Paleo Eating For Modern People - Nikki Young

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Paleo Cookbook



SLCCnu Lul1lCn

nlkkl ?oung 2010

AuLhor: nlkkl ?oung
Cover ueslgn/hoLographs: nlkkl ?oung
8eclpes: nlkkl ?oung

lS8n e-book 978-0-9807342-3-0

All rlghLs reserved. no parL of Lhls publlcaLlon may be reproduced, sLored ln a
reLrleval sysLem or LransmlLLed ln any form or by any means, elecLronlc,
mechanlcal, phoLocopylng, recordlng or oLherwlse wlLhouL Lhe prlor wrlLLen
permlsslon of Lhe auLhor.

lMC81An1: 1hose who mlghL be aL rlsk from Lhe effecLs of salmonella food
polsonlng (Lhe elderly, pregnanL women, young chlldren and Lhose sufferlng from
lmmune deflclency dlseases) should consulL Lhelr healLhcare professlonal
abouL eaLlng raw eggs.



Standard Measurements

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2 egg yolks
200ml oll
3 Lsp lemon [ulce
lnch of salL

lace Lhe egg yolks, salL and lemon [ulce ln a bowl. uslng an elecLrlc beaLer
pulse unLll Lhe mlxLure has sllghLly Lhlckened.
keep Lhe elecLrlc blender runnlng and slowly add Lhe oll drop by drop. 1hls
wlll Lake a few mlnuLes - don'L rush Lhe process as Lhe oll may sLarL Lo
separaLe from Lhe egg.
When all Lhe oll has been added, add more salL or lemon [ulce Lo LasLe.
Cover and refrlgeraLe for up Lo 3 days. SLlr before servlng.

Rocket and Macadamia Nut Dip
!"#$"% '()
2 cups rockeL leaves
1 cup macadamla nuLs
1 bunch flaL leaf parsley
3 garllc cloves
x cup ollve oll

lace all lngredlenLs lnLo Lhe bowl of a food processor and blend Lo form a
smooLh pasLe.
Add addlLlonal ollve oll lf Lhe dlp ls clumpy or Loo dry.
Serve wlLh sllced raw vegeLables.

!"#$"% '()
2 cups fresh basll
2 cloves garllc
2x Lbs ollve oll
3 Lbs plne nuLs
x cup cashews

8lend all lngredlenLs LogeLher ln an elecLrlc blender or by uslng a morLar
and pesLle.
Slowly add Lhe oll Lo form Lhe rlghL conslsLency.

Carrot and Cumin Dip
!"#$"% '()
2 cups dlced carroLs
1 Lbs ground cumln
4 cloves garllc, chopped flnely
2 Lbs ollve oll
1 Lsp salL
2 Lbs Lahlnl
1 Lbs ollve oll
1 Lbs lemon [ulce

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
lace carroLs, garllc, cumln, 2 Lbs ollve oll and salL ln an ovenproof Lray.
8ake ln Lhe oven for 30 mlnuLes, remove and allow Lo cool.
lace Lhe baked lngredlenLs ln Lhe bowl of a food processor wlLh Lhe
remalnlng ollve oll, Lahlnl and lemon [ulce. 8end unLll a smooLh pasLe ls

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Tahini Dip

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Preserved Lemons

3 Lhlck-sklnned lemons, cuL lnLo
quarLers wlLhouL deLachlng pleces
aL Lhe end sLem.
1 cup coarse sea salL
1 clnnamon sLlck
2 large bay leaves
1 Lbs plnk peppercorns
1x - 2 cups lemon [ulce
Cllve oll

lace salL ln a bowl and press lemons down Lo remove mosL of Lhelr [ulce.
lace Lhe salLed lemons ln a large sLerlllsed [ar along wlLh Lhe clnnamon
sLlck, bay leaves and peppercorns. Add enough lemon [ulce unLll all
lemons are covered, you may requlre more lemon [ulce and salL Lo flll Lhe
Cover Lhe [ar and keep ln a cool, dry place for 2 weeks. Shake Lhe [ar every
1o sLore lemons, coaL wlLh a llLLle ollve oll and keep ln Lhe refrlgeraLor.
1o use, remove and dlscard Lhe flesh. Wash plLh and skln under cold waLer
and chop.
Lemons wlll keep up Lo 6 monLhs. AfLer LhaL Llme Lhey wlll become very

Fruit and Nut Snack

Chopped pecan nuLs
umpkln seeds

Mlx all lngredlenLs LogeLher. Serve.


Pickled Eggs

12 hard bolled eggs, shelled
2 cups apple clder vlnegar
x cup waLer
2 Lsp salL
10 whole cloves
2.3cm plece rooL glnger, peeled and
cuL lnLo 2 pleces
x Lsp ground pepper
2 bay leaves

lace Lhe eggs ln a large sLerlllsed [ar.
ln a medlum slzed pan, place vlnegar, waLer, salL, cloves, glnger, pepper
and bay leaves. 8rlng Lo Lhe boll Lhen remove from heaL and leave Lo cool.
When cooled, remove cloves and bay leaves Lhen pour Lhe llquld over Lhe
eggs Lo cover, add more vlnegar lf necessary.
lace ln Lhe frldge for aL leasL Lwo days Lo allow Lhe flavours Lo develop
before eaLlng.

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
!"#$"% '()
1 cup pumpkln seeds 1 Lsp sea salL

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
lace pumpkln seeds and salL on an ovenproof Lray llned wlLh baklng
8ake seeds ln Lhe oven for 10 mlnuLes or unLll pumpkln seeds are golden
ln colour.
8emove from oven and leave Lo cool before servlng.

Purple Sweet Potato and
Asparagus Chips
!"#$"% '()
1 small/medlum purple sweeL
poLaLo, washed and Lhlnly sllced
lnLo long flngers
1 Lbs coconuL oll
1 bunch asparagus, cuL spears lnLo
Lhree pleces

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
lace sllced sweeL poLaLo and asparagus on an oven Lray llned wlLh baklng
paper. lace coconuL oll ln dollops over Lhe vegeLables, followed by a good
sprlnkllng of salL.
lace ln Lhe oven and bake for 20-23 mlnuLes. SLlr occaslonally lf requlred
unLll sweeL poLaLo has become sllghLly crunchy and asparagus cooked

!"#$"% *(+
300g mlnced meaL
1 small onlon, flnely chopped
1 garllc clove, flnely chopped
1 egg
2 Lbs LomaLo sauce
1 Lsp sage
1 Lsp basll
x Lsp chllll powder
x Lsp Lurmerlc
SalL and pepper

re-heaL a fan-forced oven Lo 200! Celslus/400! lahrenhelL.
ln a bowl, mlx all lngredlenLs LogeLher unLll well comblned.
8oll mlnced meaL mlxLure lnLo 2.3cm balls and place on an ovenproof Lray
llned wlLh baklng paper. 8ake for 20-30 mlnuLes or unLll cooked.
1o serve, have LooLhplcks avallable along wlLh LomaLo sauce for dlpplng.


Roast Eggplant and
Capsicum Salad
!"#$"% '()
2 small eggplanLs
1 green capslcum
1 clove garllc, flnely chopped
1 Lbs lemon [ulce
2 Lbs ollve oll
2 Lsp ground cumln
lnch salL and pepper
8 cherry LomaLoes, cuL lnLo
arsley Lo garnlsh

re-heaL a fan-forced oven Lo 200! Celslus/400! lahrenhelL.
lace whole eggplanL and capslcum on an ovenproof Lray and roasL for 13-
20 mlnuLes, Lurnlng occaslonally, unLll sofL and Lhe skln has scorched
black. 8emove from oven and leave Lo cool.
ln a bowl, mlx LogeLher garllc, lemon [ulce, ollve oll, ground cumln, salL and
pepper. When eggplanL and capslcum have cooled, remove skln and draln
llquld from Lhe vegeLables. 8emove Lhe seeds from Lhe capslcum. ulce
capslcum Lhen dlce Lhe eggplanL lnLo large pleces before mlxlng lnLo Lhe
ollve oll mlxLure.
1op wlLh cherry LomaLoes and chopped parsley Lo serve+

Chinese Cabbage Salad
with Almonds
!"#$"% )(*
x Chlnese cabbage chopped +# 4
cups chopped
3 Lbs mayonnalse
Pandful almond sllvers

ln a bowl place chopped cabbage and mayonnalse, mlx Lhoroughly.
1op wlLh almond sllvers and serve.

Beetroot and Roast Sweet
Potato Salad
!"#$"% '()
200g sweeL poLaLo, peeled
200g beeLrooL, peeled
1 Lbs ollve oll
130g mlxed leLLuce leaves
30g baby Lngllsh splnach
cup cherry LomaLoes
x cucumber, Lhlnly sllced
x cup walnuLs, roughly chopped
2 Lbs ollve oll
1 Lbs balsamlc vlnegar
x Lsp salL *+,-.+/012

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
CuL Lhe sweeL poLaLo and beeLrooL lnLo cubes, place on an oven Lray and
bake ln Lhe oven for 20 mlnuLes or unLll Lender. 8emove from oven and
ln a bowl, mlx LogeLher leLLuce leaves, splnach, LomaLo and cucumber.
Comblne dresslng lngredlenLs and sLlr Lhrough salad, Lopplng wlLh Lhe
roasLed sweeL poLaLo and walnuLs. Serve.

Egg and Dill Mayonnaise Salad
!"#$"% 3
3 eggs, hard bolled
1 Lbs mayonnalse
1 Lsp dlll, flnely chopped
1 cup Lngllsh splnach
1 small carroL, dlced
x cup snow peas, roughly chopped

CuL bolled eggs lnLo small cubes Lhen place lnLo a bowl wlLh mayonnalse
and dlll. SLlr unLll comblned.
ln a separaLe bowl, comblne Lhe splnach, carroL and snow peas Lhen spoon
Lhe egg mlxLure on Lop [usL before servlng.

Rocket, Bacon and Walnut Salad
!"#$"% '
3 cups rockeL
6 rashers bacon, dlced
100g walnuL pleces
3 Lbs ollve oll
2 Lbs lemon [ulce

Cook Lhe bacon ln a frylng pan on hlgh heaL for 4-3 mlnuLes or unLll crlspy.
8emove bacon and place ln a large salad bowl wlLh rockeL leaves.
Add 1 Lbs ollve oll Lo frylng pan and place back on medlum heaL. Add
walnuLs Lo a pan and cook sLlrrlng consLanLly unLll llghLly LoasLed.
ln a salad bowl comblne Lhe walnuLs wlLh oLher lngredlenLs. Add lemon
[ulce and remalnlng ollve oll and sLlr well. Serve.

Avocado Salad
!"#$"% '
1 whole rlpe avocado, cuL ln half
2 bacon rashers, meaL only
1 whole egg (hard bolled and dlced)
2 sprlng onlons, flnely chopped
1 Lsp musLard ()*)+,-."*/ *# musLard
1 Lbs mayonnalse
2 cups leLLuce

ulce bacon and fry ln pan on medlum/hlgh heaL unLll cooked.
Scoop ouL avocado flesh from Lhe shell and ln a bowl mash flesh wlLh a
fork unLll smooLh, save Lhe shells. Add sprlng onlons, musLard and bacon
Lhen sLlr LogeLher unLll well comblned. LlghLly fold ln Lhe dlced eggs.
1o serve spoon avocado mlxLure beLween Lhe Lwo half avocado shells and
serve wlLh leLLuce.

24HR Salad
!"#$"% '()
x head lceberg leLLuce, chopped
6 hard bolled eggs, sllced
1 cup green peas
300g bacon, crlsp-cooked, dralned
Mayonnalse or salad dresslng
SalL and pepper

ln Lhe boLLom of a large salad bowl, place half Lhe chopped leLLuce and
sprlnkle wlLh some salL and pepper.
Layer Lhe eggs on Lop of Lhe leLLuce (sLandlng some eggs on Lhe edge lf
deslred), add addlLlonal salL and pepper Lo your LasLe. lace Lhe peas on
Lop of Lhe eggs, followed by Lhe remalnlng leLLuce and bacon. llnally,
spread Lhe mayonnalse or salad dresslng over Lhe Lop, seallng Lo Lhe edge
of Lhe bowl.
Cover salad bowl and place ln Lhe frldge for 24 hours or overnlghL.
Allowlng Lhe flavours Llme Lo blend ls Lhe secreL Lo Lhls salad.
1oss before servlng.

Tuna and Olive Salad
!"#$"% *
90g can Luna, dralned
8 ollves, cuL ln half
4 asparagus spears, ends removed
and cuL lnLo blLe slze pleces
6 cherry LomaLoes, cuL lnLo
Pandful walnuLs, roughly chopped
1 Lsp ollve oll

lace all lngredlenLs ln a bowl and comblne well. Serve.

Pecan Chicken Salad
!"#$"% '
1 chlcken breasL
x small red onlon, flnely dlced
1 celery sLalk, flnely sllced
Z cup pecans
2 Lbs mayonnalse
1 hard bolled egg, cuL ln half

ln a covered saucepan on medlum heaL boll chlcken breasLs ln waLer for
13-20 mlnuLes or unLll cooked.
8emove chlcken from Lhe pan and leave Lo cool. Shred Lhe chlcken meaL.
ln a small bowl comblne Lhe chlcken, onlon, celery, pecans and
mayonnalse. Comblne well.
lace Lhe egg on Lop of salad before servlng.

Fruit and Nut Chicken Salad
!"#$"% '
1 chlcken breasL
1 celery sLalk, Lhlnly sllced
10 whlLe seedless grapes, cuL lnLo
x green apple, dlced
Z cup pecans
1 Lsp ollve oll
2 Lsp apple clder vlnegar

ln a saucepan on medlum heaL boll Lhe chlcken breasL ln waLer for 13-20
mlnuLes or unLll cooked. 8emove from pan and leave Lo cool. Shred
chlcken meaL.
ln a small bowl comblne Lhe chlcken celery, grapes, apple, pecans, oll and
apple clder vlnegar. Comblne well. Serve.

