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2nd Delhi Literature Festival

7th, 8th and 9th February 2014

[*Subject to change]

S. No. Sess on Desc! "t on 'th (eb!ua!) *+,-. (! /a)
Ch e0 %uest 1M. 2ee!a""a Mo 3)4Un on M n ste! 0o! 5et!o3eu& 6 Natu!a3 %as an/ En7 !on&ent 6 (o!ests8 %uest o0 Hono! 1 D!. 9a!an S ngh 45!es /ent. ICCR8. D!. :u!a# A#ca"a! 4A&bassa/o!. Tu!# sh E&bass)8


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Inaugu!at on

Dr. M Veerappa Moily, is also a literary figure having received the prestigious Moortidevi Award of Bharatiya Jnanpith. He has authored several boo s in !annada. Mr. Moily will officially flag off the "nd Delhi #iterature $estival "%1&.

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Re& n sc ng Rajen/!a ;a/a7 < A T! bute

*a+ender ,adav, who recently passed away in -ctober "%1., was one of the /ost well0 nown writers of Hindi language. He is /ost nown for pioneering the Hindi #iterary Move/ent 1 2ayi !ahani. He also revived Munshi )re/chand3s Maga4ine Hans in 1567 and has e8tensively written for the cause of Dalits, 9o/en, *ural :ndia etc. through it.

Na&7a! S ngh. Aj t 9!. Chau/ha!), Rachna ;a/a7. D!. N !&a3a =a n 4MODERATOR8.

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>th (eb!ua!) *+,-. Satu!/a)

A session to probe into the official and fictional lives of civil servants ;:A<, :*<, :$< etc.= with an inclination towards art and literature.
2an/ana 9u&a! =ena. Shubha Sa!&a an/ Sangeeta %u"ta. :has#a! %hose 4MODERATOR8


C!eat 7e 5u!su ts o0 C 7 3 Se!7ants

11(%% AM

I33u& nat on ? Deco!at 7e A!t o0 :oo# Ma# ng &. 4In assoc at on @ th the I!an Cu3tu!e House. Ne@ De3h 8

A session that loo s into the world of )ersian )ublishing, its history and for/. $ocusing on its . /a+or ele/ents 1 illu/ination;illustrations=, decoration;graphics= and calligraphy;art of writing=, these :ranian Artists will throw light on the >Art of Boo Ma ing3 showcasing a live eAh b t on and citing e8a/ples fro/ their e8hibited wor s

A3 ReBa %o3/ooB an. A!/e sh ! Mu#hta! 2a0e!. Hasan Mu33a Teh!an 4Ca33 g!a"h)8 an/ A3 Asgha! Mo!teBaee

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L te!a!) C! t c s&? No@ 6 Then


Mut 3ato!? A D!a&at c Rea/ ng

A session to understand how the for/ of criticis/ is changing with the advent of new /edia. Anybody can put up reviews and views about literary wor s and also indulge in conversations through social /edia networ s, personal websites and blogs. ?he authors and writers get al/ost instant feedbac , direct fro/ their readers. How is the conventional way of criticis/ giving way to the new digital /ediu/ will be discussed by the panelists. !eeping with the tradition of pro/oting independent writers and publishers, D#$ "%1& will see a dra/atic reading of a yet to be published novel, Mutilator. 9hen passion /a es you @uestion your se8uality and your vocation as a scholar, you now you are in trouble. And that is what happens to Hilda, an anthropologist who arrives in Abhu+habad to study Bibi Mastan, a fe/ale genital cutter. 9hat starts out as an ad/iring study of her idol, turns into a tu/ultuous +ourney of doubt, disbelief, and dissatisfaction.

Ra#hshan/a =a3 3. 5!o0 Ha! sh Na!ang. 5!ajna Desa

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Author 05!ajna Desa *eader 0 Rehaan Eng nee!

