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Complleo by Soutb Sbore Tberaples ano OTA-Watertown

Cblloren learn tbrougb play ano actlve eploratlon. Many toys ano games can encourage learnlng ano oevelop
skllls ln plannlng ano sequenclng, eye-bano coorolnatlon, vlsual perceptlon ano tlne motor control. Tbese
suggestlons may be belptul ln cbooslng approprlate toys tor tbe bolloays, blrtboays ano otber speclal tlmes.
Tbey lncluoe sensory baseo actlvltles to provloe organlzlng sensatlon ano encourage tbe oevelopment ot booy
awareness, as well as games to encourage tbe oevelopment ot specltlc skllls. Approlmate ages or sklll levels
bave been glven to belp guloe your cbolces. Many ltems can be purcbaseo at toy stores or tbrougb tbe
catalogues llsteo. Ask your occupatlonal tberaplst tor belp ln oeclolng wblcb games or toys are tbe best cbolces
tor your cbllo.

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3D Labyrlntb Attersbock! (Learnlng Lpress)
Anlmal Soup Game (Learnlng Lpress) Amazlng Labyrlntb Game (Sensatlonal Klos, Dlscovery Toys)
Ants ln tbe Pants 8atlk (Mlnoware)
8ouncln' 8unnles (Hlgbllgbts) 8attllng Tops
8uckaroo 8attlesblp
Caooo & 8alloon Lagoon 8llnk (Learnlng Lpress)
Cbaraoes tor Klos 8lokus (Mlnoware, Hlgbllgbts)
Colortorms Dress-up Game (Tberapro) 8ulls Lye 8all
Cootle Clue
Cranlum Hullabaloo Connect Four
Don't 8reak tbe |ce Cover Your Tracks (Tblnktun Games)
Don't Splll tbe 8eans Cranlum Caooo
Lletun Guess Wbo/ Guess Wbere
Flnoers Keepers (Mlnoware) [enga
Flsbln' Arouno Kerplunk/ Tumble
Gobbler (Learnlng Lpress) Launcb Across
Gnlp Gnop (Hlgbllgbts, 8ack to 8aslcs, Young Lplorers) Mancala
Hlooen Plcture Game (Hlgbllgbts) Mastermlno
Honey 8ee Tree (8ack to 8aslcs, Hlgbllgbts, Leaps & 8ounos) Monster Unoer My 8eo (Young Lplorers, Learnlng Lpress)
Hungry Hungry Hlppos Mousetrap
| Spy 8lngo (Learnlng Lpress) Operatlon/ Dlno Xcavator (Sensatlonal 8eglnnlngs)
| Spy Memory Game (Learnlng Lpress, Young Lplorers) Pertectlon
Lucky Ducks Plpellne (Learnlng Lpress, Mlnoware)
Matcblng Manla (Dlscovery Toys) Raglng Raplos
Memory Game Rlver Crosslng
Monkeylng Arouno (Young Lplorers) Rebouno
Mr. Moutb Rummlkub
Penguln Plle-up (Heartbsong) Rusb Hour (Learnlng Lpress, Mlnoware)
Poppa's Plzza Plle-up (Learnlng Lpress, Leaps & 8ounos) Scavenger Hunt tor Klos (Young Lplorers)
Poppln Puzzlers (Learnlng Lpress) Screwball Scramble (Young Lplorers)
Pop up Plrates (Learnlng Lpress) Slmon Trlckster
Race to tbe Root (Young Lplorers) Squeezeo Out (8ack to 8aslcs) / Hens & Cblcks (Heartbsong)
Sllly Faces(Tberapro) Tbln |ce
very Hungry Caterplllar Game (Young Lplorers) Twlster
Wback a Mole Wbat's ln Neo's Heao? (Young Lplorers)
Zlmbbos (Learnlng Lpress) Zltternl Game (Heartbsong)
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8ooy So (|ntegratlons) Alr Klcks 8oots
8op 8ag (8ack to 8aslcs) Alr Pogo (Young Lplorers)
Cbllly Hammock Swlng 8alance 8oaro (8ack to 8aslcs)
Clouo Nlne Crasb Pao (Soutbpaw) 8alance Stllts (Heartbsong)
Flrst [umper (8ack to 8aslcs) 8ungee [umper (Learnlng Lpress, Young Lplorers)
Foot Cbalr Large 8eanbag (|ntegratlons) Color Lploslon (Crayola)
Fololng Trampollne (Heartbsong) Dance Maker 2 Dance Macblne (Sears, Young Lplorers)
Glga 8all (Sears, Heartbsong) Dlsc Swlng (Young Lplorers)
Horse Tlre Swlng (Hlgbllgbts, 8ack to 8aslcs) Flylng Turtle (8ack to 8aslcs, Heartbsong, H|gbllgbts)
|nsloe Out 8alls (Tberapro, Heartbsong) Fun Rloe (8ack to 8aslcs, Hlgbllgbts, Young Lplorers)
[lgglers (Tberapro, |ntegratlons) Hop 66/ Hop 8all (Heartbsong, Young Lplorers)
[umpolene (8ack to 8aslcs) [ump Ropes
Klck 8ag (Sears, 8ack to 8aslcs) [unlor Cbamp 8olng Set (Constructlve Playtblngs)
Marvel tbe Mustang Rlolng Horse (8ack to 8aslcs) Klck-a-Roos (Hlgbllgbts)
My Flrst Trampollne (Sears) Krazy Car/ Wblrley Wbeel (8ack to 8aslcs, |ntegratlons)
Cbewles: P's & Q's, Super Teetber Moon Sboes (Hlgbllgbts, Sears)
Play Tents (8ack to 8aslcs, Heartbsong, |ntegratlons) Moon Walkers (Young Lplorers)
Rock & 8ounce Pony (8ack to 8aslcs) Peoal-Power/ Fun Wbeels (8ack to 8aslcs, Heartbsong)
Rocklng Horse (8ack to 8aslcs, Young Lplorers) Plasma Car (Young Lplorers)
Rocklng Rooy Rloer (Tberapro, |ntegratlons) Pogo 8all
Row Cart (8ack to 8aslcs) Pogo Stlck (Hlgbllgbts)
Sano Dlgger (Constructlve Playtblngs) Razer Scooters
Scooter 8oaros Romper Stompers (Learnlng Lpress)
Snall Rocker (8ack to 8aslcs) Rope Laooer (Heartbsong)
Sock en' 8oppers Set (Sears) Slt & Spln
Sprlng Horse (8ack to 8aslcs) Sklp Arouno (Heartbsong)
Welgbteo Wearables, 8lankets (Grampa'sGaroen,Tberapro) Sleos & Snow Tubes
Wblstles (| Party, Tberapro) Wobbler (Hlgbllgbts, Heartbsong)

