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Table of Commonly Used IV Solutions

Name of Solution
0.45% Sodium Chloride Shorthand Notation: NS 0.(% Sodium Chloride Shorthand Notation: NS /% Sodium Chloride Hypertonic pH 5.0 Hypertonic pH 5.1 )!otonic pH 5.0 5*/ mEq Sodium 5*/ mEq Chloride 155 mEq Sodium 155 mEq Chloride 5 &ram! de$tro!e ,*70 calorie!4liter.

Type of Solution
Hypotonic pH 5.6

Ingredients in 1-Liter
77 mEq Sodium 77 mEq Chloride

hypotonic hydration replace !odium and chloride hypero!molar dia"ete! i!otonic hydration replace !odium and chloride al+alo!i! "lood tran!#u!ion! ,%ill not hemoly-e "lood cell!.

i# too much i! mi$ed %ith "lood cell! durin& tran!#u!ion!' the cell! %ill pull %ater into them and rupture None +no%n

)!otonic pH 5.7

*54 mEq Sodium *54 mEq Chloride

5% Sodium Chloride

!ymptomatic hyponatremia due to e$ce!!i0e !%eatin&' 0omitin&' renal impairment' and e$ce!!i0e %ater inta+e i!otonic hydration pro0ide! !ome calorie!

rapid or continuou! in#u!ion can re!ult in hypernatremia or hyperchloremia

5% 2e$tro!e in 3ater Shorthand Notation: 253 *0% 2e$tro!e in 3ater Shorthand Notation: 2*03 5% 2e$tro!e in *44 Stren&th ,or 0.65%. Saline Shorthand Notation: 257NS

Hypertonic pH 4./

*0 &ram! de$tro!e ,/40 calorie!4liter.

may "e in#u!ed peripherally hypertonic hydration pro0ide! !ome calorie!

%ater into$ication and dilution o# "ody5! electrolyte! %ith lon&' continuou! in#u!ion!

Hypertonic pH 4.4

5 &ram! 2e$tro!e /4 mEq Sodium /4 mEq Chloride

#luid replacement replacement o# !odium' chloride and !ome calorie!

0ein irritation "ecau!e o# acidic pH' cau!e! a&&lomeration ,clu!terin&. i# u!ed %ith "lood tran!#u!ion! hyper&lycemia %ith rapid in#u!ion leadin& to o!motic

5% 2e$tro!e in 0.45 Sodium Chloride Shorthand Notation: 25NS 5% 2e$tro!e in Normal Saline Shorthand Notation: 25NS 8in&er9! )n:ection' ;.S.<.

Hypertonic pH 4.4

5 &ram! 2e$tro!e 77 mEq Sodium 77 mEq Chloride

hypertonic #luid replacement replace !odium' chloride' and !ome calorie!

Hypertonic pH 4.4

5 &ram! 2e$tro!e *54 mEq Sodium *54 mEq Chloride

hypertonic #luid replacement replace !odium' chloride and !ome calorie!


)!otonic pH 5.1

*47 mEq Sodium 4 mEq <ota!!ium 4 mEq Calcium *55 mEq Chloride

electrolyte replacement hydration o#ten u!ed to replace e$tracellular #luid lo!!e!

rapid admini!tration lead! to e$ce!!i0e introduction o# electrolyte! and lead! to #luid o0erload and con&e!ti0e condition! pro0ide! no calorie! and i! not an adequate maintenance !olution i# a"normal #luid lo!!e! are pre!ent

=actated 8in&er9! Shorthand Notation: =8

)!otonic pH 6.6

5% 2e$tro!e in =actated 8in&er9! )n:ection Shorthand Notation: 25=8

Hypertonic pH 4.(

*/0 mEq Sodium 4 mEq <ota!!ium / mEq Calcium *0( mEq Chloride 61 mEq Sodium =actate ,pro0ide! ( calorie!4liter. 5 &ram! 2e$tro!e ,*70 calorie!4liter. */0 mEq Sodium 4 mEq <ota!!ium / mEq Calcium *0( mEq Chloride 61 mEq Sodium =actate ,pro0ide! ( calorie!4liter.

i!otonic hydration replace electrolyte! and e$tra> cellular #luid lo!!e! mild to moderate acido!i! ,the lactate i! meta"oli-ed into "icar"onate %hich counteract! the acido!i!. hypertonic hydration pro0ide! !ome calorie! replace electrolyte! and e$tra> cellular #luid lo!!e! mild to moderate acido!i! ,the lactate i! meta"oli-ed into "icar"onate %hich counteract! the acido!i!.' the de$tro!e minimi-e! &lyco&en depletion

not enou&h electrolyte! #or maintenance patient! %ith hepatic di!ea!e ha0e trou"le meta"oli-in& the lactate do not u!e i# lactic acido!i! i! pre!ent

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