn k 7$/9 Ak ! Are they t,el+e years old. a! Sam son Beach (! What did they do last Sunday. $! *t9s o5ten cool 3! Ho, much are these $oxes. c! Wes, they are :! What9s the ,eather li4e in the 5all d! "hey ,ent to the Cn)lish clu$ <! Where are you )oin) to s#end your e! (!%%% don) summer +acation.

[. thi kho st thx 23o lp 6 - mn ting Anh 7M9

\ ]'ab Ac

'u &NP AN' efO 6

&. in gii t< *%ng 23o cc cF1 sa1. 72q$ *i8m9 ! Her house isUUUUUUUUthe country! (! "here is a store UUUUUUUUUto the la4e! 3! 2y house is UUUUUUUUUa ^uiet street! :! "here is a carUUUUU5rontUUUUUUUthe house! <! "here is a tree to the le5tUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUmy house! 6! Nam-s house is UUUUUUUthe tree and the )are)e! B! Are you ,aitin)UUUUUUUUthe $us. &! *-m ,al4in)UUUUUUUUUschool! '! She-s listenin)UUUUUUUUmusic no,! %! *-mUUUUUUUU+acation in Hue!

&&. Xt cF1 hYi cho cc cF1 t. l!i sa1.7# *i8m9


! 'o3n t+t cc cF1 sa1q /Wng " somgq a q anq an)q hgiq littlgq lot hoXc lots.72q$ *i8m9 ! * eatUUUUUUUUU$anana e+ery mornin)! (! "he 5armers #roduceUUUUUUUUUUo5 rice! 3! 3o you ha+eUUUUUUUUUUe))s. :! * can s#ea4 a UUUUUUUUCn)lish! <! Would you li4e UUUUUUUUUtea! 6! She needs a UUUUUUUUUo5 meat! B! "here are a UUUUUUUUU#eo#le in the house! &! She hasUUUUUUUUcoo4ies! Would you li4e to eatUUUUUUUUU. '! *-m hun)ry! * ,antUUUUUUUUUmil4! %! "here isUUUUUUUUeraser on the ta$le!

1. 'o3n th3nh $2n 2n sa1 23 t. l!i cc cF1 hYi 4jn /@i 7m=i ch= t.>ng chG *in m5t t<9. 76*9. 2rs 1hi and her childrenUUUU= > in the )arden! She has a +ery $eauti5ul )arden $ehind her house! "here are a UUUUUUU=(>o5 5lo,ers in the )arden! She usually #utsUUUUUU=3> 5lo,ers in the sittin) room! 2rs 1hi hasUUUUUUUU=:> 5riendsUUUUUUUUU=<>London! Her 5riends areUUUUUUUUUU=6> to +isit her 5amily next ,ee4! 2rs 1hi o5ten )i+es them a UUUUUUUUU=B> 5lo,ers ,hen they )o home 5rom her house! 1gstions" ! What-s 2rs 1hi-s )arden li4e. (! When are her 5riends )oin) to +isit her 5amily. 3! Are there many 5lo,ers in the )arden. :! What does 2rs 1hi o5ten )i+e her 5riends ,hen they )o home 5rom her house. <! 3oes she usually #ut any 5lo,ers in the sittin) room.

1. Nh;ng t< viAt nghiJng *o6n 2n sa1 sx /ong khng *%ng. ym h() ch;a l6i cho *%ng. 72q$ *9 Hun) are(0) a student! He gets(1) u# at 6 o-cloc4 e+ery mornin)! He $rushes his tooth(3), ,ashes his 5ace and have(4) a $i) $rea45ast! He lea+es her(5) house at a ^uarter to se+en! He )oes to school in(6) $i4e! "he school arent(7) near his house! He dont(8) )o to school 5rom 2onday on Saturday! He don-t='> )o to school at(10) Sunday! ;K dO: %! *s! 8//// //// 68////! B8////! &8////! '8////! %8///!! (8////! 38////! :8///!!!!! <8

H&. .ong nh;ng t< m c5t 4jn phi gm h() tSm m5t t< t.i ngh{a 2i t< m c5t 4jn t.i.72q$9 ;K dO: B*G "r\ l]i: Small ! (! 3! :! <! NCW N?*SW S"AR" LCF" BCH*N3 short $eauti5ul 5inish o##osite near old nice tra+el ri)ht in 5ront o5 small amon) listen next to $et,een tall ^uiet ,al4 under to the ri)ht tall old small short