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5! sone! =a 3o! 5! &e Tab! c Cu!! &bho) M n ste! ? In ?abri Bs thriller )risoner, Jailor )ri/e Minister is a scorching con7e!sat on @ th Tab! c account of /enacing politics and the fascinating +ourney of a Cu!! &bho) volatile personality to A *B*. But is :ndiaCs new )ri/e Minister a

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product of his genius or of his dangerous /ind. ?abric3s special interest lies in observing, analy4ing, predicting and debating the rise and fall of political personalities and their influence on the destiny of nations and individuals. He will discuss with the audience C?he future of :ndian politicsC


:oo# Launch? CHo3) S&o#e. ItDs a %ODMAND

Holy </o e, :tCs a Dod/an is a first person narrative delivered fro/ a +ail in Bopenhagen. :n autobiographical /ode, it invites the reader to ta e a +ourney across :ndia with Jogender Dutt alias *edney ,og, a boy fro/ *a+asthan who runs away to Mu/bai and due to a series of bi4arre circu/stances, lands up in an ashra/ in the Hi/alayas where spirituality is /erely a cover for nefarious activities. And then onto Den/ar , to /arry a gorgeous blonde and /erge into a "1st century hippie co//unity.

Autho!? Sat sh %eo!g) 9ash)a" 5ub3 she!? 2 tasta 5ub3 sh ng

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De3h Ds D "3o&at c Do&a ns

A discussion with Dladys Aban wa0Meier0!lodt on her boo Delhi3s Diplo/atic Do/ain about the Bhanceries E *esidences of Bhana yapuri E :/perial 2ew Delhi

H.E. M!. 5!asa/ 9a! )a@asa&. H gh Co&& ss one! 4S! Lan#a8. M!. Ca!3os Dua!te A&bassa/o! 4:!aB 38. M!. %usta7o A! stegu . A&bassa/o! 4S"a n8 . %3a/)s Aban#@a1Me e!1 93o/t 4Autho!8 an/ 5!o0 9. T. Ra7 n/!an 4MODERATOR8

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Cu3tu!a3 5e!0o!&ance b) MRI%;A

M*:D,A is an :ndian 9orld fusion /usic band fro/ 2ew Delhi which was for/ed in 1555. :ts /usic is a fusion of Blues, $ol , $un , #atin, *oc and Ja44 along with :ndian classical /usic.

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Eth (eb!ua!) *+,-. Sun/a)

11. In con7e!sat on @ th 9usu& Ansa3 :e!na!/o Ca!7a3ho? The 2e!sFt 3 Esc! to! 1". 4In assoc at on @ th the E&bass) o0 :!aB 3. Ne@ De3h 8

Ma/ta !iran will probe into the literary life of !usu/ Ansal in a conversation with her shedding light on her wor s and style. Bernardo Barvalho is a Bra4illian novelist, playwright and is also a +ournalist. He will throw light on the Bra4illian Bonte/porary #iterature and also tal about how he shifts fro/ writing fiction and writing ob+ective news reports. Dr. <onya Dupta, MA in <panish and )h.D fro/ J2F and currently wor ing on )ostcolonial #iterary and Bultural <tudies in #atin A/erican and :ndian conte8ts, will delve into a conversation and interaction with Barvalho.

9usu& Ansa3 an/ Ma&ta 9 !an

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:e!na!/o Ca!7a3ho an/ D!. Son)a %u"ta

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SeA 6 the C t) ? E!ot ca n L te!atu!e

9riting erotica is itself being a rebel in the :ndian society. ?he session loo s into the social and personal lives of these daring Rosa3)n DDMe33o. % !ja 9u&a! writers who often have to use pen na/es and face the brunt of 4MODERATOR8. S!ee&o)ee the conventional society. :t will also try to understand through 5 u 9un/u these authors, the art of scripting an erotica.

