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Nursing Problems and Nursing Interventions

NURSING PROBLEM No.1: Hopelessness

NURSING INTERVENTIONS: Establish therapeutic and facilitative relationship showing positive regard for the patient. Encourage client to verbalize and explore feelings and perceptions. Help client begin to develop coping mechanisms that can be learned and used effectively to counteract hopelessness. Encourage risk taking in situations in which the patient can succeed. Provide positive feedback for actions taken to deal with and overcome feelings of hopelessness. Express hope to client.

NURSING PROBLEM No. 2: Chronic Low Self-Esteem

NURSING INTERVENTIONS: Develop therapeutic relationship. Be attentive, validate clients communication, provide encouragement for efforts, maintain open communication, use skills of Active-Listening. Accept clients perceptions or view of situation. Avoid threatening existing self-esteem. Accept patients as they are. Help them focus on the positive (accomplishments, good points). Provide successful experiences with positive feedback. Keep Self-help strategies simple. Help patient avoid embarrassing social blunders (smelly clothes, unkempt appearance).

NURSING PROBLEM No. 3: Decisional Conflict

NURSING INTERVENTIONS: Reinforce decision making by patient. Make decisions for patients that they are not ready to make for themselves. Avoid badgering patients into making a decision. Instead, provide decision-making opportunities as patients are able to comply. Guide the patients to appropriate decisions by using problemsolving techniques. Encourage verbalization of conflicts/ concerns. Correct misperceptions client may have and provide factual information.

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