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3 cups eggplanL, peeled and dlced
1 red (or green) capslcum, de-
seeded and cuL lnLo sLrlps
3 small zucchlnl, peeled and dlced
3 gloved garllc, flnely chopped
2 onlons, sllced
2 Lbs LomaLo pasLe ;-<,/-2+0=
400g can dlced LomaLoes -# 2
cups dlced LomaLoes
1 Lbs ollve oll
1 Lsp ground corlander
1 Lbs drled basll
SalL and pepper

ln a pan on medlum heaL place oll, onlon and garllc and cook unLll sofL buL
noL brown.
Add Lhe eggplanL, capslcum and zucchlnl, cover and cook on low heaL for
20 mlnuLes. Add LomaLo pasLe, LomaLoes, corlander, basll, salL and pepper
and cook for a furLher 20-30 mlnuLes or unLll vegeLables are very Lender.

Vegetables in Coconut Milk
!"#$"% >
1 cup broccoll floreLs
1 cup pumpkln, dlced
x cup cabbage, flnely sllced
x cup llghL coconuL mllk
WalnuLs Lo serve

ln a saucepan on medlum heaL slmmer Lhe broccoll, pumpkln and cabbage
ln Lhe coconuL mllk unLll Lender.
Add Lhe walnuLs and serve.

Chicken and Pistachio Salad
!"#$"% '
1 chlcken breasL
x cup fresh basll leaves, roughly
6 cherry LomaLoes, cuL lnLo
x small red onlon, flnely dlced
Z cup plsLachlo nuLs, shelled
2 Lbs soy sauce ()*)+,-."*/ *,01*)-.2
1 Lbs ollve oll

ln a saucepan on medlum heaL boll chlcken breasLs ln waLer for 13-20
mlnuLes or unLll cooked. 8emove from pan and leave Lo cool.
ln a small bowl comblne Lhe basll, LomaLoes, red onlon and plsLachlo nuLs.
When Lhe chlcken has cooled, shred lnLo pleces and place lnLo bowl along
wlLh oLher lngredlenLs.
Add soy sauce and ollve oll and mlx well Lhrough Lhe salad lngredlenLs.

Beetroot and Walnut Salad
!"#$"% 3
1 cup fresh beeLrooL, dlced
Z avocado, dlced
2 cups rockeL leaves
Z cup walnuLs, roughly chopped
2 Lbs ollve oll
2 Lbs apple clder vlnegar

ln a saucepan on medlum heaL, sLeam Lhe beeLrooL ln waLer for 20-30
mlnuLes or unLll Lender. 8emove from pan and leave Lo cool.
When Lhe beeLrooL has cooled, place ln a medlum slze mlxlng bowl along
wlLh Lhe avocado, rockeL, walnuLs, ollve oll and apple clder vlnegar,
comblne well. Serve.

Roast Vegetables in Orange
and Rosemary
!"#$"% '()
2 cups pumpkln, dlced
2 cups sweeL poLaLo, dlced
1 cup carroL, dlced
1 orange, [ulced
3 Lbs ollve oll
6 Lbs fresh rosemary leaves
2 garllc cloves, flnely chopped
SalL and pepper

re-heaL a fan-forced oven Lo 200! Celslus/400! lahrenhelL.
Comblne all lngredlenLs LogeLher and place ln an ovenproof dlsh.
8ake ln Lhe oven for 13 mlnuLes. 8emove from Lhe oven and sLlr well Lo
cover vegeLables ln Lhe orange llquld. 8eLurn Lo Lhe oven for a furLher 10-
13 mlnuLes or unLll vegeLables are Lender. Serve.

Broccolini and Garlic Side Salad
!"#$"% *('
2 bunches broccollnl, ends removed
and cuL lnLo four pleces
6 large garllc cloves, flnely chopped
1 bunch parsley, roughly chopped
1 Lbs drled chllll, flnely chopped
Cllve oll

ln a saucepan on medlum heaL, sLeam broccollnl for 4-3 mlnuLes or unLll
[usL Lender. 8emove from heaL, draln waLer and place lnLo a medlum slzed
mlxlng bowl.
Meanwhlle, add garllc and some ollve oll Lo a frylng pan on medlum heaL
and cook unLll garllc has browned llghLly.
Add garllc Lo broccollnl along wlLh parsley, chllll and exLra ollve oll Lo coaL.

Grilled Vegetables and Tuna Salad
!"#$"% '
2 eggs
183g can Luna
1 bunch asparagus, spears cuL ln
half lengLhways
1 red capslcum, dlced
1 cup LomaLoes, sllced
10 black ollves
Cllve oll
SalL and pepper

reheaL grlll Lo medlum heaL.
lace asparagus, capslcum and LomaLoes on Lhe grlll along wlLh some ollve
oll and cook for 3-6 mlnuLes, or unLll sllghLly Lender.
Meanwhlle, boll Lhe eggs ln waLer for 4-6 mlnuLes, or unLll deslred
flrmness has been reached, peel and cuL lnLo quarLers.
Comblne Luna, asparagus, capslcum, LomaLoes and ollves ln a medlum
slzed servlng bowl. Add salL and pepper Lo LasLe.
Serve wlLh Lhe egg quarLers.

Sausage Salad
!"#$"% (
2 small 100 beef sausages
x cup black ollves, halved
cup red capslcum, dlced
x cup parsley, chopped
x avocado, dlced
1Lbs ollve oll

reheaL grlll Lo medlum heaL.
lace sausages on grlll and cook for 8-10 mlnuLes, or unLll cooked. 8emove
sausages from heaL and cool sllghLly before cuLLlng Lhem lnLo blLe slze
lace Lhe sausage ln a medlum slzed servlng bowl along wlLh Lhe oLher
lngredlenLs and comblne well. Serve.

Cauliflower Pilaf
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1 large onlon, chopped
1 Lsp ollve oll
3 sLalks celery, chopped lnLo small
3 garllc cloves, flnely chopped
x cup seedless ralslns
x cup curranLs
x cup plsLachlo nuLs, shelled
60g plne nuLs
x cup chopped walnuLs
x medlum slzed caullflower
SalL and pepper

PeaL oll ln a large saucepan and fry Lhe onlons and celery for 2-3 mlnuLes.
Add Lhe garllc, ralslns, curranLs and nuLs.
8emove lngredlenLs from pan and use Lhe pan Lo boll or sLeam Lhe
caullflower for 10 mlnuLes or unLll Lender. uraln caullflower and mash or
chop lnLo small pleces.
Comblne caullflower wlLh Lhe oLher lngredlenLs. Serve.

Warm Salad
!"#$"% '
6 rashers bacon, dlced
2 Lbs oll
1 medlum red onlon, sllced
1 Lbs fresh Lhyme, chopped
x cup plne nuLs
3 cups fresh rockeL
1 Lbs ollve oll
8alsamlc vlnegar

ln a frylng pan on medlum/hlgh heaL, place bacon and oll and fry for 3- 7
mlnuLes or unLll sllghLly crunchy. 8emove bacon from Lhe pan leavlng Lhe
excess oll.
ln Lhe lefL over oll, fry Lhe onlon, Lhyme and plne nuLs for 3-4 mlnuLes, or
unLll onlon has sofLened and caramellzed.
ln a salad bowl, comblne bacon, onlon, Lhyme and plne nuL mlxLure and
rockeL well.
Make dresslng by comblnlng ollve oll and balsamlc vlnegar. 1oss salad
wlLh dresslng before servlng.

Hot Rocket Salad
!"#$"% ()*
1 cup cherry LomaLoes, cuL lnLo
1 cup cucumber, peeled and dlced
x cup fresh basll, roughly chopped
Z cup graLed coconuL
x Lsp red chllll, flnely chopped
1 Lbs ollve oll
1 Lbs llme [ulce
Z cup almonds
SalL and pepper

lace LomaLoes, cucumber, basll, coconuL, chllll, ollve oll and llme [ulce ln a
bowl. Comblne all lngredlenLs well. Add salL and pepper Lo LasLe.
Sprlnkle almonds over Lhe Lop of Lhe salad Lo serve.

Greens and Almond Salad
!"#$"% '()
10 8russels sprouLs, cuL lnLo halves
1 broccoll, small, floreLs separaLed,
sLalk Lhlnly sllced
3 Lbs ollve oll
3 garllc cloves, flnely chopped
100g almond sllvers
x cup fresh parsley, roughly
x lemon, [ulced

lace 8russels sprouLs and broccoll ln a saucepan wlLh some waLer, cover
and boll for 3 mlnuLes, or unLll are [usL Lender. 8emove sprouLs and
broccoll from Lhe pan.
8eLurn Lhe pan Lo medlum heaL and add oll, garllc and sllvered almonds.
SLlr for 3-4 mlnuLes or unLll almonds become golden brown. Add 8russels
sprouLs and broccoll Lo Lhe pan and cook for a furLher 2 mlnuLes, sLlrrlng
1ake pan off Lhe heaL and add parsley, lemon [ulce and pepper. Comblne
all lngredlenLs well. Serve.

Carrot and Coconut Salad
!"#$"% )(*
3 cups loosely packed graLed carroL
(abouL 3 carroLs)
1 cup shredded coconuL
x cup ralslns or sulLanas
cup pecan nuLs, roughly chopped
2 Lbs ollve oll
3 Lbs lemon [ulce

ln a salad bowl comblne all lngredlenLs and mlx well. Serve.


Tomato and Basil Soup
!"#$"% '()
1 onlon, dlced
2 cloves garllc, flnely chopped
2 Lbs ollve oll
1 medlum slzed carroL, dlced
2 celery sLalks, sllced
400g can dlced LomaLoes *# 2
cups dlced LomaLoes
1 cup vegeLable sLock
x cup fresh basll, roughly chopped
SalL and pepper

ln a large saucepan on medlum/hlgh heaL fry onlon and garllc ln ollve oll
for 3 mlnuLes, or unLll onlon has sofLened.
Add Lhe carroL and Lhe celery Lhen fry for 1-2 mlnuLes before addlng dlced
LomaLoes and sLock. Cover pan and cook for a furLher 10-20 mlnuLes or
unLll vegeLables are Lender. Add basll and cook for a furLher 2 mlnuLes.
Cool soup sllghLly.
lace soup ln a food processor, or use an elecLrlc blender and puree.
Add salL and pepper Lo LasLe before servlng.

Tomato and Bacon Soup
!"#$"% +('
1 onlon, flnely dlced
3 rashers bacon, flnely dlced
1 Lbs oll
1 Lbs oregano, flnely chopped
1 Lsp ground paprlka
1x cups dlced LomaLoes
1x cups vegeLable sLock
SalL and pepper

ln a large saucepan on medlum heaL, fry onlon and bacon ln oll for 3
mlnuLes, or unLll bacon ls llghLly browned.
Add oregano and paprlka and cook for 2 mlnuLes before addlng Lhe dlced
LomaLoes and sLock. Slmmer covered for a furLher 10-13 mlnuLes.
Add salL and pepper Lo LasLe before servlng.

Carrot and Cauliflower Soup
!"#$"% '()
1 onlon, dlced
1 garllc clove, flnely chopped
1 Lbs oll
2 cups carroL, dlced
6 cups caullflower, chopped
1 Lbs ground Lurmerlc
1 Lbs ground cumln
3 cups vegeLable sLock
SalL and pepper

ln a large saucepan on medlum heaL fry onlon and garllc ln oll for 3
mlnuLes, or unLll onlon has sofLened. Add carroL and caullflower and cook
for 3 mlnuLes.
Add Lurmerlc and cumln and cook for a furLher 2 mlnuLes. Add sLock and
slmmer for 10-13 mlnuLes or unLll carroL and caullflower are Lender.
8emove from heaL and sLlr ln Lhe parsley, salL and pepper.
uree Lhe soup ln an elecLrlc blender or use an elecLrlc beaLer. Serve.

Chicken Soup
!"#$"% '()
7 cups waLer
4 chlcken drumsLlcks
1 large carroL, ends chopped
1 onlon, sklnned
2 celery sLalks, ends chopped
1 Lbs salL

lace all lngredlenLs ln a large saucepan, cover and slmmer for 90 mlnuLes
sLlrrlng occaslonally.
1o serve, remove chlcken meaL from Lhe bone and sLlr Lhrough Lhe soup.

Pumpkin and Dill Soup
!"#$"% '()
1 onlon, dlced
1 Lbs oll
3 cups pumpkln, dlced
1 Lsp ground cloves
2 cups vegeLable sLock
3 Lbs fresh dlll, chopped
SalL and pepper

ln a large pan on medlum heaL fry onlon ln oll for 3 mlnuLes, or unLll onlon
has sofLened.
Add pumpkln and cloves and cook for 2 mlnuLes, sLlrrlng consLanLly. Add
sLock, cover pan, and slmmer for 10-13 mlnuLes or unLll pumpkln ls
Lender. 8emove pan from heaL and sLlr ln dlll, salL and pepper. Leave soup
Lo cool sllghLly.
uree soup ln an elecLrlc blender or use an elecLrlc beaLer. Serve.

Spinach and Zucchini Soup
!"#$"% *('
2 Lbs ollve oll
1 onlon, dlced
2 garllc cloves, flnely chopped
x Lsp ground nuLmeg
3 cups zucchlnl, sllced
2 cups baby splnach
2 cups vegeLable sLock
cup coconuL mllk
SalL and pepper

ln a large pan on medlum heaL fry onlon, garllc and nuLmeg ln ollve oll for
3 mlnuLes, or unLll onlon has sofLened. Add zucchlnl and cook for a furLher
3 mlnuLes.
Add splnach and cook unLll [usL wllLed. Add sLock, cover pan, and slmmer
for 3-10 mlnuLes, or unLll zucchlnl ls Lender.
uree soup ln an elecLrlc blender or use an elecLrlc beaLer. Serve.

Pumpkin and Leek Soup
!"#$"% '()
1 onlon, dlced
1 garllc clove, flnely chopped
2 Lbs ollve oll
1 kg pumpkln, dlced
2 leeks, sllced
1 Lsp ground corlander
2 Lsp ground cumln
1 Lsp freshly graLed nuLmeg
3 cups chlcken or vegeLable sLock
x cup coconuL mllk

ln a large pan on medlum heaL fry onlon and garllc ln ollve oll for 3
mlnuLes, or unLll onlon has sofLened. Add corlander, cumln and nuLmeg
and sLlr for anoLher 30 seconds.
Add pumpkln, leek and sLock, cover pan and cook for a furLher 10-13
mlnuLes or unLll pumpkln ls Lender. 8emove from heaL and sLlr ln coconuL
mllk. Cool soup sllghLly.
uree soup ln an elecLrlc blender or use an elecLrlc beaLer.
Add salL and pepper Lo LasLe. Serve.

