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Register Number

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act,1956)

Course & Branch !"E # $#%E& 'itle of the %a(er )i*h +olta*e ,irect Current 'rans-ission !a." !ar/s 01 2ub" Code 334E15 (5119) 'i-e 3 )ours ,ate 1661365115 2ession A7

1" 5" 3" 4" 5" 6"

%A9' # A (6 . 5 : 31) Ans;er A&& the <uestions ,iscuss briefl= about the a((lication of ,C 'rans-ission" E.(lain the -odern trends in ,C trans-ission" $hat are the assu-(tion -ade in *raet> circuit and deri?e the e.(ression for a?era*e ,C ?olta*e@ ,iscuss the i-(ortance of Cos " $hat are the t=(es of AC filters and ;rite short notes on (rotection of filters" $rite short notes on ,i*ital ,=na-ic si-ulation of )+,C s=ste-" %A9' A B (5 . 11 : 51) Ans;er A&& the <uestions (a) Briefl= e.(lain the ad?anta*es of ,C trans-ission o?er AC trans-ission (b) $rite short notes on %lannin* for )+,C trans-ission" (or)


0" 9"

(a) E.(lain the t=(es of ,C lin/ in )+,C s=ste-" (b) E.(lain about the -odern trends in ,C trans-ission"

,iscuss the characteristics and (ara-eters of rectifier" (or) 11" $rite brief notes on -ulti brid*e con?erters" 11" E.(lain ;ith neat sche-atic dia*ra- of )+,C s=ste- control )ierarch=" (or) 15" E.(lain the startin* and sto((in* of ,C lin/ in the )+,C s=ste-" 13" $hat are the ?arious t=(es of AC filters@ E.(lain the desi*n of a sin*le brid*e tuned filter" (or) 14" $rite short notes on ,C filters" 15" E.(lain the (hiloso(h= and tools of )+,C si-ulation s=ste-" (or) 16" E.(lain in detail about the %h=sical -odel of )+,C 2i-ulator s=ste-"

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