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Sara Patrick

15416 Lucille Overland Park, Kansas 66223 Phone: 913.2 6.66!" #$%ail: sara&atrick'

)nchi*s +utorin, -ove./er 2 13$ %a0 2 14 Tutor for mathematics students in high school. 1un 2lu/ 2oordinator )u,ust 2 13$ %a0 2 14 Coordinated activities and games to engage children to form a cohesive unit. I created activities that enabled a diverse group of children to work collectively to accomplish an overarching goal. The activities focused on teamwork, communication skills, critical thinking skills, and tolerance for others. 3ead 4ecruit.ent 2ounselor on Panhellenic 2ounsel 2 13 Conducted interviews for over 90 applicants and created a syllabus and course objectives for a semester long training program. I oversaw the counselors during the recruitment process and instructed them on counseling techni ues and strategies. I organi!ed multiple guest speakers to come present at weekly meetings to emphasi!e tolerance and teamwork while appreciating the differences between individuals. %asada 5ilderness Pro,ra. 2ounselor 2 13 I was a member of a five person counseling team that lead groups of teenagers through a two week hiking, camping, and e"ploring program in the mountains of Colorado. The goal of the program was to improve the life skills of the campers and engage them in activities and scenarios they had never been e"posed to before. 2a.& Sa/ra 5ater 6irl 2 12 I worked as a personal one#on#one mentor to an employee of Camp $abra who has fragile " syndrome. I assisted him in completing his daily job duties as well as keeping him on task. )do&t$a$ School7 ).erica 4eads 2 11$2 12 8 volunteered over %&0 hours in 'awrence (iddle and )lementary $chools. *dopt a $chool is a volunteer cohort dedicated to assisting teachers in the 'awrence school district that have larger than average class si!es. *merica +eads is a tutoring program for struggling readers in 'awrence local ,rofessional -evelopment $chool *lliance with the .niversity of /ansas at ,inckney )lementary and various other schools.

9niversit0 o: Kansas 2 1 $2 14 0$)# $chool of )ducation at the .niversity of /ansas speciali!ing in (iddle (athematics 1,*#2.3

3onors7 Skills
# 4ighly 5ualifying scores on the Teaching ,edagogy and (iddle (athematics Content /nowledge ,ra"is )"ams # *dmission into the ,rofessional -evelopment $chool *lliance ,rogram at the .niversity of /ansas # $ervice 'earning Certificate # 6ona Tollefson $cholarship in $cience )ducation # C,+7 8irst *id7 'ifeguard Certification

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