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Alr Puck Hockey Aerobloks (Hlgbllgbts, |ntegratlons)
Altreoo's Fooo Flgbt (Learnlng Lpress) 8lock 8uooles (Mlnoware)
8alanko Game (Hlgbllgbts) 8rlgbt 8ulloers (Dlscovery Toys)
8eamo Flylng Dlsc (Learnlng Lpress) Cast & Palnt: Krazy Cars wltb 8lo Pens (Toys R Us)
8ean 8ag Games Colortorms (Sensatlonal Klos, 8ack to 8aslcs)
8ucket 8last Game (Heartbsong) Delta Sano (Heartbsong)
Dooge Dlscs (Learnlng Lpress) Deslgn & Drlll Actlvlty (Leaps & 8ounos)
Fllp Flop Faces (Dlscovery Toys) L-Z 8ullo & Play (Constructlve Playtblngs)
Hammer Away (Dlscovery Toys) Floam or Play Foam
Hopscotcb Mat (Hlgbllgbts) Gearatlons (Leap & 8ounos)
Hyper Dasb (Learnlng Lpress) Glant Constructlve 8locks (Constructlve Playtblngs)
|ntlnlty Loop (|ntegratlons) Legos/Duplos
[unlor Swlng 8all (Young Lplorers) Llncoln Logs (8ack to 8aslcs)
Klos Croquet (Toys to Grow on) Magz Constructlon Set (8ack to 8aslcs, Heartbsong)
Monster velcro Mltts (Toy 8o) Magnetlc Mosalcs (Hlgbllgbts, Toys to Grow On)
Nert 8asketball Hoop Marbleworks (Dlscovery Toys)
Paoole Pool (Learnlng Lpress, Hlgbllgbts) Maze-n-Race (Realtun)
Rack 'n' Roll 8owl (Hlgbllgbts) Ml & Matcb Motors (Dlscovery Toys)
Remote Control Car Mooels tor 8eglnners (Toys to Grow on)
Satety Dart 8oaro (Learnlng Lpress, Heartbsong) Oogly Googly Motorlzeo 8ullolng Set (Young Lplorers)
Target Tall 8all (Heartbsong, Hlgbllgbts) Peg-a-Plane (Laurl)
Toss Across Playmobll
Wblstllng Wblrler (Dlscovery Toys) Quatro 8ucket (Lego)
Zoom 8all Super Sbapes (Constructlve Playtblngs)
Zoob (Mlnoware)

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