The Nile River Basin

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Geopolitics of Water :

The Nile River Basin

Ancient Civilizations

Geographical Aspects
Length Basin Area

Lake Victoria and Lake Tana White Nile and Blue Nile

Water Treaties
1902 British Colonial Era 1929 Nile Water Agreements, under Colonial Rule 1959 Nile Water Agreements, after independence

The Conflict
Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia

The Renaissance Dam

Power Generation vs. Irrigation
Construction of the Grand Renaissance Dam Ethiopia

Conflict Resolution Efforts

Nile Basin Initiative ; 1998

Nile Co-operative Framework Agreements ; 2010

Egypt and Egyptian Economy

A view from Cairo tower : Capital City of Egypt

Famines in Africa
Somalia famines

Sudan famines

Ethiopian famines

Sudan and its Economy

Ethiopia and Ethiopian Economy

Market places in Ethiopia

Problems leading to Intensification of Nile Issue

Depleting resources Climate change Population growth
Blue Nile Falls Ethiopia

Economic growth

Human development
Power generation
Murchison Falls Nile

Geopolitical Interests of G20 Nations

American and

French Interests

Chinas Interests

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