s. thi t1)8n sinh 23o lp 6 chn Anh 2n - nm hc 200# N 200$ thi t1)8n sinh 23o lp 6 chn Anh 2n Nm hc 200# - 000$ h!i gian l3m 43i" #$p & 'o3n th3nh *o6n 2n sa1q sa1 *K t. l!i cc cF1 hYi 4jn /@i" 7#.$*9 2iss! ;an is my teacher! She-s t,enty _ 5i+e years = >//!! She =(>//! ;ery $eauti5ul! She has =3>//!! o+al 5ace and round eyes! =:>/// li#s are 5ull! She =<> has lon) $lac4 hair and a smaill nose! Her =6>/////!! 5ood is 5ish, =B>//!! her 5a+orite drin4 =&>//! ?ran)e 5uice! `uestions: ! What does 2iss ;an do. (! Ho, old is she. 3! *s she +ery $eauti5ul. :! 3oes she ha+e a round 5ace or an o+al 5ace. <! Are her eyes round. 6! Are her li#s 5ull. B! What color is her hair. &! *s her nose small or $i). '! What is her 5a+orite 5ood. %! What is her ha+orite drin4. && in cc gii t< thnch hUp 23o ch= t.>ng" 72.$*9 ! Her $oo4 is /// the ta$le! (! Are these many #eo#le///// the $oo4store. 3! "here-s a restaurant ///// my house! :! Are you 5ree ///! Sunday. <! * o5ten )et u# ///!! 6 e+ery mornin)! 6! Nam-s house is next///// a museum! B! 2ai is )oin) //! Hue! &! "he a##le trees are//!! the )arden! '! Wour eraser is /// the $ox! %! Lan has a small house //! ;inh! &&& Xt cF1 hYi cho nh;ng phzn g6ch /@i" 72.$*9 ! (! 3! :! <! She is coo4in) in the 4itchen! 2y 5a+orite 5ood is chic4en! His 5a+orite drin4 is iced tea! *-d li4e some mil4! 2ai 5eels hun)ry no,!

&H '() *in 23o ch= t.>ng /6ng *( chia c:a *5ng t< ngoXc" 72.$*9

! 2r and 2rs Binh////!a ne, house! =,ant> (! 2y sister////!a red car! =ha+e> 3! * ,ould////!some iced co55ee! =li4e> :! 2ai ///!teeth a5ter e+ery me! =$rush> <! She ////!!some 5ish at the moment! =eat> 6! *t ///!!+ery hot no,! =$e> B! * am////!!tired no,! * ,ant some ,ater! =$e, ,ant> &! Nam///!to school e+ery day! He////!school no,! =)o> '! Loo47 She ////soccer! =#lay> %! "hey/////a $i) house! =ha+e> H ABp Cp cc t< sa1 thgo *%ng t.Dt tE cF1" 72.$*9 ! (! 3! :! <! Li4e8 any8 he8 $eans8 does. 1olor8 ,hat8 eraser8 your8 is. Feels8 she8 thirsty8 no,! Wou8 5eel8 do8 hun)ry. Lan-s8 drin48 is a##le Vuice8 5a+orite!

H& ABp Cp cc cF1 sa1 th3nh *o6n h5i tho6i hUp lZ" 72*9

"han4s! Ho, much are they. 1an * hel# you. Ho, many oran)es do you ,ant. *-d li4e some oran)es! Hal5 a doXen, #lease! Here you are! "en thousand don)// "han4 you!

H&& '() ghlp cc t< thnch hUp c5t A 2i cc t< c5t k. 72.$*9 A ! a $ar (! A can 3! a tu$e :! a doXen <! a $ottle k a! o5 tooth#aste $! o5 e))s c! o5 coo4in) oil d! o5 soa# e! o5 #eas

H&&&. Sm m5t t< khc lo6i. 71*9 ! (! 3! :! 2il4, co55ee, 5ish, meat, chair! 2onday, Vuly, Wednesday, Friday! 1hair, ";, couch, stereo, $us! Boo4, ruler, $a), $eer!

t. thi t1)8n sinh 23o lp 6 chn Anh 2n - nm hc 2002 N 200M thi t1)8n sinh 23o lp 6 chn Anh 2n Nm hc" 2002 N 200M h!i gian l3m 43i" #$p & '() *in cc /6ng *%ng c:a cc *5ng t< thnch hUp *( cho 23o ch= t.>ng" 7#.$/9 B& ! (! 3! :! <! ,$ wa%h &at g$

"hey////!!to $ed at !%% #!m! Where////!!your sister. She///!in the 4it chen! She///the clothes no,! She ///!her lunch in the school! When////!2ary///her exercises. She////them in the a5ternoon!

&&. Sm cF1 hYi cho cc cF1 t. l!i sa1" 7#*9 8 ///////////////////////////////!. ! No, these $oo4s are mine! (8 ///////////////////////////////!. ! 2y $rother usually )ets u# at 6 o-cloc4! 38! //////////////////////////////!. ! 2y mother-s $irthday is on 3ecem$er B! :8 ////////////////////////////!!. ! 2ary ,ants 3 note$oo4s and 6 Cn)lish $oo4s! &&&. '() sxa l=i nh;ng cF1 sa1" 71.$*9 8 What is he do. He is a doctor! (8 "here is ta$le in the room! 38 * ha+e some $oo4s in the my school$a)! &H. 'o3n th3nh *o6n h5i tho6i sa1" 7$*9 A: Hi! 2y name-s Nam! What-s your////!!. B: 2y name-s///!! A: Where do you/////.

B: * li+e at (% ri+er side Street! What////!!you. A: * li+e at (: `uan) "run) street! B: *s your house on the #hone. A: Wes, it///!! B: &(33(3( A: 2y #hone ////!!is B&'B&B< H. Hit th3nh cF1 ho3n chGnh /Ea 23o t< gUi Z" 7$*9 ! Ho, many8 day8 a ,ee4. //////////////////////////////// (! When8 you8 #lay8 your 5riend. ////////////////////////////////!! 3! "here is8 chic4en8 there are8 +e)eta$le8 )arden! ///////////////////////////////// :! Ha+e8 3 $oo4s8 ( note$oo4s8 $a)! ////////////////////////////////! <! Shut8 door8 ,hen8 )o out!

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