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?he session will ai/ to understand how 2ew Media has changed so/e rules for the literary world. $ro/ /ar eting to criticis/ and direct feedbac fro/ readers, authors have ta en up new /edia platfor/s in full swing for all of these. 2ew The D g ta3 Re7o3ut on 6 Ra7 Chhab!a. S!ee&o)ee 5 u Media has not only changed how people pro/ote their wor s L te!atu!e 9un/u but has affected the writing style too. :t has created trends that gained popularity worldwide in short ti/e. ?he session will e8plore the power and revolution of the 2ew Media and how it has affected things.
A T! bute to Sa0/a! Hash& ? 53a) Rea/ ng b) =ana Nat)a Manch 4=ANAM8 The A!t o0 53a)@! t ng? A D scuss on

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Jana 2atya Manch will pay a special tribute to <afdar Hash/i through a )lay reading session by its /e/bers and actors.

=an Nat)a Manch :e!na!/o Ca!7a3ho. =a /e7 Taneja. D @an S ngh :aje3 4MODERATOR8. Mohan Maha! sh . Ma! a& 9a! & Ah3a@at Asho# Cha#!a/ha!4Tentat 7e8. Rana Sa07 . D!. 2an ta A!7 n/ 9ej! @a3. :a!#ha Dutt

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?he session will discuss playwriting as a literary art for/, the challenges being faced by the playwrights and the art for/ itself and also its changing face today.
2one other than the veterans of poetry and the award winning poets such as in this panel can e8plain the craft of poetry

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The C!a0t o0 5oet!)? Sh 0t ng Contou!s In Con7e!sat on @ th A!7 n/ 9ej! @a3

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Ms. Bar ha Dutt, Droup Gditor, 2D?V in conversation with <hri Arvind !e+riwal, Magsaysay Awardee and Bhief Minister, Delhi on his /uch acclai/ed boo , <wara+( )ower to the people

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>th (eb!ua!) *+,-. Satu!/a)

Sau&)a 9u3sh!eshtha 4(oun/e!. 5ACH8. Lehe! Seth 4(oun/e!. De3h :oo# Lo7e!s C3ub8. Meena#sh Re//) Ma/ha7an 4Autho!8. Meena#sh %o)a3 4Rea/e!8. A#sha) Sha!&a 4As" ! ng G! te!8 an/ 9una3 %u"ta 4MODERATOR8 Ms 2eena :at!a42 tasta 5ub3 cat ons8. Abh j t Sengu"ta. 9 sha3a) :hattacha!)a 9u3"!eet ;a/a7. Jo!ba 5ub3 she!s :hanu 5!ata" 4MODERATOR8. Sa& t :asu an/ Abh &an)u S so/ a N # ta S ngh. Neeta I)e!. S / :ah! . Raj 7 Son an/ Lehe! Seth 4MODERATOR8


: b3 o"h 3es. Meetu"s. L te!atu!e et a3

A tal by an author, boo club founders, readers and aspiring writers on the growing culture and popularity of Boo clubs and how are they beneficial.

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THte1I1tHte? 5ub3 sh ng n In/ a

A tHte0I0tHte between )ublishers, Authors and their Agents to e8plore and understand the pressing issues faced by all of the/ today as they voice their concerns and get confronted in return. A platfor/ to hear the +ourneys of :ndie and <elf )ublishers. G8ploring the /ost visual for/ of literature which is fast gaining popularity and a cultJgee following. ?his session probes into the traditional gender relationship roles inflicted upon us by society E analy4es love /yths in society today, besides loo ing at topics li e pre0/arital se8, infidelity and sa/e0gender love

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The L t Ent!e"!eneu!s %!a"h c No7e3s? L te!atu!e o0 the *,st Centu!) Lo7e 6 Re3at onsh "s n Conte&"o!a!) G! t ngs

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Eth (eb!ua!) *+,-. Sun/a)

"&. "'. "7. "A. 5ACH 53a) 5e!0o!&ance 53a) 5e!0o!&ance T! bute to =uan %e3&an $un activities by )oetry Blub )ABH )ierrots ?roupe Machine written by <afdar Hash/i )oet 0 Argentina 1(%% )M .(%% )M ...% p/ '(%% )M

=ana Nat)a Manch 5!o0. Manju3ata Sha!&a. 5!o0. Aja) 5!asa/

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