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70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 The Orchid ITC Grand Sheraton Excellent Very Good Good Poor

1) Are customers willing to pay more for green hotels? a) Yes b) No 2) Does literature suggest that revenue increases as a result of obtaining an ecocertification? a) Yes b) No 3) Have customers shown signs of a willingness to pay more for hotels? a) Yes b) No 4) What green trade-offs are consumers willing to make during their stay? 5) Is there anything that these hotel consumers would like to see in their hotels? B .Consumers 1. What factors attract you to stay at a specific hotel? 2. Have you ever seen the eco labels? 3. Do you have any idea about ecocertification? 4. According to YOU, what are the main characteristics of current hotel ecolabels?

5. How well do you understand what these labels represent? 6. When choosing a hotel, how likely are you to choose a hotel which is certified? 7. How trustworthy do you find these different providers of eco-certification? 8. In comparison to conventional cleaning supplies, biodegradable and non-toxic cleaning supplies to you as customer would like? 9. Does cost factor affect your decision in choosing hotel? 10. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? I DON'T choose eco-certified hotels because... a) ...I dont trust the environmental claims of the hotel b) is not easy to find certified hotels c) hotels are too expensive d) ...I am not sufficiently informed about the actual environmental impact of hotels e) hotels are of a lower quality f) ...environmental issues are not a priority for me 11. Do age factor affect decision for choosing hotel? 12. Are you a member of an environmental organization? 13. Please provide any general comments you might have about this survey?

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