Pea and Rocket Soup
!"#$"% *('
1 small red onlon, chopped
1 Lbs oll
1 cup peas
1 cup flrmly packed rockeL
2 cups vegeLable sLock

ln a large pan, fry onlon ln oll unLll sofL. Add Lhe peas and rockeL and cook
for 2 mlnuLes.
Add Lhe sLock, cover and slmmer for 10 mlnuLes. Cool soup sllghLly.
uree soup ln an elecLrlc blender or use an elecLrlc beaLer. Serve.

Spinach and Coconut Soup
!"#$"% '()
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Mexican Chicken Soup
!"#$"% '()
2 cups sweeL poLaLo, dlced
2 Lbs oll
1 onlon, dlced
2 garllc cloves, flnely chopped
1 Lsp ground cumln
2 cups chlcken sLock
cup LomaLoes, chopped
x cup corlander, roughly chopped
2 chlcken breasLs, poached and
SalL and pepper
x avocado, sllced

8oll sweeL poLaLo ln waLer ln a large pan for 10 mlnuLes or unLll Lender.
uraln well.
lace onlon and garllc ln Lhe large pan on medlum heaL and fry ln oll for 3
mlnuLes or unLll onlon ls Lender. Add Lurmerlc cumln and cook for a
furLher 2 mlnuLes before addlng sLock, LomaLoes, corlander and sweeL
poLaLo. Slmmer for 10-13 mlnuLes or unLll poLaLo ls Lender.
8emove from heaL, cool sllghLly, Lhen puree soup ln an elecLrlc blender or
use an elecLrlc beaLer addlng more llquld (sLock or waLer) lf necessary.
8eLurn Lo Lhe pan.
Add cooked chlcken breasL Lo Lhe soup and reheaL for 2 mlnuLes or unLll
chlcken ls heaLed Lhrough. Add salL and pepper Lo LasLe.
Serve wlLh sllced avocado.

Pumpkin Soup
!"#$"% '()
1 Lbs ollve oll
6 sprlng onlons (scalllons) flnely
6 cups dlced pumpkln
Z Lsp ground cardamom
Z Lsp ground cloves
Z Lsp group nuLmeg
400ml llghL coconuL mllk
SalL and pepper

ln a saucepan on medlum heaL fry Lhe sprlng onlons ln ollve oll unLll llghLly
browned. Add pumpkln Lo Lhe pan wlLh Lhe ground cardamom, cloves and
nuLmeg. Cover and cook on a low heaL for 10 mlnuLes sLlrrlng once or
Lwlce. Add coconuL mllk and conLlnue cooklng unLll pumpkln ls Lender.
Cool soup sllghLly.
uree soup ln an elecLrlc blender or use an elecLrlc beaLer.
Add salL and pepper Lo LasLe. Serve.

Brussels Sprout and Bacon Soup
!"#$"% *('
2 Lbs ollve oll
10 8russels sprouLs, Lrlmmed and
cuL lnLo quarLers
4 rashers bacon, flnely dlced
2 cups vegeLable +# chlcken sLock
epper Lo LasLe

lry Lhe bacon ln ollve oll over medlum-hlgh heaL unLll browned and
sllghLly crlspy.
Add 8russels sprouLs and sauLe for 3 mlnuLes.
Add Lhe sLock and a plnch of pepper. Slmmer for 10-13 mlnuLes or unLll
Lhe 8russels sprouLs are Lender. Cool soup sllghLly.
uree soup ln an elecLrlc blender or use an elecLrlc beaLer.
Add salL and pepper Lo LasLe. Serve.

Fennel and Spinach Soup
!"#$"% '()
1 onlon, dlced
2 garllc cloves, chopped
1 Lbs ollve oll
2 medlum fennel, sLalks removed
and chopped
1 bunch Lngllsh splnach, chopped
3 cups chlcken sLock
x cup fresh oregano leaves,
lnch nuLmeg

ln a medlum slzed pan on medlum heaL fry onlon and garllc ln oll for 2
mlnuLes. Add fennel and cook sLlrrlng for a furLher 3 mlnuLes or unLll
onlon ls Lender.
Add Lhe sLock, cover and slmmer for 10 mlnuLes unLll fennel ls Lender. Add
splnach and slmmer for a furLher 3-4 mlnuLes unLll splnach has wllLed.
Cool soup sllghLly.
uree soup ln an elecLrlc blender or use an elecLrlc beaLer.
8e-heaL prlor Lo servlng.

Cooled Cucumber Soup
!"#$"% '()
1x cups cucumber, peeled, seeded
and dlced
1 avocado, peeled, seeded and
2 shalloLs, dlced
3 Lbs llme [ulce
Z cup fresh corlander, chopped
lnch of chllll
1 cup waLer
1 cup coconuL mllk
SalL and epper

lace all lngredlenLs excepL Lhe coconuL mllk, salL and pepper ln a food
processor or blender. 8lend on hlgh speed for 2- 3mlnuLes unLll smooLh.
Add coconuL mllk, salL and pepper and blend for a furLher 30 seconds.
1ransfer Lo a large bowl, cover and place ln Lhe frldge Lo cool for 30
mlnuLes before servlng.

Sweet Potato Curry Soup
!"#$"% '()
1 onlon, dlced
1 Lbs oll
2 garllc cloves, flnely chopped
4 cups dlced sweeL poLaLo
4 cups chlcken *# vegeLable sLock
1 Lbs ground corlander
1 Lsp ground Lurmerlc
1 Lbs ground cumln
2 Lsp ground clnnamon
x Lsp ground glnger
2 Lbs ground paprlka
1 small chllll, flnely chopped
1 cup coconuL mllk

lry onlon and garllc ln a pan wlLh oll on medlum heaL unLll llghLly
browned. Add sweeL poLaLo and splces and cook for 3 mlnuLes or unLll
sweeL poLaLo has become sllghLly Lender.
Add sLock, cover pan and slmmer for 10-13 mlnuLes or unLll sweeL poLaLo
ls Lender. 8emove from heaL and sLlr ln coconuL mllk. Cool soup sllghLly.
uree soup ln an elecLrlc blender or use an elecLrlc beaLer.
8e-heaL prlor Lo servlng.


Beef and Mushroom Dish
!"#$"% '
280g sllced lean beef/sLeak
6 cups sllced mushrooms
1 dlced onlon
2 garllc cloves
Z cup balsamlc vlnegar
1x Lbs ground paprlka (mlld)
2 Lsp Mexlcan chllll powder
Cround pepper
6 spears asparagus
1 head leLLuce leaves
x cup LomaLo

lace Lhe mushrooms and balsamlc vlnegar ln a bowl and leave Lo
marlnaLe whlle conLlnulng wlLh preparlng Lhe dlsh.
PeaL pan and fry onlon and garllc ln a llLLle oll unLll sllghLly sofLened, add
chopped beef and fry unLll Lhe beef has browned. SLlr ln Lhe paprlka,
Mexlcan chllll powder and pepper.
Add Lhe mushrooms and balsamlc vlnegar Lo Lhe pan and sLlr. Cover and
slmmer for 10-13 mlnuLes unLll Lhe beef ls Lender. SLeam Lhe asparagus ln
waLer for 3mln.
Serve beef and mushrooms wlLh Lhe asparagus, leLLuce and LomaLo salad.

Peppered Steak
!"#$"% (
4 x 100g rump sLeaks
4 Lbs crushed peppercorns
1 egg, beaLen
1 Lbs oll

ulp each sLeak lnLo beaLen egg, and Lhen cover by presslng on crushed
lace Lhe sLeak on a frylng pan or barbeque wlLh some oll Lo grease. lry on
hlgh heaL for 30 seconds each slde, reduce heaL and cook unLll sLeak ls aL
deslred Lenderness.
Serve wlLh bolled vegeLables and/or salad.

Beef with Zucchini
!"#$"% '()
280g beef, cuL lnLo sLrlps
1 Lbs oll
1 onlon, flnely chopped
2 cloves garllc, flnely chopped
4 LomaLoes, chopped
x Lsp salL
1 Lsp ground pepper
Z cup waLer
4 small zucchlnls, cuL crossways
lnLo pleces
1 red capslcum, dlced

PeaL oll ln a pan and fry beef sLrlps unLll browned on all sldes.
Add Lhe onlons, garllc, LomaLoes, waLer, salL and pepper, cover and
slmmer for 1 hour. Check from Llme Lo Llme Lo ensure mlxLure has noL
become Loo dry, add more waLer lf necessary.
SLlr ln zucchlnl and capslcum pleces and slmmer for a furLher 20 mlnuLes.

Lamb and Capsicum Skewers
!"#$"% '
6 wooden skewers, soaked ln cold
waLer for 30 mlnuLes
230g dlced lamb
1 green capslcum, dlced
2 Lbs ollve oll
1 Lsp apple clder vlnegar
x Lsp salL
lnch pepper

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL or preheaL 88C
grlll on hlgh heaL. lace ollve oll, apple clder vlnegar, salL and pepper ln a
small bowl and comblne well.
1hread dlced lamb onLo skewers alLernaLely wlLh dlced capslcum. lace on
an oven Lray llned wlLh baklng paper and coaL wlLh ollve oll mlxLure.
8ake ln Lhe oven for 30-40 mlnuLes. lf cooklng on a 88C grlll, cook lamb
for 3-6 mlnuLes each slde. Serve.

Meat Filled Eggplant
!"#$"% '()
170g lean mlnce meaL
x cup onlon, dlced
3 garllc cloves, flnely chopped
1 Lbs LomaLo pasLe
400g can dlced LomaLoes *# 2
cups dlced LomaLoes
Perbs - sage, mlxed lLallan herbs,
Lhyme, basll, cumln ground (small
amounL), clnnamon (small amounL)
2 eggplanLs, cuL ln half
1 cup leLLuce

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
lace eggplanL halves ln a baklng dlsh and bake ln Lhe oven for 13-20
mlnuLes or unLll sofL. When Lhe eggplanL ls cooked, cool sllghLly Lhen
scrape Lhe flesh of Lhe eggplanL away from Lhe skln wlLh a fork and Lhen
mach Lhe flesh. Leave eggplanL shells lnLacL for servlng.
repare Lhe meaL by frylng Lhe onlon and garllc ln a llLLle oll ln a heaLed
pan unLll browned. 8emove onlon and garllc from Lhe pan and fry Lhe
mlncemeaL, sLlrrlng so Lhere are no lumps.
When Lhe meaL ls browned, reLurn Lhe onlon and garllc Lo Lhe pan along
wlLh herbs (Lo LasLe). Add LomaLo pasLe and cook for 2-3 mlnuLes. Add Lhe
dlced LomaLoes, cover pan and slmmer for 20-30 mlnuLes. SLlr Lhrough Lhe
mashed eggplanL.
1o serve, place Lhe meaL lnLo eggplanL shells and serve wlLh leLLuce.

Beef Rouladen
!"#$"% '
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Paprika Lamb
!"#$"% '()
2 Lbs oll
300g dlced lamb
1 large onlon, Lhlnly sllced
3 garllc cloved, flnely chopped
x Lsp caraway seeds
x cup ground paprlka
800g canned dlced LomaLoes *# 4
cups freshly dlced LomaLoes

PeaL 1Lbs oll ln a pan, fry veal over medlum-hlgh heaL unLll browned,
seLLlng any pan [ulces aslde as Lhey form.
8emove veal from pan and add 1Lbs oll, onlon and garllc. lry on medlum
heaL for 3 mlnuLes or unLll onlons are sofL. Add caraway seeds and paprlka
and sLlr for 30 seconds.
Add dlced LomaLoes and veal Lo Lhe pan, cover and slmmer for 1 hour or
unLll meaL ls Lender and sauce has Lhlckened. Add a llLLle waLer lf Lhe
sauce beglns Lo dry. Serve.

Moroccan Lamb with Squash
!"#$"% '()
300g dlced lamb
1 Lbs oll
3 cups chlcken or vegeLable sLock
1 Lbs ground clnnamon
3 cups dlced pumpkln
1 onlon, sllced
6 yellow buLLon squash, cuL lnLo
1 lemon, [ulced
1 Lbs honey
cup plLLed prunes
lnch salL and pepper

ln a pan on hlgh heaL, heaL oll and fry dlced lamb unLll browned.
Add Lhe sLock and clnnamon. Cover and lower heaL and slmmer for 40
Add pumpkln, squash, onlon, lemon [ulce and honey, cover and slmmer
for anoLher 30 mlnuLes or unLll vegeLables are cooked. Add prunes, salL
and pepper and cook for an addlLlonal 3 mlnuLes. Cool before servlng.

Roast Pumpkin with Coleslaw
!"#$"% '
4 large pleces of pumpkln, seeds
removed and peeled
3 Lbs oll
6 rashers bacon, dlced

2 medlum carroLs, graLed
x cabbage, flnely sllced
2 sLalks celery, Lhlnly sllced
2 red radlshes, flnely dlced
6-8 Lbs mayonnalse

re-heaL a fan-forced oven Lo 200! Celslus/400! lahrenhelL.
lace large pumpkln pleces along wlLh 2Lbs oll lnLo an ovenproof dlsh, and
bake ln Lhe oven for 40-30 mlnuLes, or unLll cooked.
Meanwhlle, place dlced bacon and 1Lbs of oll lnLo a fry pan on medlum-
hlgh heaL and fry unLll sllghLly crlspy.
1o make Lhe coleslaw, place all oLher lngredlenLs lnLo a bowl and mlx unLll
well comblned.
1o serve, place pumpkln on plaLe wlLh some coleslaw Lhen sprlnkle bacon
pleces on Lop.

Beans Egg n Bacon
!"#$"% '
4 cups green beans
113g bacon meaL (meaL only)
6 eggs
Cracked pepper

SLeam beans ln a pan wlLh some waLer unLll cooked, draln and seL Lo Lhe
ln a frylng pan fry Lhe bacon unLll browned. When Lhe bacon ls cooked,
add Lhe eggs and scramble LogeLher wlLh Lhe bacon and some cracked
pepper unLll egg whlLes are cooked.
Mlx egg/bacon wlLh beans. Serve wlLh leLLuce/salad.

