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SOA Adoption, Strategies, and Implementation

Methodologies Inc, All Rights Reserved , 2006-2008. Tel: 646 290-5894,

Table of Contents

Business BusinessModeling: Modeling:Problem ProblemDomain Domain& &Motivation Motivation Introduction Introductionto toIT IT& &Business BusinessAlignment AlignmentModel Model Business BusinessConcepts: Concepts:A AMeta MetaModel Model Business BusinessProcess ProcessModeling: Modeling:Implementation ImplementationViews Views Solution SolutionDomain: Domain:Technological TechnologicalImplementation Implementation

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Business Modeling: Problem Domain & Motivation

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Business Modeling: Motivation

Recording Recordingand andPreserving PreservingUndocumented UndocumentedBusiness BusinessProcesses Processes Maintaining MaintainingBusiness BusinessContinuity Continuity Establishing EstablishingaaCommon CommonOrganizational OrganizationalLanguage Language Contributing Contributingto toProduct ProductRequirements Requirementsand andProcess ProcessAutomation Automation Identifying IdentifyingFunctionality FunctionalityRedundancy RedundancyAcross Acrossthe theEnterprise Enterprise Facilitating FacilitatingAsset AssetConsolidation Consolidation Fostering FosteringAsset AssetReuse Reuse Increasing IncreasingCommunication CommunicationGaps Gapsbetween betweenSilo SiloOrganizations Organizations Increasing IncreasingCollaborations Collaborationswith withBusiness BusinessPartners Partners Creating CreatingProcess-Centric Process-CentricComposite CompositeServices Services& &Applications Applications
Time-to-Market Time-to-Market Productivity Productivity

Profitability Profitability

Business Business Agility Agility

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Introduction to IT & Business Alignment Model

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IT & Business Alignment Model

A Model for Business & IT Organizations Alignment

Driving Business Principles, Such as Customer Focus, etc

Business & IT Alignment Opportunities

Identifying and Documenting Business Activities and Process Flow by Employing a Formal BPM Language

System Behavior, Orchestration, Applications, Services, Repositories, Middleware, Infrastructure, COTS Products

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Business Concepts: A Meta-Model

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Business Concepts: A Meta-Model

What is the Typical Process for Deriving Business Concepts and Establishing a Business Modeling Meta-Model?

Business Process Modeling Typically Take Place at the Business Analysis & Business Architecture Stage

Solid Business Concepts and A Meta-Model for Business Modeling Activities are Typically Derived at the Concept Extraction Phase

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Again, What Are Business Concepts?

Concepts Constitute Organizational Vocabulary. A Language that can be used to Fill in the Communication Gaps

Client Centric

So, What are Business Concepts and why do we Need to Formalize these Ideas?

Concepts Communicate Solution Propositions to Resolve Business Problems

Household Portfolio

Concepts are Reusable Entities

Federated Identity

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Business Process Modeling

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What is Business Process Modeling?

Identifying and Documenting Business Activities (also known as tasks) and Processes by Employing a Formal BPM Language. A Process MUST have a business objective. Business activities identify the steps to achieving a business goal.

Documenting an Entire Process

A Process Consists of Multiple Activities

Documenting a Singe Activity

Documenting Another Activity

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BPMN Diagram Example

BPMN Partial Notation Example Source:

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Business Process Modeling Life Cycle


Trace, Optimize, and Simulate

Construct & Deploy

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Who is Involved? Stakeholders?

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Business Process Modeling: Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) Products Profile

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Business Process Modeling: And Industry Standards?




More? More? BPML BPML


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Business Process Modeling: And Industry Standards?

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Business Process Modeling: Implementation Views

How Should the Business Process Modeling Practice Be Implemented?

At Which Level of the Organization Should we Practice Business Process Modeling?

To Which Business Initiative Should the Business Process Modeling be Applied?

Business & IT Alignment Opportunities

Business Process Modeling Success Level: Hot Spots

Implementation Plan

Business Process Modeling Success Level: Sweet Spots

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Business Process Modeling Granularity Perspective

What are the Various Business Process Levels?

A Predictable Model For BPM

Granularity Matrix for Business Process Modeling

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Business Process Modeling Value Perspective

What are the Various Business Initiatives that can be Modeled?

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Business Process Modeling Alignment Perspective

How can Business Process Modeling Enable Proper Alignment of Business and IT organizations?

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Solution: Technological Implementation

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Technological Feasibility & Success Criteria

How can we ensure Business Process Modeling Success?

Identification of Opportunities

Technological Success

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An Evolutionary Process that Ensures Business & IT Alignment

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Solution: Crafting a Technological Ecosystem

What are the IT Assets that are Influenced by the Business Modeling Paradigm?

Dependencies of IT Assets

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Technological Implementation: Planning the Next Steps

Planning Planning Plan PlanSoftware SoftwareEvolution Evolution& &Metamorphosis Metamorphosis Device DeviceSoftware SoftwareLife LifeCycle CycleBest BestPractices Practicesand andStandards Standards Establish EstablishSoftware SoftwareAsset AssetPortfolio PortfolioManagement ManagementPractices Practices Found FoundService-Oriented Service-OrientedGovernance Governance& &Center Centerof ofexcellence excellence Craft Craftan anOrganizational OrganizationalArchitecture ArchitectureRoadmap Roadmap Launch Launchan anSOA SOAAdoption AdoptionProgram Program

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Technological Implementation: Planning the Next Steps

Leading LeadingBest BestPractices Practices Interoperability Interoperability Reusability Reusability Loose LooseCoupling Coupling And AndMore More

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To Learn More

Service-Oriented Modeling: Service Analysis, Design, and Architecture

Service-Oriented Architecture: A Planning and Implementation Guide for Business and Technology

Methodologies Inc, All Rights Reserved , 2006-2008. Tel: 646 290-5894,

Thank You for Attending The BPM Presentation!

Methodologies Inc, All Rights Reserved , 2006-2008. Tel: 646 290-5894,

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