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Dream: a succession of images, thoughts, emotions, sounds, voices, ideas, and sensations passing through the mind during


Nolan Siegels Orbital Study February 7th, 2014 Period 8 Science

Types of Dreams: Daydreams False Awakening Dreams Lucid Dreams Nightmares Recurring Dreams Healing Dreams Prophetic Dreams Epic Dreams Mutual Dreams Signal Dreams Progressive Dreams

Daydreams -Dreaming while being awake -During the day -Overlooked as wandering thoughts -Helpful to understanding your goals and true feelings False-Awakening Dreams -When you dream that you wake up and start your day -NOT REAL: YOU ARE DREAMING! Lucid Dreams -When you realize that you are dreaming -It is possible to control the dream and practice for something or solve a problem. Nightmares -Disturbing dream -You wake up frightened.

-Can be caused by real-life trauma or because you have chosen to ignore a certain life situation -Can also be caused by a bad relationship, family problems passed down to you, or doing drugs Recurring Dreams -Repeating dreams -Most often scary but can be positive -Can occur due to conflict in real life -Once you solve the conflict, the dream will go away. -Little to no change every time Healing Dreams - Serve as messages to dreamer in regards to his/her health -Many dream experts think that if you believe these dreams, you

will be able to avoid health problems. -Dreams can point out something is off before you show symptoms. Prophetic Dreams -Dreams that tell the future Signal Dreams -Dreams that help you solve problems or make decisions Epic Dreams -Large, compelling dreams Progressive Dreams -Dreams that pick up where they left off the last time you dreamed them -Problem-solving dreams Mutual Dreams -Two people having the same dream

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