Satay Beef
!"#$"% '()
300g beef, cuL lnLo sLrlps
1 broccoll floreLs, cuL lnLo blLe slze
2 carroLs, cuL lnLo Lhln sLrlps
1 Lbs oll
SaLay Sauce
1 small whlLe onlon, graLed
2 garllc cloves, graLed
1 Lbs oll
3 Lbs almond buLLer
cup coconuL mllk
Chllll flakes

PeaL a large-slzed pan on medlum-hlgh heaL. lry Lhe beef ln 1 Lbs oll for 4-
3 mlnuLes or unLll browned. 1ransfer beef Lo a plaLe. Lower Lhe heaL of Lhe
pan Lo medlum.
1o make Lhe almond saLay sauce, place Lhe oll, onlon and garllc lnLo Lhe
pan and fry for 3 mlnuLes or unLll llghLly browned.
Add almond buLLer and coconuL mllk and sLlr consLanLly unLll Lhlckened.
8emove from heaL and sLlr ln a deslred amounL of chllll flakes. Cool sllghLly
and remove excess oll.
Add beef, broccoll floreLs and sllced carroL Lo sauce. 8eLurn pan Lo heaL on
low heaL and sLlr for 3 mlnuLes. Serve.

Honey Apple Baked Pork
!"#$"% '
30g ollve oll
x cup honey
6 x 200g pork fllleL pleces
3 plnk lady apples, washed and
sllced horlzonLally lnLo approx 3mm
Lhln sllces
lnch of chopped sage
3 bunches Lngllsh splnach
4 Lbs plne nuLs
Squeeze lemon [ulce
SalL and pepper

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
ln a small pan, comblne ollve oll and honey over a low heaL unLll honey
has melLed. Add Lhe pork. Claze Lhe pork fllleLs ln Lhe honey mlxLure and
cook boLh sldes for around 2 mlnuLes.
lace baklng paper ln a baklng Lray and lay ouL 6 groups of 4 apple sllces,
brush wlLh honey mlxLure, Lop wlLh sage and pork fllleLs. 1op wlLh 2 more
apple sllces and anoLher coaL of honey mlxLure.
8ake for 13-20 mlnuLes, or unLll Lhe apples are caramellsed and golden
and pork ls cooked.
ln a fry pan on low heaL, roasL Lhe plne nuLs and sLlr unLll golden brown.
SLeam splnach unLll cooked, mlx ln a squeeze of lemon [ulce.
1o serve, place pork apple sLack on a plaLe accompanled by Lhe splnach
Lopped wlLh plne nuLs.

Stuffed Paprika
!"#$"% '()
300g mlnced meaL
1 bunch parsley, chopped
1 onlon, chopped
1 Lsp salL and pepper
3 medlum capslcum
1 lLr LomaLo [ulce
3 Lbs arrowrooL

lace mlnced meaL, parsley, onlon and salL ln a bowl and comblne well.
CuL off Lhe Lop of Lhe capslcums and remove seeds. llll capslcums wlLh Lhe
mlnced meaL.
lace oll ln a large pan on medlum-hlgh heaL. lace capslcums meaL slde
down and fry for 3-8 mlnuLes unLll meaL browns (Lo seal).
SlL capslcums uprlghL or on Lhelr slde and add LomaLo [ulce Lo pan and
slmmer for 60 mlnuLes or unLll meaL ls cooked.
ln a small bowl comblne arrowrooL and a llLLle waLer unLll Lhere are no
lumps. Add Lo slmmerlng LomaLo sauce and sLlr consLanLly unLll sauce
Lhlckens. Slmmer for a furLher 3 mlnuLes. Serve.


Chicken with Macadamia Topping
!"#$"% '
2 chlcken breasLs, each cuL lnLo 3
2 Lbs oll
Macadamla 1opplng
Z cup dlced red onlon
1 garllc clove, flnely chopped
1 Lbs oll
8lg plnch of salL
x cup macadamla nuLs
4 Lbs chopped chlves

1o make Lhe macadamla Lopplng, on medlum heaL separaLely fry onlon
and garllc ln oll and salL unLll browned and Lender. 8emove onlon and
garllc from pan, leavlng oll ln pan. lace pan back on heaL and add
macadamla nuLs, sLlrrlng consLanLly unLll llghLly browned. 8emove from
heaL and cool sllghLly.
uslng an elecLrlc blender, comblne onlon and garllc and macadamla nuLs
and pulse unLll a crunchy LexLure has formed. lace mlxLure ln a bowl and
mlx ln chopped chlves.
lry chlcken wlLh oll ln a pan on hlgh heaL. Cook for 6-10 mlnuLes or unLll
browned and cooked Lhrough, Lurn chlcken over occaslonally Lo cook boLh
1o serve, place chlcken on a plaLe and Lop wlLh Lhe macadamla mlxLure.
Accompany wlLh salad and/or vegeLables.

Chicken Piccadillo
!"#$"% '()
283g chlcken breasL, cubed
1 Lsp ollve oll
1 cup dlced onlon
2 garllc cloves, chopped
3 large LomaLoes, peeled, seeded
and chopped, *# 400g can of dlced
Z cup waLer
1x cups red capslcum, dlced
13 sLuffed ollves
9 organlc prunes, de-sLoned
x Lsp ground cloves
2 Lsp vlnegar

lry onlon and garllc ln a pan on medlum heaL wlLh ollve oll unLll browned.
Add chlcken and fry unLll browned. Add LomaLoes and waLer, cover and
slmmer for 3 mlnuLes.
Add Lhe capslcum, ollves, cloves and vlnegar and slmmer for 10-13
mlnuLes. Add prunes and cook for anoLher 10 mlnuLes. Serve.

Chicken with Basil and Orange Sauce
!"#$"% +
2 chlcken breasLs
2 Lbs ollve oll
1 cup freshly squeezed orange [ulce
cup fresh basll, roughly chopped

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
lace chlcken breasLs beLween 2 pleces of baklng paper. uslng a meaL
hammer or Lhe end of a rolllng pln, flaLLen chlcken breasLs unLll 1cm Lhlck.
lace chlcken breasLs ln an ovenproof dlsh wlLh ollve oll, orange [ulce, basll
and a good plnch of salL. Cover LlghLly wlLh a sheeL of alumlnlum foll.
8ake chlcken ln oven for 30-40 mlnuLes or unLll cooked.
Serve wlLh a salad or sLeamed vegeLables.

Thai Chicken Salad with English Spinach
!"#$"% '
2 chlcken breasLs
1 lemon, Lhlnly sllced
2-3 bay leaves
eppercorns ([usL a few)
1 carroL, flnely graLed
4 cups Lngllsh splnach
MlnL, chopped
2 cloves garllc, flnely chopped
2 fresh red chlllles, flnely chopped
!ulce of 1 lemon
2 Lsp flsh sauce (()(*+,-")), or 1 Lsp

lace chlcken breasL ln a pan wlLh lemon, bay leaves and peppercorns.
Add enough waLer Lo almosL cover chlcken. 8rlng waLer slowly Lo a
slmmer, buL noL bolllng, as Lhls wlll Loughen Lhe chlcken. Cover and
slmmer for 7-10 mlnuLes or unLll cooked, Llme wlll depend on Lhe slze and
Lhlckness of Lhe chlcken.
When cooked, remove from heaL and sLand for around 10 mlnuLes, or
unLll chlcken has cooled. ulscard llquld and shred chlcken.
ln a salad bowl Loss LogeLher chlcken and all oLher lngredlenLs. Serve.

Chicken with Avocado Sauce
!"#$"% '
3 cups pumpkln, chopped lnLo blg
1 Lbs ollve oll
SalL and pepper
2 chlcken breasL fllleLs
1 Lbs oll
x avocado
1 Lbs fresh basll, flnely chopped
1 Lbs lemon [ulce
1 cup rockeL

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
ln an ovenproof dlsh, place dlced pumpkln, ollve oll, salL and pepper. 8ake
for 40-60 mlnuLes or unLll cooked.
PeaL oll ln a pan over medlum heaL, fry chlcken for 3-7 mlnuLes each slde
or unLll cooked Lhrough. SeL meaL aslde for 3 mlnuLes Lhen Lhlnly sllce
chlcken, cuLLlng across Lhe graln.
ln a food processor, place avocado, basll and lemon [ulce, pulse unLll a
smooLh pasLe has formed.
1o serve, layer chlcken sllces, pumpkln and rockeL and Lop wlLh avocado

Chicken Larb Kai
!"#$"% '
3 chlcken breasLs
1 Lbs oll
1 chllll, chopped
1 garllc clove, flnely chopped
1 cup chlcken sLock
x Lsp red curry pasLe
2 Lsp flsh sauce (()(*+,-")., or 1 Lsp
4 Lbs lemon [ulce
x cup mlnL leaves, flnely chopped
1 bunch corlander, flnely chopped
1 red onlon, flnely sllced

lace chlcken breasLs ln a food processor and mlnce.
PeaL oll ln a large pan on medlum-hlgh heaL. Add oll, chllll and garllc and
fry for 1 mlnuLe. Add ground chlcken and sLlr conLlnuously unLll cooked
Lhrough, maklng sure Lo break up any large lumps.
Add Lhe chlcken sLock and slmmer for 8-10 mlnuLes, or unLll llquld has
absorbed. Add curry pasLe, flsh sauce (or salL), lemon [ulce and slmmer for
a furLher 2-3 mlnuLes.
8emove pan from heaL, add mlnL, corlander and onlon and comblne well.
Leave covered for a furLher 2 mlnuLes before servlng.

Hazelnut Chicken Schnitzel
!"#$"% '
2 chlcken breasLs
1 egg, beaLen
cup ground hazelnuLs

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
lace chlcken breasLs beLween Lwo pleces of baklng paper. uslng a meaL
hammer or Lhe end of a rolllng pln, flaLLen chlcken breasLs unLll 1cm Lhlck.
lace beaLen egg ln a medlum slze bowl, and ground hazelnuLs on a large
plaLe. ulp each chlcken breasL lnLo Lhe beaLen egg mlxLure unLll well
coaLed, Lhen place onLo Lhe ground hazelnuLs, Lurnlng over Lo cover well.
lace chlcken onLo a baklng Lray llned wlLh baklng paper and bake ln Lhe
oven for 30-40 mlnuLes, or unLll chlcken has cooked Lhrough.
Serve wlLh a salad or sLeamed vegeLables.

Rosemary and Lemon Chicken Skewers
!"#$"% '
6 wooden skewers, soaked ln cold
waLer for 30 mlnuLes.
2 chlcken breasLs, dlced
2 Lbs ollve oll
2 Lbs rosemary, flnely chopped
1 Lsp graLed lemon rlnd
Z cup lemon [ulce

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL or preheaL 88C
grlll on hlgh heaL.
lace ollve oll, rosemary, lemon rlnd, lemon [ulce and salL ln a small bowl
and comblne well. 1hread dlced chlcken onLo skewers and place on an
oven Lray llned wlLh baklng paper, coaL chlcken wlLh rosemary and lemon
8ake skewers for 30-40 mlnuLes or unLll chlcken has cooked Lhrough. lf
cooklng on a 88C grlll, cook chlcken for 3-6 mlnuLes each slde. Serve.

Chicken Satays with Coriander and Chilli
!"#$"% '
6 wooden skewers, soaked ln cold
waLer for 30 mlnuLes.
2 chlcken breasLs, dlced
1 Lbs ollve oll
x cup lemon [ulce
1 onlon, chopped
2 garllc cloves
1 cup fresh corlander leaves
1 Lbs ground Lurmerlc
1 Lbs chllll flakes
1 Lbs garam masala
1 Lbs ground corlander seeds

lace ollve oll, lemon [ulce, onlon, garllc cloves, corlander, Lurmerlc, garam
masala and ground corlander seeds ln a food processor and blend on hlgh
speed unLll a smooLh LexLure has formed.
1hread chlcken onLo wooden skewers and place ln a dlsh, poor marlnade
over chlcken, Lurnlng skewers unLll well coaLed. Cover dlsh and refrlgeraLe
for 1-2 hours.
reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
lace chlcken skewers on an ovenproof Lray llned wlLh baklng paper, brush
wlLh marlnade. 8ake ln Lhe oven for 20-30 mlnuLes unLll chlcken has
cooked Lhrough. Serve.

Bombay Chicken Skewers
!"#$"% '
6 wooden skewers, soaked ln cold
waLer for 30 mlnuLes.
2 chlcken breasLs, dlced
4 Lbs oll
2 Lbs sweeL paprlka
1 Lbs ground corlander
1 Lbs ground cumln
1 Lbs ground Lurmerlc
2 cloves garllc, flnely chopped

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL or preheaL 88C
grlll on hlgh heaL.
Make 8ombay splce mlx by heaLlng oll and splces ln a frylng pan on
medlum heaL for 2-3 mlnuLes, or unLll fragranL.
1hread dlced chlcken onLo skewers and place on an oven Lray llned wlLh
baklng paper. CoaL chlcken well wlLh 8ombay splce mlx.
8ake ln Lhe oven for 30-40 mlnuLes or unLll chlcken has cooked Lhrough. lf
cooklng on a 88C grlll, cook chlcken for 3-6 mlnuLes each slde. Serve.


Dory with Beetroot Salad
!"#$"% '
2 dory fllleLs
Lemon [ulce
SalL and pepper

Z small beeLrooL, flnely dlced
x medlum LomaLo, flnely dlced
1 cup leLLuce, flnely chopped
3 walnuLs, chopped
Lemon [ulce

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
lace flsh on an oven Lray and sprlnkle wlLh lemon [ulce, salL and pepper.
8ake flsh ln oven for 10-13 mlnuLes.
1o make Lhe salad, place all salad lngredlenLs lnLo a bowl and comblne
well addlng lemon [ulce Lo LasLe. Serve wlLh flsh.

Fish with Garlic Basil Mayonnaise
!"#$"% '
2 serves flsh fllleLs
4 Lbs mayonnalse
1 large garllc clove, crushed
Z cup fresh basll, flnely chopped

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
ln a small bowl, mlx LogeLher mayonnalse, garllc and basll.
lace flsh fllleLs on an oven Lray llned wlLh baklng paper and coaL Lop
evenly wlLh mayonnalse mlxLure. 8ake flsh ln Lhe oven for 13-20 mlnuLes
or unLll cooked. Serve.

