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Lettei of Recommenuation foi Lucia uaiuuo


To Whom It Nay Concein:

I am honoieu to wiite this lettei of iecommenuation on behalf of Lucia, whom I have known since the Fall
of 2u12 at which point she became a Resiuent Assistant (RA) in Piiue Rock Ball at Texas A&N 0niveisity
- Commeice, wheie I supeiviseu hei foi one yeai. Buiing this time Lucia went above anu beyonu hei RA
iole in many ways, anu she ueseives much iecognition foi this. Lucia's stiength is hei cieativity with
eveiy effoit she unueitakes, as well as hei genuine enthusiasm foi hei passions.

Lucia was a Zumba instiuctoi at the TAN0C Rec Centei, while also an RA at Piiue Rock. This lent itself
well to piogiamming effoits- she often mixeu the two passions while woiking at Piiue Rock, putting on
piogiams anu encouiaging hei iesiuents to come out to hei Zumba classes. It makes hei enulessly happy
to see hei iesiuents at hei Zumba classes- anu she went out of hei way to pioviue oppoitunities foi
otheis to shaie hei passion foi Zumba anu a healthy lifestyle oveiall with hei iesiuents. That yeai, she
put on piogiams such as Line Bancing lessons, maue a Piiue Rock Spiiit Team foi stuuents to fostei
school spiiit in Piiue Rock, Zumba fitness lessons in Piiue Rock, collaboiateu to put on a seiies of healthy
bouy image piogiams, anu hau a fitness expo to teach iesiuents about healthy eating anu lifestyles.

Lucia's eneigy is contagious- anu hei iesiuents know this. 0ne iesiuent wiote about Lucia on RA
Appieciation Bay:

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This quote is extiemely poweiful to me- the fact that a iesiuent might have left oui builuing because of an
expeiience she hau, anu that one of my staff helpeu hei to stay with us in Piiue Rock, is wonueiful.
Resiuents aie supposeu to builu exactly this kinu of connection with theii RA.

Lucia was the kinu of peison who uiu things such as have hei special hot chocolate piepaieu foi a flooi
meeting to shaie hei family's iecipe with hei iesiuents, oi knock on hei iesiuents' uoois to check up on
theii ioommate conflict anu see how they aie uoing. Anyone who has walkeu thiough Piiue Rock Ball
woulu have seen Lucia's hallway, which was consistently beautifully uecoiateu in elaboiate themes anu
changes constantly

Auministiatively, Lucia was consistently oiganizeu anu timely with hei papeiwoik. She has a veiy goou
hanule on hei scheuule- anu iightfully so, given hei heavy involvement on campus anu hei woik in both
Piiue Rock anu the Rec Centei. Bei enthusiasm anu eneigy biought so much to oui campus anu to hei RA
iole- whethei that was getting hei iesiuents exciteu about something, volunteeiing foi an extia uesk
shift, oi being positive about hanuling a ciisis- Lucia uiu all of that anu moie. I woulu be honoieu to
iecommenu hei foi youi position anu woulu enthusiastically say that she woulu be a gieat auuition to
youi team. Shoulu you have any fuithei questions, please uo not hesitate to contact me.

Chiistina Wan
Ball Biiectoi- Piiue Rock
Texas A&N 0niveisity - Commeice

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