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Managing Self and Others

Unit two - Motivation

Aims and Objectives

Aim Students will be able to evaluate motivation
within the workplace and how best to motivate people

Objectives by the end session students will:

To analyse what motivates people. To evaluate current motivational techniques within the organisation. To provide three recommendations to improve motivation within the organisation.

Motivation Overview
Motivation is based on internal and external factors such as:

Drives Goals and incentives

Motivation Theory
Taylor Scientific Management Mayo Hawthorne Study Maslow - Hierarchy of Motivation

Herzberg Two Factor Theory

Watch the following clip and make notes on the main points.
What interests you most?

What can be applied to your own organisation? FjJc

To provide three recommendations to improve motivation within your organisation. Share these on the group learning space under session 4.
Explain what they are and why you have chosen to recommend them.

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