Pickled Fish
!"#$"% '
2 Lbs ollve oll (for frylng)
3 Lbs ollve oll (for sauce)
4 Swordflsh fllleLs (or oLher whlLe
3 Lbs whlLe vlnegar
2 large bay leaves
1 Lsp salL
uecenL plnch of pepper
8lnd of 2 oranges
1 green capslcum, seeded and cuL
lnLo sLrlps
1 large garllc clove, crushed
1 Lsp Larragon
1 Lbs flnely chopped shalloLs

PeaL 2 Lbs oll ln a frylng pan and brown Lhe flsh fllleLs qulckly on boLh
sldes unLll cooked. Carefully Lransfer Lhe flsh Lo a shallow glazed dlsh.
Comblne Lhe remalnlng lngredlenLs and pour over Lhe flsh. Cover dlsh
LlghLly wlLh plasLlc wrap. 8efrlgeraLe aL leasL 12 hours, basLlng
occaslonally. Serve.

Calamari with Crunchy Veg
!"#$"% (
130g calamarl, sllced lnLo rlngs
2 Lbs ollve oll
cup carroL, sllced
4 8russels sprouLs, sllced lnLo

Add 1 Lbs ollve oll Lo a pan and heaL. When oll ls hoL, add calamarl and
cook on hlgh for 2-3 mlnuLes or unLll cooked Lhrough.
8emove calamarl from pan.
Add Lhe oLher 1 Lbs of ollve oll Lo Lhe pan wlLh Lhe carroL, 8russels sprouLs
and salL and place back onLo Lhe heaL. SLlr-fry for 3-4 mlnuLes before
servlng wlLh calamarl.

Baked Salmon with Pistachio Salsa
!"#$"% '
4 salmon fllleLs
2 Lbs ollve oll
1 bunch dlll
1 orange, [ulced
Sea salL

4 cups pumpkln, chopped
3 Lbs ollve oll
1 bunch flaL leaf parsley, flnely
1 Lbs small capers
x cup plsLachlo kernels
x cup shalloLs, flnely sllced
1 Lbs ollve oll

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
8lnse Lhe salmon under cold runnlng waLer and paL dry wlLh a paper
Lowel. 8ub sea salL onLo Lhe flsh. Wrap flsh ln alumlnlum foll wlLh sprlgs of
dlll, orange [ulce and ollve oll. lold edges of alumlnlum foll Lo form a LlghL
8ake flsh ln oven for 20-30 mlnuLes or unLll cooked Lhrough.
ln an ovenproof dlsh, comblne pumpkln and ollve oll and bake ln Lhe oven
aL Lhe same Llme as Lhe flsh. Cook for 20-30 mlnuLes or unLll sofL and
1o make Lhe salsa, comblne parsley, capers, plsLachlos, shalloLs and ollve
oll and mlx well.
Serve flsh wlLh Lhe salsa.

Tuna and Sweet Potato Patties
!"#$"% '()
2 cups sweeL poLaLo, peeled and
180g can Luna ln brlne, dralned
x cup almond meal
2 eggs
1 Lbs ollve oll
SalL and pepper

lace dlced sweeL poLaLo ln a covered pan wlLh waLer on medlum-hlgh
heaL and boll for 10-13 mlnuLes or unLll Lender.
8emove sweeL poLaLo from pan and place ln a medlum slzed mlxlng bowl
wlLh Lhe Luna, almond meal, eggs, ollve oll, sale and pepper. Comblne
Shape Luna mlxLure lnLo paLLles and place on a preheaLed grlll on medlum
heaL, cook for 3-7mlnuLes, or unLll cooked Lhrough.
Serve wlLh salad.

White Fish with Onion and Broccoli
!"#$"% *
Alumlnlum foll
2 whlLe flsh fllleLs
1 small onlon, flnely sllced
1 cup broccoll, roughly chopped
Cllve oll
lnch paprlka
SalL and pepper

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
lace one flsh fllleL ln Lhe cenLre of a large sheeL of alumlnlum foll. lace
half Lhe onlon and broccoll on Lop of flsh fllleL and drlzzle wlLh ollve oll,
paprlka, salL and pepper.
lold Lhe edges of Lhe foll compleLely around Lhe fllleL and place onLo a
baklng Lray. 8epeaL process wlLh Lhe oLher flsh fllleL.
8ake flsh ln Lhe oven for 10-13 mlnuLes or unLll flsh has cooked. Serve.

White Fish with Lemon and Chilli
!"#$"% '
Alumlnlum foll
2 whlLe flsh fllleLs
4 cups splnach leaves
4 Lbs ollve oll
Z cup lemon [ulce
2 Lsp chlllles, chopped
SalL and pepper

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
ln a small bowl, comblne ollve oll, lemon [ulce, chlllles, salL and pepper.
lace half Lhe splnach ln Lhe cenLre of a large sheeL of alumlnlum foll.
lace one flsh fllleL on Lop of Lhe splnach and coaL evenly wlLh half Lhe
lemon and chllll dresslng.
lold Lhe edges of Lhe foll compleLely around each fllleL and place onLo a
baklng Lray. 8epeaL process wlLh Lhe oLher flsh fllleL.
8ake flsh ln Lhe oven for 10-13 mlnuLes or unLll flsh has cooked. Serve.


Asparagus and Basil Omelette
!"#$"% '()
3 asparagus sLalks cuL lnLo 2.3 cm
1 large clove garllc, flnely chopped
1 Lbs oll
cup mushrooms, dlced
4 eggs, beaLen
x cup fresh basll, roughly chopped
SalL and pepper

8oll asparagus pleces for 2-4 mlnuLes or unLll Lender. uraln and seL
asparagus aslde.
lry Lhe garllc ln oll for 1 mlnuLe, add mushrooms and cook for a furLher 2
mlnuLes. 8emove from pan and mlx wlLh asparagus, chopped basll, salL
and pepper.
PeaL frylng pan llned wlLh baklng paper. our Lhe beaLen eggs onLo Lhe
baklng paper. When Lhe boLLom of Lhe eggs has seL Lurn Lhe mlxLure over
by placlng anoLher sheeL of baklng paper on Lop and fllpplng Lhe eggs onLo
1ransfer back Lo Lhe heaLed frylng pan and cook for an exLra 2-3 mlnuLes,
or unLll browned on Lhe boLLom.
1o serve, place omeleLLe on a plaLe and spoon asparagus mlxLure onLo one
half and fold Lhe omeleLLe.

Brussels Sprout Bake
!"#$"% '()
10-12 8russels sprouLs, whole
1 Lbs oll
10 bacon (eyes), dlced
1 onlon, dlced
4 whole eggs
Z cup waLer
SalL and pepper
16 cashew nuLs

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
ln a pan heaL oll and fry onlon unLll sllghLly cooked, add bacon and
conLlnue frylng unLll bacon ls browned.
Meanwhlle, boll Lhe 8russels sprouLs ln a pan wlLh waLer unLll [usL Lender.
ln a mlxlng bowl, beaL Lhe eggs, waLer, salL and pepper well.
ln an ovenproof dlsh, mlx Lhe 8russels sprouLs, onlon, bacon mlxLure and
cashews before evenly pourlng over Lhe beaLen egg mlxLure.
8ake ln Lhe oven for 13-20 mlnuLes or unLll eggs are seL. Serve.

Bacon and Egg Omelette
!"#$"% *('
1 Lbs oll
3 bacon eyes, dlced
3 shalloLs, chopped
3 eggs
1 handful freshly chopped parsley

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
lry bacon and shalloLs ln a frylng pan wlLh oll for 4 mlnuLes, or unLll bacon
ls llghLly browned.
8eaL eggs ln a bowl and comblne bacon, shalloLs and parsley. our lnLo an
ovenproof dlsh llned wlLh baklng paper and bake for 20 mlnuLes, or unLll
Leave Lo cool for 3 mlnuLes before servlng.

Spanish Omelette
!"#$"% '()
1 Lbs oll
1 red onlon, sllced
4 garllc cloves, flnely chopped
1 cup carroL, dlced
1x cup parsnlp, dlced
1x cups pumpkln, dlced
1 whole red capslcum, de-seeded
and dlced
1 cup zucchlnl, dlced
8 eggs
x cup waLer
lnch of sage
lnch of mlxed herbs
SalL and pepper
Pandful fresh parsley, chopped

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
LlghLly fry Lhe onlon and garllc unLll [usL Lender. Add carroL, parsnlp and
pumpkln and enough waLer Lo cover Lhe boLLom of Lhe pan and noL boll
dry. Cover and sLeam vegeLables, sLlrrlng occaslonally unLll nearly cooked.
Add capslcum and zucchlnl and conLlnue cooklng unLll all vegeLables are
ln a mlxlng bowl beaL LogeLher eggs, waLer, herbs, salL and pepper. lace
vegeLables ln an oven-proof dlsh, pour over beaLen egg mlxLure and
sprlnkle wlLh parsley.
8ake ln Lhe oven for 13-20 mlnuLes or unLll eggs are seL.
Cool sllghLly before servlng.

Vegetable and Nut Omelette
!"#$"% '
1x cups pumpkln, dlced
cup eggplanL, dlced
1 medlum LomaLo, dlced
3 eggs
4 walnuL halves, chopped
1 Lbs sunflower seeds
SalL and pepper

8oll dlced pumpkln ln a pan wlLh waLer unLll nearly cooked. lace eggplanL
lnLo Lhe pan and conLlnue Lo boll for 2-3 mlnuLes or unLll pumpkln and
eggplanL are boLh cooked.
ln a bowl, beaL LogeLher Lhe eggs, salL and pepper.
PeaL frylng pan llned wlLh baklng paper. lace Lhe pumpkln, eggplanL,
LomaLo, walnuLs and sunflower seeds onLo Lhe baklng paper and pour
over Lhe egg mlxLure.
When Lhe boLLom of Lhe omeleLLe ls cooked, Lurn Lhe mlxLure over by
placlng anoLher sheeL of baklng paper Lo Lhe slde and fllpplng Lhe mlxLure
onLo lL, Lhen Lransfer back lnLo Lhe heaLed frylng pan and cook for an exLra
2-3 mlnuLes, or unLll browned on Lhe boLLom. Serve.

Baked Leek and Bacon Omelette
!"#$"% '
2 leeks, medlum slzed
3 rashers bacon, meaL only, dlced
3 eggs
Z cup waLer
SalL and pepper
lreshly chopped parsley

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
1rlm leek around 3cm beyond Lhe polnL where Lhe leaves sLarL Lo darken.
SllL leek lengLhwlse upward Lhrough leaves (leavlng base lnLacL), wash by
pulllng aparL layers wlLh your flngers Lo geL rld of any dlrL. ulce Lhe leek
lnLo blg pleces and sLeam ln some waLer for around 10 mlnuLes or unLll
lry Lhe bacon noL qulLe Lo crlspy. ln a bowl whlsk LogeLher eggs, waLer,
salL and pepper. Add Lhe bacon and leeks.
lace egg mlxLure lnLo Lwo lndlvldual oven dlshes and bake ln Lhe oven for
13-20 mlnuLes, or unLll Lhe eggs are cooked. Serve.

Raisin Omelette
!"#$"% (
2 Lbs ralslns
3 eggs
lnch ground clnnamon
lnch ground all splce
lnch nuLmeg

ln a bowl soak ralslns ln bolllng hoL waLer for 1 mlnuLe. uraln well.
ln a bowl, beaL LogeLher eggs, clnnamon, all splce and nuLmeg. SLlr ln
PeaL a frylng pan llned wlLh baklng paper. our Lhe beaLen eggs onLo Lhe
baklng paper. When Lhe boLLom of Lhe eggs have cooked, Lurn Lhe mlxLure
over by placlng anoLher sheeL of baklng paper Lo Lhe slde and fllpplng Lhe
eggs onLo lL, Lhen Lransfer lL back Lo Lhe heaLed frylng pan and cook for
anoLher 2-3 mlnuLes, or unLll browned on Lhe boLLom. Serve.

Banana Omelette
!"#$"% '
1 banana
3 eggs, separaLed
lnch cayenne pepper
SalL and pepper Lo LasLe
lnch clnnamon
lresh parsley

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
CuL banana ln half lengLhways and Lhen cuL each half lnLo 3 (6 pleces all
up). lace banana onLo a baklng Lray llned wlLh baklng paper and bake ln
an oven unLll sofLened and llghLly browned. 1he rlper Lhe banana and Lhe
longer lL ls lefL ln Lhe oven, Lhe more lL wlll dry ouL.
ln a bowl whlsk LogeLher egg yolks, cayenne pepper, salL and pepper. ln
anoLher bowl beaL egg whlLes unLll sofL peaks form. lold egg whlLes genLly
lnLo ln Lhe egg yolk mlxLure. our mlxLure lnLo a frylng pan on medlum
heaL. Cover wlLh baklng paper.
When Lhe boLLom of Lhe eggs are cooked, Lurn Lhe mlxLure over by placlng
anoLher sheeL of baklng paper Lo Lhe slde and fllpplng Lhe eggs onLo lL,
Lhen Lransfer back Lo Lhe heaLed frylng pan and cook for a furLher 2-3
mlnuLes, or unLll browned on Lhe boLLom.
When omeleLLe ls cooked, Lurn onLo a plaLe and Lop wlLh Lhe banana.
Sprlnkle wlLh clnnamon and chopped parsley Lo serve.


Raspberry Sorbet
!"#$"% '()
1x cups raspberrles
Z cup coconuL mllk
1 egg whlLe, beaLen Lo sofL peaks
x medlum banana
1 Lbs lemon [ulce
1 Lbs honey

8lend Lhe raspberrles, coconuL mllk, banana, lemon [ulce and honey ln a
blender on hlgh speed unLll creamy.
CenLly fold raspberry mlxLure lnLo Lhe beaLen egg whlLe. our mlxLure lnLo
an lce-cream conLalner/freezer proof conLalner and freeze for 6 hours or
overnlghL unLll seL.
1o serve, cuL lnLo sllces.

Avocado and Mint Sorbet
!"#$"% '()
2 large avocados, skln and sLone
2 cups honeydew melon, dlced
x lemon, [ulced
1 bunch of mlnL
2 Lbs honey
Z cup coconuL mllk
2 egg whlLes, beaLen Lo sLlff peaks

8lend avocadoes, honeydew, lemon, mlnL, honey and coconuL mllk ln a
blender unLll creamy.
lold avocado mlxLure lnLo Lhe beaLen egg whlLes.
our lnLo an lce-cream conLalner/freezer proof conLalner and freeze for 6
hours or overnlghL unLll seL.
8emove from Lhe freezer 10 mlnuLes prlor Lo servlng, cuL lnLo sllces.

