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Non steroidal anti inflammatory's Benzodiazapines But cox 2 inhibitors Beta blockers Antiarrythmics thiazide diuretics Antibiotics Antipsychs

Trycyclic anti-depressants Inhaled anesthetics Local anaesthetics Coricosteroids Thrombolyics Ace inhibitors Proton pump inhibitors Calcium channel blockers H2 receptor antagonists nitrates antivirals Antianginals

start with "indo"or end with "fen" End in "pam And make you calm again have a "cox" O-L-O-L "ide" or "mide" end in "iazide"! Start with "ceph" or end in "mycin " or "cillin"! end in a "zine" often end in a "line" end in a L"ane" end your P"ain" end in O-N-E end in A-S E! end in "pril" end in A-Z-O-L-E end in "prine" end in "ine" end in "ate" "ovir" start with "nitro"

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