Evaluation of Materials and Strategies 2013 L Rubric21-1

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ED 243- Evaluation of Materials and Teaching Strategies RATINGS 4 E!

cellent" 3 Good" 2 #oor"

'N()*EDGE A+(,T #R(D,-T: (CEC standard 2,3) Provide 5 or more knowledge points about the material including the listed material, where it could be purchased, cost, who makes it, and overall evaluation o material! Provide " knowledge points about the material including the listed material, where it could be purchased, cost, who makes it, and overall evaluation o material! Provide 3 knowledge points about the material including the listed material, where it could be purchased, cost, who makes it, and overall evaluation o material! 3 evidence based best practices were shared including how the material would work with the t$pe o disabilit$ chosen to work with this product! 'isted 3 core(state standards this product could cover with students with disabilit$! ,ot enough in ormation given to understand topic! E-cluded important in ormation! *iscussed little on how one would utili+e technolog$ or learning with this material! *id not discuss how one would utili+e assistive technolog$ or speci ic needs o individuals with E',!

$ Needs i%&rove%ent"
Provide 2 or less knowledge points about the material including the listed material, where it could be purchased, cost, who makes it, and overall evaluation o material!


5 or more evidence based best practices were shared including how the material would work with the t$pe o disabilit$ chosen to work with this product! 'isted 5 or more core(state standards this product could cover with students with disabilit$! )opic covered thoroughl$ Enough in ormation given to understand topic *iscussed in great detail how one would utili+e technolog$ or learning with this material! *iscussed in great detail how one would utili+e assistive technolog$ or speci ic needs o individuals with E',!

" evidence based best practices were shared including how the material would work with the t$pe o disabilit$ chosen to work with this product! 'isted " core(state standards this product could cover with students with disabilit$!

2 or less evidence based best practices were shared including how the material would work with the t$pe o disabilit$ chosen to work with this product! 'isted 2 or less core(state standards this product could cover with students with disabilit$! ,ot enough in ormation given to understand topic! E-cluded man$ important details and included unnecessar$ or incorrect in ormation! *id not discuss how one would utili+e technolog$ or learning with this material or assistive technolog$ or speci ic needs o individuals with E',!

-(RE STANDARDS0STAT E STANDARDS: (CEC %tandard &) -(NTENT (CEC %tandard 2,3)

)opic covered thoroughl$ Enough in ormation given to understand topic! *iscussed some ideas on how one would utili+e technolog$ or learning with this material! *iscussed some ideas on how one would utili+e assistive technolog$ or speci ic needs o individuals with E',!

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