Mango Sorbet
!"#$"% '()
! #$% &'#(& )*+,- %'(#(./ 01-2(+ 3 #$% 4',56 #-#-+$6 )'47

84(+& 01-2(+ )*+,- %'(#(. *+& #-#-+$6 )'47 '+ * 94(+&(1 -+ 5',5 .%((&
$+6'4 65'#7 *+& .)--65: ;(1<(:

Melon and Sorbet Slice
!"#$"% *(+
;-19(6 )'=6$1( -0 #5-'#( 01-) 65'.
1(#'%( 9--7 9$6 +-6 >(6 01-2(+
! 1-#7)(4-+ ?#*+6*4-$%(@

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7+'0( 6- .(1<(: F5'. 1(#'%( *4.- B-17. B(44 $.'+, 5-+(>&(B )(4-+:

Banana Sorbet
!"#$"% ,
! 9*+*+* G #$% B*6(1

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.)--65 *+& 65'#7: ;(1<(.

Chocolate and Cinnamon Ice
!"#$"% '()
4 cups waLer
x cup cocoa powder
3 Lbs honey
1 clnnamon sLlck

ln a pan on medlum heaL, place all lngredlenLs and brlng Lo slmmerlng
polnL and sLlr genLly for 3 mlnuLes. 8emove from heaL, cool Lhen remove
clnnamon sLlck.
our mlxLure lnLo an lce-cream conLalner/freezer proof conLalner and
freeze for 2 hours. 8reak mlxLure up lnLo crysLals wlLh a fork and reLurn Lo
Lhe freezer. ConLlnue Lhls process every 40 mlnuLes unLll Lhe conLalner ls
fllled wlLh flavoured crushed lce. (lf freezlng Lhe mlxLure overnlghL,
remove from Lhe freezer 30 mlnuLes before breaklng up Lhe crysLals for
Lhe flrsL Llme). Serve.

Pineapple and Lime Coconut Ice
!"#$"% '()
2 cups plneapple [ulce
3 Lbs llme [ulce
x cup coconuL mllk

Comblne plneapple [ulce and 1 Lbs llme [ulce.
lace [ulce lnLo an lce-cream conLalner/freezer proof conLalner and freeze
for 2 hours.
our mlxLure lnLo an lce-cream conLalner/freezer proof conLalner and
freeze for 2 hours. 8reak mlxLure up lnLo crysLals wlLh a fork and reLurn Lo
Lhe freezer. ConLlnue Lhls process every 40 mlnuLes unLll Lhe conLalner ls
fllled wlLh flavoured crushed lce. (lf freezlng Lhe mlxLure overnlghL,
remove from Lhe freezer 30 mlnuLes before breaklng up Lhe crysLals for
Lhe flrsL Llme).
1o serve, mlx LogeLher coconuL mllk and 2Lbs llme [ulce. lace plneapple
lce lnLo lndlvldual servlng glasses and Lop wlLh Lhe coconuL mlxLure.

Watermelon Ice with Coconut Milk
!"#$"% '()
3 cups fresh waLermelon [ulce
1x Lbs honey
2 Lbs lemon [ulce
1 cup coconuL mllk
2 Lbs vanllla essence *# 1 vanllla

1o obLaln fresh waLermelon [ulce, elLher use a [ulcer LhaL removes Lhe
pulp and seeds, or place waLermelon ln a food processor and pulse unLll
smooLh, place a sleve over a large bowl and squeeze Lhe waLermelon
Lhrough, presslng flrmly down Lo exLracL all Lhe llquld, dlscard pulp and
ln a saucepan on medlum heaL, slmmer 1 cup of waLermelon [ulce, honey
and lemon [ulce for 1 mlnuLe. Add Lo Lhe remalnlng waLermelon [ulce and
pour lnLo an lce-cream conLalner/freezer proof conLalner and place ln Lhe
freezer for 2 hours.
8reak Lhe mlxLure up lnLo crysLals wlLh a fork and reLurn Lo Lhe freezer.
ConLlnue Lhls process every 40 mlnuLes unLll Lhe conLalner ls fllled wlLh
flavoured crushed lce. (lf freezlng Lhe mlxLure overnlghL, remove from Lhe
freezer 30 mlnuLes before breaklng up Lhe crysLals for Lhe flrsL Llme).
ln a bowl comblne coconuL mllk and vanllla essence. lf uslng a vanllla pod,
cuL ln half and scrape Lhe seeds from Lhe pods. lace Lhe pod, seeds and
coconuL mllk ln Lhe pan and heaL Lo slmmerlng polnL (do noL slmmer) for
2-3 mlnuLes. 8emove vanllla pod and cool coconuL mllk.
1o serve, use a fork Lo scrape or shave Lhe lce. Layer Lhe waLermelon lce
wlLh Lhe coconuL mllk lnLo lndlvldual glasses.

Mint Chocolate Ice
!"#$"% '()
2 cups waLer
1 bunch mlnL leaves
2x Lbs honey
3 Lbs cocoa powder

lace waLer, mlnL leaves and honey ln a saucepan over medlum heaL.
Slmmer for 3-10 mlnuLes or unLll Lhe mlnL flavour has become sLrong ln
Lhe llquld. 8emove mlnL leaves and leave Lo cool sllghLly.
ln a cup, mlx LogeLher cocoa powder wlLh 3 Lbs of mlnL waLer, removlng
any lumps. SLlr cocoa mlxLure well lnLo Lhe remalnlng mlnL waLer.
Leave llquld Lo cool Lo room LemperaLe before pourlng lnLo an lce-cream
conLalner/freezer proof conLalner. lace ln Lhe freezer for 2 hours.
8reak Lhe mlxLure up lnLo crysLals wlLh a fork and reLurn Lo Lhe freezer.
ConLlnue Lhls process every 40 mlnuLes unLll Lhe conLalner ls fllled wlLh
flavoured crushed lce. (lf freezlng Lhe mlxLure overnlghL, remove from Lhe
freezer 30 mlnuLes before breaklng up Lhe crysLals for Lhe flrsL Llme).

Cinnamon and Apple Ice
!"#$"% '()
2 cups apple [ulce
1 cup waLer
1 cup coconuL mllk
1 clnnamon sLlck
1x Lbs honey
1 Lsp ground clnnamon

Cn medlum heaL, place waLer, coconuL mllk, clnnamon sLlck, honey and
ground clnnamon ln a pan and heaL Lo slmmerlng polnL (do noL slmmer)
for 4 mlnuLes. 8emove from heaL and cool before removlng clnnamon
our apple [ulce ln an lce-cream conLalner/freezer proof conLalner and
pour cooled clnnamon mlxLure lnLo a separaLe conLalner and freezer for 2
8reak Lhe mlxLure up lnLo crysLals wlLh a fork and reLurn Lo Lhe freezer.
ConLlnue Lhls process every 40 mlnuLes unLll Lhe conLalner ls fllled wlLh
flavoured crushed lce. (lf freezlng Lhe mlxLure overnlghL, remove from Lhe
freezer 30 mlnuLes before breaklng up Lhe crysLals for Lhe flrsL Llme).
1o serve, layer Lhe apple [ulce lce and Lhe coconuL clnnamon lce lnLo
lndlvldual glasses.

Coconut Custard
!"#$"% '()
cup llghL coconuL mllk 6 egg whlLes

ln a pan, heaL coconuL mllk unLll slmmerlng.
8eaL egg whlLes ln a bowl and slowly add Lo Lhe slmmerlng coconuL mllk,
sLlrrlng vlgorously unLll Lhlckened.
Cool for 7-10 mlnuLes before servlng.

Rockmelon and Blueberry Salad
!"#$"% '()
1 small rockmelon, seeded, peeled
and dlced
1 cup blueberrles
x cup plsLachlos, shelled
1 vanllla bean
1 Lbs honey
x cup lemon [ulce
4 cloves

Comblne rockmelon and blueberrles ln a large salad bowl.
CuL vanllla bean ln half. PeaL a small pan on medlum heaL wlLh honey,
lemon [ulce, cloves and vanllla bean.
Slmmer for 3-3 mlnuLes or unLll honey ls dlssolved. 8emove cloves and
vanllla pod and cool.
When cooled, pour vanllla sauce over rockmelon and blueberrles. SLlr ln
Lhe plsLachlos before servlng.

Banana with Honey Walnuts
!"#$"% *
1 banana
3 Lbs chopped walnuLs
2x Lsp honey

lace walnuLs and honey ln a mlcrowave safe mug and heaL on a medlum
mlcrowave seLLlng for 30 seconds. SLlr Lhen repeaL for anoLher 30 seconds.
Poney should boll and llghLly LoasL Lhe walnuLs.
CuL Lhe banana lnLo sllces and place ln a bowl. our walnuLs and honey
over Lhe banana. 8e careful, as Lhe honey wlll be very hoL.
Leave Lo cool sllghLly before servlng.

Mango lime and Coconut
!"#$"% '()
1 large mango
llnely graLed rlnd of 1 llme
1 Lbs llme [ulce
1 Lbs honey
x cup coconuL mllk
1 egg whlLe, beaLen Lo sLlff peaks

ln an elecLrlc blender, blend mango, llme zesL, llme [ulce, honey and
coconuL mllk unLll creamy.
lold mango mlxLure genLly lnLo Lhe beaLen egg whlLe.
our mlxLure lnLo an lce-cream conLalner/freezer proof conLalner and
freeze for approxlmaLely 6 hours or overnlghL unLll seL.
1o serve, cuL lnLo sllces.

Honey Pistachio Fruit Salad
!"#$"% *
1 banana
1 necLarlne
3 Lbs plsLachlo kernels
2 Lsp honey

lace plsLachlos and honey ln a mlcrowave safe mug. PeaL on a medlum
mlcrowave seLLlng for 30 seconds. SLlr Lhen repeaL for anoLher 30 seconds.
Poney should boll and plsLachlo kernels llghLly browned.
CuL Lhe banana and necLarlne lnLo sllces and place ln a bowl. our
plsLachlos and honey over frulL. 8e careful, as Lhe honey wlll be very hoL.
Leave Lo cool sllghLly before servlng.

Pear Custard
!"#$"% '
2 eggs
x cup coconuL mllk
1 Lsp vanllla essence
1 pear, cored and sllced

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
ln an lndlvldual ovenproof bowl lay Lhe pear sllces evenly.
ln a separaLe bowl whlsk LogeLher eggs, coconuL mllk and vanllla essence
unLll well comblned.
our egg mlxLure over pears and bake ln Lhe oven for 20-30 mlnuLes or
unLll cooked Lhrough. 1esL by lnserLlng a knlfe lnLo Lhe cenLre of Lhe
cusLard, lf Lhe knlfe comes ouL clean Lhe cusLard ls cooked. Serve.

Apple and Cinnamon Custard
!"#$"% '
2 eggs
1 apple, peeled, cored and sllced
x cup coconuL mllk
1 Lsp clnnamon

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
ln an lndlvldual ovenproof bowl lay Lhe apple sllces down evenly.
ln a separaLe bowl, whlsk LogeLher eggs and coconuL mllk unLll well
our egg mlxLure over apples and bake ln Lhe oven for 20-30 mlnuLes or
unLll cooked Lhrough. 1esL by lnserLlng a knlfe lnLo Lhe cenLre of Lhe
cusLard, lf Lhe knlfe comes ouL clean Lhe cusLard ls cooked. Serve.

Pumpkin Custard
!"#$"% '
1 Lbs honey
x Lsp salL
1 Lbs ground clnnamon
x Lsp ground glnger
x Lsp ground cloves
2 medlum eggs
1 cup cooked pumpkln, mashed
1x cup coconuL mllk

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
Mlx all lngredlenLs LogeLher. our lnLo an ovenproof dlsh and bake for 20-
30 mlnuLes or unLll cusLard ls cooked. 1esL by lnserLlng a knlfe lnLo Lhe
cenLre and lf lL comes ouL clean lL ls ready. Serve.

Banana Custard
!"#$"% '
3 eggs
x cup coconuL mllk
1 medlum rlpe banana
1 Lsp vanllla essence

Mash banana ln a bowl unLll smooLh. Add eggs, coconuL mllk and vanllla
essence and comblne well.
PeaL a pan on medlum heaL, add Lhe banana cusLard mlxLure and sLlr
conLlnuously wlLh a wooden spoon for 4-3 mlnuLes or unLll cusLard has
Lhlckened. Serve.

Watermelon and Coconut Slices
!"#$"% '()
x waLermelon
x cup raspberry [am
1 cup freshly graLed coconuL or
deslccaLed coconuL

lace waLermelon ln Lhe frldge and cool overnlghL.
CuL waLermelon lnLo sllces. Spread Lhe coconuL onLo a plaLe llned wlLh
baklng paper.
Lvenly and Lhlnly spread [am over waLermelon sllces. 1hen place
waLermelon lnLo coconuL and coaL well. Serve.

Fried Banana with Orange Syrup
!"#$"% *
1 large banana
1 Lbs coconuL oll
x orange, [ulced
1 Lsp honey

CuL banana ln half lengLhways and Lhen each plece ln half. lace Lhe
banana ln a heaLed frypan wlLh coconuL oll and fry for 3-4 mlnuLes on each
slde unLll golden brown.
lace orange [ulce and honey ln a separaLe pan, slmmer and sLlr for 3
mlnuLes. Cool sllghLly.
1o serve, place bananas ln a bowl and drlzzle wlLh orange syrup.

Banana in Coconut Milk
!"#$"% '
1 large banana, cuL ln half
cup coconuL mllk
lnch ground cardamom
lnch ground nuLmeg
1 Lsp honey
lnch ground clnnamon, Lo serve

ln a pan on medlum heaL, place coconuL mllk, cardamom, nuLmeg and
honey, slmmer for 2 mlnuLes whlle sLlrrlng.
Add banana sllces and slmmer wlLh lld on pan for 2 mlnuLes before
fllpplng banana sllces over and leavlng Lo slmmer for a furLher 2 mlnuLes.
1o serve place banana sllces ln a bowl wlLh Lhe coconuL mllk sauce.
Sprlnkle Lop wlLh ground clnnamon.

Cinnamon and Raisin Cookies
!"#$"% ()*
x cup almond meal
3 Lbs freshly ground walnuLs
1 Lbs honey
1 Lbs ground clnnamon
1 egg
lnch of all splce
lnch of nuLmeg
2 Lbs curranLs
Z cup ralslns

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
lace all lngredlenLs ln a bowl and mlx well. Cn a baklng Lray llned wlLh
baklng paper, flrmly pack mlxLure down lnLo a large square or recLangle
8ake ln Lhe oven for 20-30 mlnuLes or unLll well browned and cooked.
Cool before cuLLlng lnLo lndlvldual servlngs.

