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Jones HIll NA 1/8/14

WeIcome IntroductIons
Transportation; talking about street direction changes
approved to move forward with changes:
Windemere one way down, Salcombe one way up to Peverell, then two way
Peverell to Cushing
drive started last Jan; >50% signatures needed
commissioner & traffice engineer walked thru today (Wed morning)
last step: community mtg (next NA) to announce and roll out
2 mailings will occur post mtg to remind residents of changes
traffic changes effect as of March (proposed)
2nd phase of traffic direction changes:
Cushing; will effect everyone on the hill; postponed for later time
Upham's Corner BofA closing in March
- maintenance of bldg too costly; ATM down the street and branch in South Bay
- unfair to elderly clientele
- cash only businesses will be hurt
- only branch / ATM in walking distance to residents on Jones Hill
- other community leaders discussing options
- Blgd of historical significance? moneys could be obtained to help in bldg repair
- Community reinvestment act protections? Was money obtained initially to get them in
there? f so, might be less able to close
- call the mayor's office - with poverty as an agenda, could be made high priority
- rally out front to bring attention?
Upham's Corner open house for Fairmont Line
Wed Jan 22nd 5-8pm at Kroc Cntr
Presentation on development, housing, jobs, etc
Upham's Corner Public Art Commission
multiple times in Jan and multiple locations
$5000 grant, 5 or 6 artists are competing as finalists
art will be placed in upham's corner, location tbd
Treasurer report; 0ee
PoIIce report
Officer Dennis Rory now protecting mayor; Officer Keany & Lenny ???? will be with us
moving forward
Many thanks for Children's Christmas party, kids of dot. 200 kids, 300 overall; success
and good time
39 documented incidents
- 14 from gang unit
- 25 others incl 6 domestic violence
weather helps keep crime down
trends: 6 motor vehicles with broken windows:
insides thoroughly searched; but nothing taken; believe it might be glass
companies drumming up business
usually after midnight; one eyewitness, claimed person on bike
What can we do? not much but if up at night, glance on street and report anything that
looks suspicious
mention 'in progress' if you see someone milling about and looking like they're up
to no goo
only happening around Jones Hill; in South Boston, taking mirror part from side mirrors
ask neighbors to leave front porch lights on to help with street illumination
all cars with windows broken were on street
12/30, person did U turn in front of police officers; had warrants and revoked license
2 cars left running and stolen; on Dot ave
Person arrested with 6 bags of pot
last night - 16 everett: 3 black males + possible gun; seen going down stoughton; got into
car heading towards columbia rd
ranch LIbrarIan presentatIon rescheduIed for Feb mtg
great resources there; make use of them!
CandIdates for SuffoIk 13th seat (harty WaIsh's seat)
Liam Curran
PJ McCann
Dan Hunt
March 4th primary; April 1 general election
twitter account @JonesHillAssoc
Membership signup drive: please join us, sign up for interest, asking for small contribution
($5 or more) to help with projects
Will come out with business and membership directory; flyering about memberships very
Please talk to neighbors and sign up!
Feb 12 next meetIng
Transportation dept will be there to talk about traffic direction changes on Salcombe &

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