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A Reflection on National Geographic: The Real Slumdogs

Jordan English 6 1/22/2014

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In the middle of India's biggest city, Mumbai, is the most successful slum, Dharvi. One million people live in one square mile that they call home. It is prime real estate because it is worth over ten billion dollars. Even though Dharvi is a slum, people there can succeed because everything can be made in Dharvi . There is nothing that cant be made in Dharvi.1 Three examples of successful people are Laxmi, Jigha, and Shailesh. Dharvi is built on the determination of its own people a determination to see
Google Images Map Of Dharvi

through everything.2

This person is a successful rag picker that lives in Dharvi. Her name is Laxmi. Her work is very dangerous because she could run into chemicals, germs, fumes, or even needles. She has a daughter named Sheetal. Sheetal attends school in Dharvi. Laxmi is living a pretty good life compared to some of the other people in Dharvi. Jigha is a kid who believes that even poor people can get good jobs. Jigha is about 12 years old and goes to school because he wants to become a doctor. His father is a tailor, and they live in a one roomed house. Like most doctors, Jigha is very smart. He says to become a doctor he needs to get good grades and speak English all the time. Shailesh is a rickshaw driver that wants to become a Bollywood star. Shailesh is a hard working driver that gets about 60$ a week. He likes being in Dharvi, but he would rather go outside to become a Bollywood star. He has been taking acting classes, and his teacher said that

Vinod Shetty. National Geographic: The Real Slumdogs. CD ROM. Directed by Steve Baker. San Francisco, CA: Independent Television Service, 2010.


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he could be the one. But keep in mind not many people from slums have made it big in Bollywood. People in Dharvi can succeed because there is nothing that can't be made in Dharvi. Three people who were successful in Dharvi are, Laxmi, Jigha, and Shailesh. These three people have a high chance of actually moving out of Dharvi and into the city and become great citizens. The future of Dharvi could be bad because Dharvi might be bulldozed. If they have to move out of Dharvi, Mumbai will fail to be one of the best cities in the world.

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National Geographic: The Real Slumdogs. CD ROM. Directed by Steve Baker. San Francisco, CA: Independent Television Service, 2010.

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