Almond Delights
!"#$"% '()
2 cups almond meal
3 egg whlLes
1x Lbs honey, melLed
1x Lsp ground clnnamon
x Lsp ground nuLmeg

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
ln a bowl mlx ground almonds, clnnamon, nuLmeg and melLed honey.
ln a separaLe bowl beaL egg whlLes unLll sLlff peaks form. lold egg whlLes
genLly lnLo Lhe almond meal Lo prevenL Loo much alr belng losL ln Lhe egg
lace Leaspoon slze scoops of mlxLure onLo a baklng Lray llned wlLh baklng
paper. 8ake ln Lhe oven for 10-13 mlnuLes or unLll browned and cooked.
Makes 13-13.

!"#$"% *+(*,
3 cups almond meal
3 Lbs rosewaLer essence
4 Lbs honey, melLed
2-3 Lbs cocoa powder

ln a bowl mlx LogeLher almond meal and rosewaLer, slowly add melLed
honey unLll mlxLure ls sofL enough Lo sLlck LogeLher, add more honey lf
8oll marzlpan lnLo small poLaLo shape balls and coaL wlLh cocoa powder.
keep refrlgeraLed.
Makes 20-30 dependlng on slze of balls.

Nut Balls
!"#$"% '()
1 cup almond meal
x cup hazelnuL meal
x cup almond buLLer
4 Lbs honey
2 Lbs cocoa powder
x cup shredded coconuL *+,-.+/012

ln a bowl, mlx LogeLher almond meal, hazelnuL meal, almond buLLer,
honey and cocoa powder.
8oll mlxLure lnLo small balls and lf deslred, roll Lhem ln Lhe shredded
keep refrlgeraLed. Makes 18-20 dependlng on slze of balls.

Almond and Pear Frangipane
!"#$"% '()
x cup walnuL oll or oLher llghL oll
Z cup honey
2 eggs
2 cups almond meal
x Lsp almond essence
3 poached pears, or Llnned pears,

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL. Crease a deep
20cm round cake pan and llne wlLh baklng paper.
ln a mlxlng bowl, beaL LogeLher oll, honey and eggs unLll a llghL and fluffy.
Add almond meal and almond essence and mlx unLll well comblned.
lace halved pears on Lhe boLLom of Lhe llned cake pan and spoon
franglpane mlxLure evenly over Lhe pears.
8ake ln Lhe oven for 30-40 mlnuLes, or unLll a knlfe comes ouL clean.

Raspberry and Lemon Tart
!"#$"% '()
1 cup chopped walnuLs
1x cups almonds
1x cup daLes
1 cup coconuL mllk
Z cup lemon [ulce
2 Lsp graLed lemon rlnd
1x Lbs honey
6 eggs, beaLen
cup raspberrles

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL. Llne a 23cm
LarL Lln wlLh baklng paper.
Comblne walnuLs, almonds and daLes ln a food processor and process on
hlgh for 30-40 seconds for a coarse LexLure. ress pasLry evenly on Lo
boLLom and sldes of LarL pan. 8efrlgeraLe whlle maklng Lhe fllllng.
1o make Lhe fllllng, place Lhe coconuL mllk, lemon [ulce, lemon rlnd and
honey lnLo a pan, and slmmer on low heaL for 2 mlnuLes. Slowly add Lhe
beaLen eggs Lo a slmmerlng mlxLure sLlrrlng vlgorously unLll smooLh and
Lhlckened. Add more honey lf deslred. Cool Lhe fllllng sllghLly.
our fllllng slowly lnLo Lhe pasLry case. 8ake ln Lhe oven for 20-30 mlnuLes
or unLll a knlfe comes ouL clean.
1o serve, Lop wlLh raspberrles.

Carrot Cake
!"#$"% '()
6 eggs, separaLed
Z cup honey
2 cups graLed carroL
1 Lbs graLed orange rlnd
3 cups almond meal

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL. Llne a loaf or
cake Lln wlLh baklng paper.
ln a large mlxlng bowl cream Lhe egg yolks and honey unLll llghL and fluffy.
Add Lhe carroLs, orange rlnd and almond meal. Comblne well. ln a
separaLe bowl, beaL egg whlLes unLll sLlff peaks form. lold genLly lnLo
carroL cake mlxLure.
our Lhe carroL cake mlxLure lnLo a cake loaf Lln Lhen bake ln Lhe oven for
40-30 mlnuLes or unLll cooked. 1esL by lnserLlng a knlfe or skewer lnLo Lhe
cenLre of Lhe loaf, lf lL comes ouL clean lL ls cooked Lhrough. Serve.

Banana Bread
!"#$"% '()
3 eggs, separaLed
x cup honey
x cup ollve oll
1 Lsp 100 vanllla essence
2 small bananas *# 1 large banana,
1x cups almond meal

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL. Llne a loaf Lln
wlLh baklng paper.
ln a large mlxlng bowl cream egg yolks and honey unLll llghL and fluffy. Add
ollve oll, vanllla essence, mashed banana and almond meal. Comblne well.
ln a separaLe bowl, beaL egg whlLes unLll sLlff peaks form. lold genLly lnLo
banana mlxLure. our Lhe banana cake mlxLure lnLo Lhe loaf Lln.
8ake ln Lhe oven for 20-23 mlnuLes or unLll cooked. 1esL by lnserLlng a
knlfe or skewer lnLo Lhe mlddle of Lhe loaf, lf lL comes ouL clean lL ls
cooked Lhrough. Serve.

Coconut Cake
!"#$"% '()
2 eggs
Z cup ollve oll
x cup honey
1 cup coconuL mllk
1 Lsp 100 vanllla essence
1 cup almond meal
x cup coconuL flour
1 Lsp baklng powder *+,+(-./",0 ,# 2
egg whlLes
x cup deslccaLed coconuL

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL. Llne a loaf Lln
wlLh baklng paper.
ln a large mlxlng bowl, cream Lhe eggs, oll and honey unLll llghL and fluffy.
Add coconuL mllk, vanllla essence, almond meal, coconuL flour, baklng
powder and deslccaLed coconuL. Comblne well.
our Lhe coconuL cake mlxLure lnLo Lhe loaf Lln and bake ln Lhe oven for
30-60 mlnuLes or unLll cooked. 1esL by lnserLlng a knlfe lnLo Lhe mlddle of
Lhe loaf, lf lL comes ouL clean lL ls cooked Lhrough. Serve.

!"#$% 12 +,3 4%5+6 7.85+6 -,9:"#; %"-.#.3" 3<" = "66%> ?".3 3<" "66
9<53"% 4+35/ %3522 -".8% 2,#@; 3<"+ 2,/: 6"+3/A 5+3, 3<" B,B,+43 @5C34#"> D<5%
95// <"/- 5+ ."#.35+6 3<" B.8">

Chocolate Zucchini Cake
!"#$"% '()
3 eggs
x cup honey
3 Lbs ollve oll
cup apple sauce
1 cup almond meal
x cup cocoa powder
x Lsp baklng powder *+,+(-./",0 ,# 1
egg whlLes
x cup walnuLs, roughly chopped
2 cups zucchlnl, graLed

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL. Llne a loaf or
cake Lln wlLh baklng paper.
ln a large mlxlng bowl, cream Lhe eggs, honey, oll and apple sauce unLll
llghL and fluffy.
Add Lhe almond meal, cocoa powder, baklng powder, walnuLs and
zucchlnl and comblne well uslng a wooden spoon.
our Lhe zucchlnl cake mlxLure lnLo loaf or cake Lln and bake ln Lhe oven
for 30-60 mlnuLes or unLll cooked. 1esL by lnserLlng a knlfe lnLo Lhe mlddle
of Lhe loaf, lf lL comes ouL clean lL ls cooked Lhrough. Serve.

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Coconut Citrus Cake
!"#$"% '()
4 eggs
cup coconuL mllk
3 Lbs ollve oll
x cup honey
1 Lsp vanllla essence
2 Lbs graLed orange rlnd
2 Lbs graLed lemon rlnd
cup orange [ulce
x cup lemon [ulce
1 cup sllvered almonds
x cup coconuL flour
Z cup deslccaLed coconuL

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL. Llne a 20cm
round cake Lln wlLh baklng paper.
lace all lngredlenLs lnLo a food processor and blend unLll well comblned.
our cake mlxLure lnLo Lhe cake Lln and bake for 1 hour or unLll cooked.
Cool cake Lhen refrlgeraLe for 1 hour before servlng.

Pumpkin Pie
!"#$"% '()
2 cups dlced pumpkln
3 eggs
1 cup Lhlck coconuL cream
2 Lsp ground clnnamon
1 Lsp ground glnger
1 Lsp ground nuLmeg
x Lsp ground cloves
x Lsp allsplce
Maple syrup

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL. Llne a 20cm
cake Lln wlLh baklng paper.
lace all lngredlenLs lnLo a food processor and blend unLll well comblned.
our cake mlxLure lnLo Lhe cake Lln and bake for 40 mlnuLes or unLll
cooked. Cool before servlng.


Scrambled Eggs with
Mushroom and Pine Nuts
!"#$"% '
3 eggs
2 Lsp onlon, flnely chopped
2 Lbs chlves, flnely chopped
1 cup sllced mushrooms
1 Lbs oll
1 Lbs plne nuLs
SalL and pepper

lace oll ln a frylng pan on medlum heaL and fry Lhe onlons for 3-4 mlnuLes
unLll llghLly browned. 8emove mushrooms from pan.
Whlsk eggs ln a bowl Lhen pour lnLo Lhe frylng pan, cook whlle sLlrrlng
When Lhe eggs are almosL cooked, add Lhe chlves and conLlnue cooklng
for a furLher 1 mlnuLe, or unLll eggs are cooked.
Add salL and pepper Lo LasLe.
8emove from heaL and sLlr ln mushrooms before servlng.

Lemon Custard
!"#$"% '
3 eggs
3 Lbs lemon [ulce
x vanllla pod seeds
x Lsp honey

PeaL a pan on low-medlum heaL.
8eaL LogeLher eggs, lemon [ulce, vanllla beans and honey. Add Lo
pre-heaLed pan and sLlr consLanLly for 3-4 mlnuLes or unLll Lhe cusLard has
Lhlckened. Serve.

Scrambled Eggs with
Basil and Walnuts
!"#$"% '
3 eggs
x cup fresh basll, chopped
Z cup walnuLs, chopped
SalL and pepper

Whlsk eggs ln a bowl Lhen place ln a frylng pan on medlum heaL, sLlrrlng
When Lhe eggs are almosL cooked, add Lhe basll and conLlnue cooklng for
a furLher 1 mlnuLe or unLll eggs are fully cooked.
Add salL and pepper Lo LasLe.
8emove from heaL and sLlr ln Lhe walnuLs before servlng.

Grilled Tomatoes

1omaLoes of cholce
SalL and pepper

re-heaL a frylng pan or grlll on medlum-hlgh heaL addlng a llLLle oll Lo
prevenL sLlcklng.
lace LomaLoes ln Lhe frylng pan or on Lhe grlll and cook for 4-3 mlnuLes or
unLll LomaLoes are llghLly browned and Lhe skln looks a llLLle shrlvelled.

Scrambled Eggs with Smoked
Salmon and Lemon Mayonnaise
!"#$"% '
3 eggs
2 Lhln sllces smoked salmon
1 Lsp mayonnalse
1 Lsp lemon [ulce

Whlsk Lhe eggs ln a bowl Lhen place ln frylng pan on medlum heaL, cook
sLlrrlng consLanLly. When Lhe eggs are cooked Lransfer Lhem Lo a servlng
8eLurn frylng pan Lo heaL and add smoked salmon. Cook salmon on each
slde for 20 seconds or unLll warmed Lhrough.
ln a small bowl, comblne mayonnalse and lemon [ulce.
lace Lhe salmon beslde Lhe scrambled eggs accompanled by Lhe lemon
Serve lmmedlaLely.

Scrambled Eggs with Chives
!"#$"% '
3 eggs
2 Lsp onlon, flnely chopped
2 Lbs chlves, chopped
SalL and pepper

lace oll ln a frylng pan on medlum heaL, fry Lhe onlons for 3-4 mlnuLes or
unLll llghLly browned. 8emove from Lhe pan.
Whlsk Lhe eggs ln a bowl Lhen place ln Lhe frylng pan, cook sLlrrlng
When Lhe eggs have almosL cooked, add Lhe chlves and conLlnue cooklng
for a furLher 1 mlnuLe, or unLll Lhey are cooked.
Serve lmmedlaLely.

Paprika and Garlic Mushrooms
!"#$"% '
1 cup buLLon mushrooms
3 garllc cloves, chopped
2 Lbs ollve oll
x Lsp ground paprlka

lace garllc, paprlka and oll ln a mlxlng bowl and comblne well.
Add mushrooms and coaL wlLh Lhe ollve oll mlxLure.
lace mushrooms ln a frylng pan, or on a grlll, on medlum-hlgh heaL. lry
for 3-8 mlnuLes, or unLll Lhe mushrooms have browned sllghLly and sLarLed
Lo shrlvel. Serve.

Salmon and Zucchini Fritters
!"#$"% ()*
2 eggs
1x cups almond meal
100g smoked salmon, Lhlnly sllced
2 large zucchlnl, roughly graLed,
llquld squeezed ouL
1 Lablespoon chopped dlll
SalL and pepper Lo LasLe

Comblne eggs and almond meal ln a bowl and whlsk unLll smooLh. SLlr ln
Lhe smoked salmon, zucchlnl, dlll, salL and pepper.
lace oll ln a frylng pan and heaL over medlum heaL.
Spoon 1 Lablespoonful of Lhe smoked salmon mlxLure lnLo Lhe pan,
allowlng room for spreadlng. lry for 2-3 mlnuLes each slde unLll golden
and cooked Lhrough. uraln Lhe frlLLer on absorbenL paper.
8epeaL wlLh remalnlng smoked salmon mlxLure, addlng oll Lo Lhe pan
beLween each baLch as requlred.
Serve wlLh a slmple green salad.

Broccolini Wrapped in Bacon
with Soy Pine Nuts
!"#$"% '
4 sLems broccollnl
4 rashers bacon, rlnd removed
Z cup plne nuLs
1 Lbs soy sauce ()*)+,-."*/ *,01*)-.2

re-heaL grlll Lo medlum-hlgh heaL.
lace plne nuLs and soy sauce ln a frylng pan on low heaL and cook for 2-3
mlnuLes or unLll llghLly LoasLed, sLlrrlng consLanLly. lf noL uslng soy sauce
Lhen [usL llghLly LoasL Lhe plne nuLs unLll Lhey are golden brown.
Wrap one plece of bacon around Lhe sLems of each broccollnl and secure
ln place wlLh a LooLhplck.
lace broccollnl on a pre-heaLed grlll, Lurnlng occaslonally for 3-6 mlnuLes
unLll Lhe broccollnl ls Lender and Lhe bacon ls crlsp.
1o serve, place Lhe broccollnl on a servlng plaLe and Lop wlLh plne nuLs.

Nut Butter Cucumber Sandwich
!"#$"% '
1 medlum cucumber nuL buLLer

CuL Lhe end off one slde of Lhe cucumber Lhen hollow lL ouL uslng a buLLer
knlfe, leavlng Lhe oLher end of Lhe cucumber closed. llll wlLh nuL buLLer.

Cucumber Hot Dogs
!"#$"% '
4 small sausages
4 small cucumbers
1omaLo sauce Lo serve ()*+,)-./0

reheaL grlll Lo medlum/hlgh heaL. Crlll sausages for 6-8 mlnuLes or unLll
well cooked.
Whlle Lhe sausages are cooklng, cuL Lhe ends off Lhe cucumbers and use a
small buLLer knlfe Lo remove Lhe seeds by LwlsLlng Lhe knlfe around ln
lace a hoL sausage ln Lhe hollow of Lhe cucumber and serve wlLh LomaLo

Scrambled Egg Cucumber Sandwich
!"#$"% 1
1 medlum cucumber Scrambled eggs

CuL Lhe end off one slde of Lhe cucumber Lhen hollow lL ouL uslng a buLLer
knlfe, leavlng Lhe oLher end of Lhe cucumber closed. llll wlLh scrambled
eggs. Serve.

Bacon and Leek with Boiled Eggs
!"#$"% '
3 bacon eyes, dlced
1 small leek, end removed and
3 asparagus sLalks
2 eggs
1 Lbs oll
SalL and pepper

lace Lhe eggs ln a pan wlLh bolllng waLer and cook Lo reach deslred
Meanwhlle, place oll and bacon ln a frylng pan on medlum heaL and fry
unLll Lhe bacon has begun Lo crlsp. Add leek and asparagus and sLlr
consLanLly for a furLher 1 mlnuLe, or unLll Lhe leek ls Lender.
eel Lhe eggs, cuL ln half and place on a plaLe wlLh bacon, leek and
Serve lmmedlaLely.

Scrambled Eggs with Veggies
!"#$"% '
2 sprlng onlons, chopped
1 Lsp oll
x carroL, flnely chopped
2 broccollnl sLalks, flnely chopped
2 asparagus sLalks, flnely chopped
3 eggs
SalL and pepper

lace oll and sprlng onlons ln a frylng pan on medlum heaL and fry for 1
Add vegeLables and cook for a furLher 1 mlnuLe, sLlrrlng consLanLly. Add
Lhe eggs and scramble lnLo Lhe vegeLable mlxLure, sLlrrlng consLanLly for
2-3 mlnuLes unLll Lhe eggs are cooked.
Add salL and pepper Lo LasLe. Serve lmmedlaLely.

Fried Eggs with Veggies
!"#$"% '
2 eggs
1 Lbs oll
2 broccoll floreLs, broken lnLo
smaller floreLs
2 asparagus sLalks, cuL lnLo Lhree
x cup buLLon mushrooms
2 broccollnl sLalks

lace all vegeLables on a pre-heaLed grlll on medlum-hlgh heaL. Cook for
2-3 mlnuLes, sLlrrlng occaslonally. 1ransfer Lhe vegeLables Lo a servlng
Meanwhlle, heaL oll ln a frylng pan on medlum heaL, add Lhe eggs and
cook Lo personal preference.
1o serve, Lop Lhe vegeLables wlLh eggs.

Mushroom and Bacon Omelette
!"#$"% (
3 eggs
3 bacon eyes, dlced
cup mushrooms, chopped
SalL and pepper
1 Lbs oll

lace oll and bacon ln a frylng pan on medlum heaL and cook unLll Lhe
bacon has sLarLed Lo brown.
Add mushrooms and sLlr consLanLly for a furLher 1 mlnuLe or unLll
mushrooms have begun Lo shrlvel. 8emove from heaL.
Whlsk Lhe eggs ln a bowl. Add Lhe bacon and mushrooms and comblne
well. our egg mlxLure lnLo a frylng pan on medlum heaL and cover wlLh
baklng paper.
When Lhe boLLom of Lhe eggs have cooked, Lurn Lhe mlxLure over by
placlng anoLher sheeL of baklng paper Lo Lhe slde and fllpplng Lhe eggs
onLo lL, Lhen Lransfer Lhem lnLo Lhe heaLed frylng pan and cook for a
furLher 2-3 mlnuLes or unLll browned on Lhe boLLom. Serve lmmedlaLely.

Veggie Fritters
!"#$"% '()
cup sweeL poLaLo, graLed
x cup carroL, graLed
x cup zucchlnl, graLed and
squeezed Lo remove excess
x cup green peas
x cup almond meal
2 eggs
SalL and epper
CoconuL oll

lace all lngredlenLs, excepL for Lhe coconuL oll, ln a bowl and comblne.
PeaL frylng pan on medlum heaL and add sufflclenL coconuL oll Lo shallow
Make paLLles Lhe slze of Lhe palm of a hand and place 2 or 3 paLLles ln Lhe
frylng pan, cooklng on each slde for 3-4 mlnuLes unLll browned and cooked
Lhrough. Serve.

Lemon Pancakes
!"#$"% '()
1 Lbs apple sauce
2 Lbs lemon [ulce
Z cup almond buLLer
2 eggs
CoconuL oll

Comblne all lngredlenLs, excepL for Lhe coconuL oll ln a bowl.
PeaL sufflclenL coconuL oll lnLo a frylng pan Lo shallow fry Lhe pankcakes
on medlum heaL. Spoon Lhe pancake mlxLure lnLo Lhe frylng pan - mlxLure
makes 4-3 pancakes. lry for 1 mlnuLe before fllpplng over and cooklng for
a furLher 1 mlnuLe on Lhe oLher slde. Serve.

Banana and Flaxseed Pancakes
!"#$"% '()
x cup banana, mashed
2 Lbs almond buLLer
1x Lbs ground flaxseeds
1 egg
CoconuL oll

Comblne all lngredlenLs, excepL for Lhe coconuL oll ln a bowl.
PeaL sufflclenL coconuL oll lnLo a frylng pan Lo shallow fry Lhe pancakes on
medlum heaL. Spoon Lhe pancake mlxLure lnLo Lhe frylng pan - mlxLure
makes 4-3 pancakes. lry for 1 mlnuLe before fllpplng over and cooklng for
a furLher 1 mlnuLe on Lhe oLher slde. Serve.

Grilled Garlic Mushrooms with Bacon
!"#$"% '
2 cups mushrooms, sllced
3 rashers bacon, dlced
3 Lbs parsley, flnely chopped
3 Lbs ollve oll
3 garllc cloves, flnely chopped
SalL and epper

re-heaL grlll on medlum-hlgh heaL.
lace all lngredlenLs ln a bowl and comblne well.
lace lngredlenLs on Lhe grlll and cook, sLlrrlng occaslonally for 3-8
mlnuLes, or unLll Lhe bacon has become sllghLly crlspy and mushrooms
have begun Lo shrlvel.
Add salL and pepper Lo LasLe.
Serve lmmedlaLely.

Smoked Salmon Omelette
with Dill Mayonnaise
!"#$"% '
3 eggs
2 Lbs chlves, flnely chopped
2 Lhln sllces of smoked salmon
1 Lbs mayonnalse
2 Lsp dlll, flnely chopped
1 Lsp lemon [ulce

ln a small bowl, comblne mayonnalse, dlll and lemon [ulce.
Whlsk Lhe eggs ln a mlxlng bowl and pour lnLo a frylng pan on medlum
heaL and cover wlLh baklng paper.
When Lhe boLLom of Lhe eggs have seL, Lurn Lhe mlxLure over by placlng
anoLher sheeL of baklng paper Lo Lhe slde and fllpplng Lhe eggs onLo lL,
Lhen Lransfer lL onLo Lhe heaLed frylng pan and cook for an exLra 2-3
mlnuLes or unLll browned on Lhe boLLom.
When Lhe omeleLLe ls cooked Lurn lL onLo a plaLe. 1op Lhe omeleLLe wlLh
salmon pleces and dress wlLh dlll mayonnalse.
Serve lmmedlaLely.


Flaxseed Foccacia
!"#$"% '()'*
2 cups ground flaxseeds
1 Lsp baklng powder +,-,)./0"-1 -#
*)2 egg whlLes
4 eggs
x cup waLer
Z cup ollve oll

reheaL a fan-forced oven Lo 180! Celslus/330! lahrenhelL.
Comblne all dry lngredlenLs ln a large mlxlng bowl. Add waLer, ollve oll and
eggs and mlx well.
Llne a baklng Lray wlLh baklng paper and pour ln Lhe flaxseed mlxLure. 8un
a spaLula over Lhe mlxLure Lo creaLe an even layer of around 1-1.3cm
lace Lhe Lray ln oven and bake for 20 mlnuLes unLll cooked.

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1o make Lhe followlng focacclas, slmply place Lhe llsLed lngredlenLs on Lop
of Lhe baslc flaxseed focaccla before baklng ln Lhe oven.

Olives and Sundried Tomatoes

Z cup sundrled LomaLoes Z cup plLLed black ollves

Herbs and Salt

lLallan Perbs

Onion and Pepper

1 large red onlon, Lhlnly sllced
2 Lbs ollve oll

lace onlon and oll ln a frylng pan on medlum heaL, sLlr conLlnuously for 2-
3 mlnuLes or unLll sofL. SLlr ln pepper before placlng on Lop of foccacla.

Olive and Rosemary

! #$% %&''() *+,#- .+&/(0
1.0(2,34 +(,/(0

Roast Capsicum and Onion

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Herb and Pecan

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Tomato and Basil

> (:1 :%+1%$-0 =-.'/%6
? (:1 "+-=' "-+
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". ("3 "* *"00%0-%;

Bacon and Walnut

D 6%1)'61 :%0".2 *%( 6'$"='5 %.5
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1o make Lhe followlng foccacla sandwlches, carefully cuL a plece of
loccacla ln half and place Lhe llsLed lngredlenLs ln beLween Lhe sllces.
Sandwlches can also be LoasLed on a sandwlch press for 1-2 mlnuLes or
unLll flaLLened sllghLly and warmed Lhrough.

Chicken, Avocado and Salad Sandwich
!"#$"% '
x chlcken breasL, grllled and sllced
2 Lbs avocado
1 cup chopped leLLuce
1 small cucumber, sllced
1 sllce flaxseed foccacla, cuL ln half

reheaL sandwlch press Lo medlum heaL.
lace chlcken, avocado, leLLuce and cucumber on one sllce of Lhe foccacla
and Lop wlLh Lhe oLher sllce. 1oasL ln Lhe sandwlch press for 1-2 mlnuLes.

Tuna Salad Sandwich
!"#$"% '
100g can flaked Luna, dralned
x cup cherry LomaLoes, halved
1 cup baby splnach leaves
1 sllce flaxseed foccacla, cuL ln half

reheaL sandwlch press Lo medlum heaL.
lace Luna, cherry LomaLoes and splnach on one sllce of Lhe foccacla and
Lop wlLh Lhe oLher sllce. 1oasL ln Lhe sandwlch press for 1-2 mlnuLes.

Bacon, Mushroom and Pesto
!"#$"% '
2 bacon eyes
1 cup sllced mushrooms
1 cup baby splnach leaves
1 Lsp pesLo
1 sllce flaxseed foccacla, cuL ln half

reheaL sandwlch press Lo medlum heaL.
lry bacon and mushrooms ln a heaLed frylng pan for 3-4 mlnuLes or unLll
bacon. 8emove from heaL.
Spread pesLo onLo one sllce of Lhe foccacla Lhen Lop wlLh bacon,
mushrooms, splnach and Lop wlLh Lhe oLher sllce of foccacla. 1oasL ln Lhe
sandwlch press for 1-2 mlnuLes. Serve.

Grilled eggplant, olives
and Chicken Sandwich
!"#$"% '
x chlcken breasL, grllled and sllced
2 sllces grllled eggplanL
3 ollves, plLLed and sllced
1 cup chopped leLLuce
1 sllce flaxseed foccacla, cuL ln half

reheaL sandwlch press Lo medlum heaL.
lace chlcken, eggplanL, ollves and leLLuce on one sllce of Lhe foccacla and
Lop wlLh Lhe oLher sllce. 1oasL ln Lhe sandwlch press for 1-2 mlnuLes.

Open Face Lamb and Pumpkin Sandwich
!"#$"% '(
300g mlnced lamb
1 onlon, flnely dlced
1 Lbs oll
3 Lbs ground cumln
3 Lbs sage
2 Lbs lLallan herbs
2 cups canned LomaLoes )# LomaLo
pasLa sauce
x buLLernuL pumpkln, dlced
2 cups rockeL leaves
3 sllces flaxseed foccacla, cuL ln half

lace oll and onlon ln a pan on medlum heaL and cook unLll Lhe onlon has
browned. Add mlnced lamb and fry unLll browned and conLlnuously
breaklng up Lhe meaL so Lhere are no large chunks.
Add cumln, sage and lLallan herbs and sLlr for a furLher mlnuLe. Add
LomaLoes and reduce heaL Lo a slmmer. Cover and cook for 20-30 mlnuLes,
sLlrrlng occaslonally.
Whlle Lhe lamb ls cooklng, place some waLer ln anoLher pan on hlgh heaL
and add Lhe dlced pumpkln. Cover and boll for 4-3 mlnuLes or unLll Lhe
pumpkln ls cooked. uraln Lhe waLer from Lhe pan and leave Lhe pumpkln
Lo cool.
8efore servlng, allow Lhe mlnce Lo cool Lo a warm LemperaLure.
1o serve, place sllces of foccacla on a plaLe and Lop wlLh mlnced lamb,
followed by some pumpkln pleces and rockeL leaves.

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